Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 257 Time Poison

"Don't open your eyes."

Pomona took Dumbledore's hand and walked towards the Black Lake. The school was not so busy during the summer vacation, and the castle returned to tranquility.

"What are we doing here by the lake?" Dumbledore said with a smile with his eyes closed, his hands were extremely warm, even a little hot, just like the fire magic he was good at.

"I'll introduce a friend to you." Pomona waved at the mermaid Lucia.

"Okay, open your eyes," Pomona said, and the White Wizard slowly opened his blue eyes, and he looked at the merman in the water in surprise.

"She's my new friend," she said proudly to the White Wizard. "Does Newt Scamander have a mermaid friend?"

"How do you know each other?" White Wizard asked.

"Food, gourmet magic doesn't have to be completely in line with human tastes."

"Can she speak human language?" the white wizard said with a smile.

"I thought you wanted to learn the mermaid's language more." She said nervously, "She only knows a few words of human language."

"Thank you, Pomona, this is my favorite gift." Dumbledore smiled, looking at her with blue eyes through half-moon glasses. "Do you speak the language of mermaids?"

Pomona shook her head.

"I can teach you, as long as you are not so playful." He took her hand, let her hold his arm, and walked towards the mermaid like supporting a noble lady.

"Oh," she said ruefully, "I thought you wouldn't."

"The process of seeking knowledge is very happy, but I am even more glad that you want to share the joy with me." He looked at the vast black lake and sighed. "I feel much better."

"Can you introduce Newt Scamander to me? I know you know each other." Pomona begged, tugging at the old wizard's sleeve. "I heard he has a horse-shaped water monster."

The old wizard thought about it, and nodded like a fool.

"When?" she exclaimed happily.

"Do you want to work for the Ministry of Magic after you graduate? He's now the Director of the Department of Protection and Management of Magical Creatures. I think he can arrange a position for you."

"No." She hugged Dumbledore's arm tightly. "I want to be with you, and I like Hogwarts very much."

The kitchen of the villa was filled with the smell of coffee, which was different from the smell of soot on Dumbledore's body.

Dumbledore's patron saint is the phoenix, a magical creature that can fly freely in the sky. When the dementors attacked the Quidditch pitch, he used the phoenix patron saint to drive away.

Dementors should be transformed from Muggle sailors who were tortured by dark wizards. Dumbledore is actually very similar to them, except that he tortured himself and relied on the good memories kept in his mind to regulate his emotions.

The Guardian of God is used when dealing with dark creatures, and the story in the newspapers is that Severus Snape used the silver deer to prove his love for Lily, but Pomona thinks he may use it because he feels threatened to defend.

Dumbledore hoped that Harry Potter, the last horcrux, would die by himself. This part of Harry still remembered to keep it a secret. Even in the Order of the Phoenix, only a few people knew the existence of the horcrux.

Dumbledore is so sure about Harry, because Harry can speak Parseltongue, and of course Dumbledore can, too, not that he learned it himself later, he can understand Parseltongue, and he can even talk to Giants communicate and know how to find giants hidden deep in the mountains.

He is the smartest student since the Hogwarts school was founded. Not only has he won every award in the school, he has corresponded with many celebrities in the magical world at a young age. Barnabas Finkley's Special Contribution Award, Representative of Young Magicians in Wizengamot, Cairo International Alchemy Association Pioneering Contribution Award and countless other honors. He is a god-like being who knows almost everything in the wizarding world. It is difficult to question him, but Pomona just thinks that Harry will not be Voldemort's Horcrux.

Harry stinks, but that's after he's finished playing Quidditch, and it's not the same smell as Quirrell's smell of toilets and stinky socks that hasn't been cleaned in years. Nagini's snake, she didn't know if it was the blood orc Nagini or a snake Tom found halfway, it was a cold-blooded animal, in short, she didn't believe that Harry was a Horcrux.

When the Dark Lord was resurrected in the Riddle family graveyard, he said that the scar on his head hurt, and then the Death Eaters appeared, which is the same as the Dark Mark, whenever Voldemort is strong or around The mark on the arm of the Death Eater will be as painful as burning. Only Voldemort himself can brand the Death Eater. There is a certain connection between Voldemort and the Death Eater, so when Voldemort presses the mark on the arm of a Death Eater The Dark Mark can summon other Death Eaters. When a Death Eater touches the Dark Mark on his left arm, Voldemort can also feel the summoning and apparition. Maybe Lily's protection spell is to block this connection , they couldn't find Harry, so they couldn't kill him. A house cast with the Fidelity Charm is not guaranteed to shield this connection. By the way, he also lived in the Leaky Cauldron for half a summer vacation. The Leaky Cauldron has become a safe haven and sanctuary for members of the magical society after the implementation of the International Federation of Wizards' Secrecy Law. Many powerful hidden spells are used there, as shown on the map It is also a blank area, but you can't find it with the naked eye when you go to the place.

"What were you thinking?" Severus picked up the screeching coffee pot and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Harry stayed in the Leaky Cauldron for half the summer, maybe Lily's protection spell has something to do with the Leaky Cauldron's concealment spell." She shared the finished French toast "The mark on his forehead is the same as the Dark Mark , it hurts when the Dark Lord appears or gets close."

"Old Barty Crouch wasn't killed by the Dark Lord, he also complained of pain." He also picked up a piece of toast and ate it. "Why do you like butter so much?"

"Maybe it's because I like greasy food," she said with a Hufflepuff-like smirk.

"You want me to switch back to my old style?" he asked with a Slytherin smirk.

"That's right." She stared at his now smooth and fluffy hair, his greasy hair could keep many women away.

A middle-aged old bat with a greasy hook nose and a bad temper, and the handsome platinum Malfoy, most women who judge people by their appearance will choose the peacock.

"Why?" She felt that the old bat's mood was as bright as the sun at this moment.

"You're playing a dangerous game, and I want you to focus." She put the bottle of unknown potion in front of him "Remember Halloween? You told me to put it away if it got really bad In the kids' drinks, you couldn't tell yourself at the time how many people wanted to draw a line from the past, could you?"

Whether it is Grindelwald or the Dark Lord, they are very charming people, although they all lost in the end.

"Why can't you just say that you don't want other women to approach me?" His eyes were fixed on her.

"Do you want me to be like those women who pursue Sirius and Lucius, and fight other women for a man?" She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and carefully observed his expression.

Severus thought about it for a long time, and said tentatively, "Yes?"

"Oh, hell, you're really the same kind of person as Lockhart!" She swung her fist and beat the damn wizard hard. "Is it so fun to provoke girls to fight for you?"

Sirius wasn't like that, he was just bored.

"Enough!" He dodged for a while, and finally stopped her sharply, "Why can't you admit that you care about me?"

"How did Dumbledore ask you at that time, how did you summon the Patronus to tell me once, Mr. Lover, if you don't explain it clearly to me, you will sleep on the sofa for the rest of your life." She was like an angry goose Said the same aggressively.

"You weren't like this before."

"That's because I thought of myself as your mistress at the time, but now I obviously can't be like that. You want me to be the mother of your children, and I don't want to be a woman like Mrs. Zabini. I can bring myself Big boy, without your participation, I'm not going to abuse myself like I used to." Her eyes filled with tears "I don't want to be a substitute forever, waiting for someone to pick me up, Dumbledore taught me how Be a fighter, you can't treat me like a parasitic plant that needs to rely on you to live."

He was speechless for a long time, as if he was organizing his language to express himself.

In that respect, he was the same as Ron Weasley, except that Severus Snape preferred to use cynicism to cover up his inarticulateness.

"He asked me if I was starting to care about the boy," he said in a husky voice. "I didn't want to say no."

"Then you summoned the Patronus?"

"That's the only legitimate reason."

Pomona stared at this pitiful and fragile-looking guy speechlessly, as if he was undergoing an interrogation, his whole body tensed up, as if she could hurt him.

"You don't want to admit you care about Harry and use his mother as a shield?"

"I don't care about that little troll," he growled through gritted teeth. "He's as lazy as his father."

She suddenly felt that Little Giant Monster had become a very cute title.

"It's impossible to change the patron saint, right? That's why you lied to me?" Seeing how great he said about water magic, she almost believed it.

"I don't want to be like him, living on memory." He looked her in the eyes and said, "I can't watch you with Sirius Black and bless you."

"Sirius is dead."

"He wants me to live like that," he said slowly. "He lent me the Pensieve."

She was speechless, and then he rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"We don't have time to waste on unrelated people. Bella likes to play with her prey for a while before killing it. The curse in Dumbledore gets worse the longer it drags on. I don't know what the curse is on you. And last time Narcissa said that the bracelet that protects you is about to fail, it's getting stronger, I don't know what to do."

Pomona was more concerned about another issue than being about to be cursed to death.

"You're scared, right? Severus, that's why you're so out of control?"

"That scar, he said, started to hurt again." He said in a teary voice. "How many times will the Dark Lord come back?"

She was terrified herself, but she thought this guy was more terrified, so she hugged him and patted his back lightly, like putting a child to sleep.

During the last Triwizard Tournament, he often stared at the Dark Mark on his arm in a daze. Karkaroff also looked out of his wits, that coward seemed ready to run away at any time, after all he confessed so many Death Eaters list.

"Is your Dark Mark starting to hurt?"

"I don't know, I want to cut off that arm..."

"Shh, look at me." Pomona told him to look into her eyes. "Sleep, you'll feel better."

She had used a Sleep Charm on him, like Fleur had done on the dragon, and Veela's psychic spells worked even on dragons, which didn't seem to work very well on Occlumency masters.

"If you die, I'll go with you." He said tiredly, "I'm really tired."

She sighed and held him in her arms.

Living is really tiring. Those who long for eternal life are really self-inflicted lunatics, or else they are cowards. Living with such people is a nightmare for others. When will it end.

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