Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2584 Cheese Trap (Twenty)

"Good morning, Felius," Pomona said to Head Ravenclaw, who was reading a newspaper at the table.

"You can't believe what happened last night." Feliway put the "Daily Prophet" in front of her. "Someone is showing off again."

Pomona glanced at the headline:

Mr. Lucius Malfoy donated 1 million Galleons to St. Mungo's Hospital, set up a charity relief fund and a drug research department, and became a philanthropist after a great educator.

The accompanying picture is a social occasion, and Lucius is shaking hands with the director of St. Mungo's Hospital.

"I have something to ask you, are you free this time?" Pomona turned his gaze to Felix.

"What's your business?"


Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly felt a powerful pressure behind her. When she turned her head, she found that it was the old bat with an ugly face early in the morning. He actually appeared in the photo just now for less than a second, but disappeared after a burst of bright light.

"I want you to train those interns, you are a dueling champion," Pomona said.

"I think you should reduce the difficulty of the maze. I don't want to have casualties just after the restart." Fei Liwei said.

"I think it's very simple, just a few magical animals." Pomona said.

Feliwei stared at her silently.

"If the maze doesn't move, even if you cast the space expansion spell, how difficult can it be?" She complained, "It's not three-dimensional."

"You want three 17-year-old trolls to go through that kind of maze?" Snape said aside.

"Didn't I simplify?" She glared at him.

"Okay, can you tell me how it works?" Felicity asked.

"I can't say, that's classified," Pomona said.

"Then I don't think I can help you." Fei Liwei jumped off the chair.

"Where are you going?" Pomona asked.

"Go back to the office." Fei Liwei waved at her.

"Wait!" Pomona chased after him. "What are you doing back in the office? You don't have to go to class now."

"If you still remember, there is a tradition in the Triwizard Tournament. I will be in charge of the dance music for the Yule Ball." Felix looked up at her, "Please step aside."

She smiled flatteringly, "Maybe you can listen to what music the kids are listening to now after training."

Felix stared at her.

Even if the interns were not listening to heavy metal, they were rock music with a strong sense of rhythm. It was not the kind of soothing classical music written by Fei Liwei at all. Even the music played by Lupine was at the level of "old people".

"Okay, let me tell you." Pomona had no choice but to climb the tower together. She didn't want to climb the stairs, so she purposely came to the auditorium to meet during the meal time. "Have you ever heard of plant alchemy (spagyic)?"

"I've heard of it." Fei Liwei said, "Similar to Floo powder, there is an ingredient extracted from the flowers of magic plants."

"Yes, this kind of alchemy is lesser known because it focuses on plants rather than metals, and that's what Malfoy's new department at St. Mungo's is funding," said Pomona. "But I do it a little differently." , There are ordinary trees and trees that can be used to make wands in this world, and generally wandmakers will judge by whether there are Bowtruckles on the trees, but no one has studied the soil."

"Earth magic?" Fei Liwei asked.

"Hmm." Pomona nodded, "I mixed plant extracts into the soil, so that I could create conditions for growing magic plants."

"I see." Felix nodded, "Then those hedges will be able to move."

"So...you agreed to help me train them?" Pomona asked with a smirk.

"If I'm free." Felix said reluctantly.

"Thank you very much!"

"Wait!" Just as Pomona turned and walked down, Feliwei stopped her, "What are you wearing tonight?"


"The last time we were in Hogsmeade, I sent you a letter," said Feliway.

"Oh." She remembered.

"The party is tonight, what are you going to wear?" Fei Liwei asked anxiously.

"What does it matter to you what I wear?" Pomona asked.

"I want to match your clothes." Fei Liwei said angrily.

Pomona hadn't thought about it at all, she hadn't thought about "fitting" at all when she and Severus were out together.

"Come on, when it comes to earth magic, I just have a question to ask you." Fei Liwei said, "Do you remember the lake we visited a few days ago?"

"You mean the lake where Harry Potter released the Patronus?"

"That's why I asked you to come up to discuss. I took a look at the stones by the lake. They are not brownstones. They are not the same material as Stonehenge..."

==================================================== =========

Pomona told Fei Liwei that the plant alchemy is true, but it is not true to use plant alchemy to activate the maze.

She had gone to the headmaster's office the night before, where she drank quite a bit of Firewhiskey, and if it hadn't been for the potion, she wouldn't have been so 'invigorated'.

Georgiana picked up a handful of water and poured it on her face. She closed her eyes to perceive.

This trick was used in the labyrinth of the Alps. At that time, she planned to use the Earth Tearing Curse to guide the underground magma up, but because it was interrupted, it failed.

Black vine water has another name of "the navel of the forest", but although it is called water, it is brewed with wine, and the burning sensation produced after drinking the flame whiskey can just "activate" it.

There was a plant seed in front of her, and Albus told her to "awaken" it to germinate it instead of using the Farmer's Growing Curse.

She trained all night, drank a lot of black vine water, and also drank a lot of fire whiskey, but she didn't make any progress, the seeds were still seeds, and she was not "awakened" by her, but her perception was indeed much sharper.

This can be regarded as an advantage of animals. Without a keen sense, it is impossible to survive in the forest.

In this case, she went to Fei Liwei's office. The potion can actually be used in conjunction with the interrogation. Hearing the rhythmic sound of the metronome, she seemed to have entered a certain state and required brain closure technique can resist.

I perceive a beat, a melody, I perceive step by step, one sound, assuming there is no gap, so I continue to listen, I continue to perceive, so this is a continuous, time-based perception.

That night Harry Potter released the Patronus, just wave after wave, like ripples on the water, rippling round after round. It actually has a rhythm, which is the effect produced when "people" are used as the power source of the enchantment.

If it is a stone, it is another rhythm. For example, the five giant stones at Hogwarts were originally used as sundials. Because there are too many little wizards who use magic in the school, the clock tower has been affected to some extent. In order to tell the time Accurate, only this sundial is used for adjusting time. The five brownstones have a rhythm and are very stable. It is said that the founders of the school chose this place because of it.

The material of the Pensieve is not sand and stone, but it has the same runes as Stonehenge. From the material point of view, it is more like the stones used to build Hogwarts Castle. They are most likely mined nearby.

This also explains the origin of the cave, and how Hagrid hatched the dragon eggs.

Georgiana felt as if she was in Paris. There is also a rose line used to calibrate the time, as well as underground tunnels used as cemeteries. They also used to serve as quarries to provide materials for the construction of Paris's above-ground buildings.

Then she seemed to see a white-haired old man, who was looking at the blueprint in front of him in confusion.

"I think you should have understood." Albus Dumbledore looked at her with a smile through his half-moon glasses.

"Sleep after drinking the potion made from the Philosopher's Stone?" she asked.

"You don't think it's necessary?" Albus asked.

She couldn't answer this question, and she had never taken the elixir of youth.

Theoretically, after taking the elixir of youth, Nicolome doesn't need to waste sleep and food to study as before. He has the same long life as a magical creature, so he doesn't have to be so "anxious".

She used the extinguishing spell to extinguish the flames of the smoke, although using this spell to extinguish ordinary fire was a bit overkill.

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