Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2583 Cheese Trap (19)

Manticore is a very dangerous magical animal. Its skin is immune to almost all types of magic. Even if hundreds of wizards are dispatched together, it is difficult to suppress it.

The same is true of the hard shell of the snails, but fortunately they are still relatively small. After a hard battle, the two snails that entered the maze were finally floated in the air by the ebubio jinx, but the repaired maze Most of it was also destroyed, and the wounded were all gathered in the big tent. Madam Pomfleur brought a boosting potion and a plaster for treating burns.

"There's not much stimulant potion left, go and boil a pot." Madam Pomfrey said in plain clothes, she was at home before she was called.

Pomona handed the matter over to a couple of other girls who weren't much involved, and Hagrid was generous enough to provide plenty of Flobber Worms.

"I didn't expect to see it after graduation." Colin Water said looking at the limp worms in the basket.

Even knowing that Flobberworm slime is an important raw material for the stimulant potion, the girls didn't want to touch it without gloves, so the "honorable task" of squeezing its slime fell to Cedric.

The viscous liquid reminded Pomona of the ectoplasm left behind by ghosts, snot-like and green.

In fact, using the magic spell skurge can also clean up the ectoplasm, but like the carnivorous slug insecticide, the potion is more convenient to use. When Mrs. Skor's universal cleaning agent was first invented, it was only a skurge single-spell cleaning agent. After years of exploration and improvement, it has changed from a single spiritual cleaning agent to a universal cleaning agent. It not only cleans mold and dirt, but Hogwarts is a frequent visitor to their house, because there are many ghosts in the castle, and they used to deal with the ectoplasm themselves, and they don't have to do it with the cleaning agent, even if they usually I have nothing to do.


Horns sounded outside, and Pomona stepped out of the tent to see the delivery van.

"Did you go to the North Pole?" Pomona yelled at the truck driver.

"Where are you going to unload the cargo!" the driver also yelled at her.

Eventually Pomona called the house-elves, and they put the cleaning solution and brooms from the minivan into the broom closet. They used their levitation spells so well that they unloaded the goods much faster than the human clerks.

After finishing all this, the sun has already begun to set. She is going to set off for northern Scotland immediately, and then come back from Scamander's house. If the time is tight, she should be back by midnight.

"Cedric!" Pomona called to her driver from outside the tent.

Not long after, Cedric came out, and he got into the car at the other end in silence.

"What's the matter?" Pomona asked looking at his preoccupied side face.

"Dean, can they have a day off tomorrow?" Cedric asked, "I see everyone is very tired."

In fact, Pomona thought so too, and it was impossible for the wounded in that tent to take their wounds and go to the Forbidden Forest to eliminate the spiders.

"Let's get Neville back first," she said.

"I think it may not be necessary." Cedric said, looking ahead, a black Rolls Royce was slowly landing.

When it came to a stop not far from the tent area, Neville came down from it, followed by Scamander and Tina, both of whom were dressed in splendid attire.

"Professor." Neville ran up to her with a teapot in hand. "Look."

Then Neville lifted the lid of the teapot, and inside was a curled up, colorful bird snake.

"Where are you going?" Pomona asked the Scamanders.

"The Ministry is having a party," Tina replied.

"Can we go with you?" Pomona asked immediately.

It was embarrassing for her to ask, but Tina said, "Okay, let's come together."

Pomona looked at Cedric "Do you have a suit?"

"Of course there is," Cedric replied.

"Go and put it on, be smart when you get to the field," Pomona said.

Cedric immediately used the conversion spell to change out of the sportswear on his body. After putting on the formal clothes, he looked completely different from before, as if he had changed.

"Aren't you going?" Cedric asked.

Pomona looked at Newt, who was wearing a formal suit but had "I'm not feeling well" written all over his body. She felt that even if it was delayed for a minute, Scamander would be unable to speak.

"Where are you going?" Colin Water asked enthusiastically.

"Are you short of a lady?" Pomona asked.

"No." Cedric looked at Colin Water for a while and then at Pomona. "I'm leaving, Dean."

"Ask Tina for me if she likes this Thunderbird."

"Okay, Dean."

"Go ahead," said Pomona.

Then Cedric waved to Pomona and ran to the Scamanders.

==================================================== =======

Georgiana lay down in the bathtub filled with rose petals, the hot water wrapped her around her, and there was a slight thrust that made her half-float in the water.

She closed her eyes slightly, and the sound of the metronome echoed in her ears. It was actually similar to a clock, except that the metronome could be adjusted, while the rhythm of the clock was fixed.

At first she thought she was in Felicity's office, but later she found out that it was South Simpton's apartment. There was a Muggle couple downstairs. The wife liked to play the piano when she was at home with their children. She occasionally used a metronome to control The rhythm of the playing.

She sat up a little before her mind went completely dizzy, when she looked down and saw her reflection in the water.

She didn't fall in love with her own reflection like the teenager in Greek mythology, but remembered another thing - the vanishing cabinet, which was the same as the Flobber bug, with both ends the same.

Could it be because of the "wormhole" that Bojinbok's disappearing cabinet is connected to the cabinet in the Room of Requirement?

The most important thing is that it was repaired by Draco Malfoy in the sixth grade, and she didn't think she was inferior to a child.

She turned her eyes to the next door, summoned the cigarettes on the table with a summoning spell, and smoked one from the gold-plated cigarette case.

Flobberworms were one of the few summonable creatures, and Pomona used to make fried food out of them, but neither teachers nor students liked the dish very much. Only Snape needs its slime when making potions, otherwise people really don't know why they "take care" of this "magic animal".

The few rising smoke made her seem to see the dragonfly eyes of Sybill Trelawney, and the soot formed with the burning reminded her of Phoenix Fox, and the photo album with the phoenix relief, that Once belonged to Nicolas, though most of the people in the album are gone.

It is like a two-way mirror, talking to the photo, and the people in the photo can also speak, but we all know that photos cannot speak, only portraits can, and this so-called "photo" does not change with the clothes of the photographer , Whatever you wear on the day of the photo shoot, you will wear the same thing in the future, even the background behind will not change.

She was very interested in that photo album. There were many photos of graduate students in Pomona's flannel bag, and she thought she could make a similar photo album.

Everyone has different reasons for coming to school. After experiencing the interesting summer vacation of the third school year, Harry, like normal children, is not so interested in going to school. He longs to go to school, essentially running away from the Dursleys.

In fact, most people would never go back to school after graduation. School was just a part of most people's life, and Pomona didn't expect Snape to go back to school in that way.

When the Chamber of Secrets incident occurred, she would think that the use of double-sided mirrors was inspired by Hermione and Penelope, who each held a mirror in the foyer and looked behind each other, so as not to have direct eye contact with the basilisk.

This is very useful for prefects and teachers who still need to patrol at night, but it seems that Passy didn't bring a mirror.

She didn't expect Ravenclaw's female prefect to be his boyfriend and girlfriend, even though they broke up after graduation. Then, in order to prove himself, Percy flattered Barty Crouch more and more, and even broke away from the family, because his father Arthur could not help his "career" because his identity as a pure-blood traitor brought a certain degree of injustice. obstacle.

If a person can even abandon his own family and become a "friend" with him, how do you know that he will not betray his "friend" for his own benefit?

Although Slytherin puts interests first, he has a strong sense of family. There are marriages within these families, forming a very complicated network of relationships, which is difficult for outsiders to easily enter.

In short, Percy's approach was completely wrong. On the contrary, Severus, everyone tried their best to get rid of the accusation. It would be best not to go to court and be questioned. Even if Snape became a "traitor", no one cared.

But all this changed completely with the resurrection of Voldemort, and his "traitor" status suddenly became dazzling, especially for people like Bellatrix, which was unforgivable.

"My sister, she made it hard for everyone," Narcissa Malfoy had said to Pomona once.

But even so, Bella was the only one Naxisha could rely on, and the two went to Spider's End together to make Severus make an unbreakable oath.

He wanted to protect Draco for the rest of his life, who would have thought that? It turned out that the snot-nosed man that no one cared about was actually liked by so many women.

In the future, he may meet a woman who doesn't care about the scandal between him and Lily, and Lily's son said the scandal in front of so many people. Fortunately, Harry and James printed it out of the same mold.

She was tired, she could give herself an easier life, just like Lily chose James. Even if she didn't remarry, it would be fine to die single, except that after her death, someone would need help with her body, and even Albus was buried in Pomona.

Maybe this is the fate between her and Neville, and she will ask him to do a "little favor" in the future.

Neville didn't know the Conversion Charm in Year 4, and Minerva lost patience with it. At the same time, since Cedric became one of the contestants representing Hogwarts, Albus suggested that Minerva should replace Pomona as his "coach".

Turning a stone into a nimble puppy is not like turning a teapot into a turtle. Minerva is better at teaching Transfiguration, so Pomona agreed to this "exchange".

And when Neville tried the conversion spell, he exchanged his ears to the cactus. In order to let him grow new ears, he was sent to the school hospital.

Although the conversion spell is "synchronous" conversion like the protean charm, but the conversion spell has a characteristic, that is, the "position" of the converted item has changed.

For example, the clothes on the body and the dresses hanging at home are just like the magic fairy dressing up Cinderella. Although the dress looks different, after the magic disappears at 12 o'clock, the dress that can make Cinderella the focus of the ball will be the same. It will change back to the dusty maid outfit.

It just looks the same, not really a transformation, which is why the transformation spell is classified as Transfiguration instead of space magic.

However, there is a "little trouble" at present. If she really "switches", Snape may find trouble with Neville. His moral bottom line is forced to break through by Albus. She doesn't know what he will do. What's up.

Maybe this is the "fate" between him and Neville. Does Slytherin need a reason for being hostile to Gryffindor?

You are right, Felicity, but unfortunately she is not Ravenclaw, not so wise enough to listen to wise men, love is poison no matter how sweet it is, and Flobberworm mucus is disgusting, but it is a cure, if in that magical place At night, it would be nice if she didn't open the door.

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