Malfoy Family Instruction 16: Speak slowly, think quickly.

Pomona always felt that Severus's deliberately drawn-out tone had been heard somewhere, and it was only now that she realized that he had the same tone as old Malfoy.

Besides talent, another thing that fascinated her was his voice, which was deep, steady and alluring, very suitable for reciting spells.

Dumbledore refused to make mistakes, so he missed a lot of things in life, his lover, brother and sister, what he saw in the mirror of Erised was a thick woolen sock, some people thought it was Christmas The ones used to hold presents represented family, but Pomona felt that they represented freedom and liberation just like the wool socks Dobby received from Harry Potter.

He hid that secret very hard, keeping it in the deepest part of the cabinet. He's really good at keeping secrets, that's why Severus Snape let him hide Lily Potter, the young Death Eater was a coward at the time, begging for mercy from the greatest White Wizard in history because he wanted to To live, and not to live in the way of Spider's End, he wanted to be like Lucius Malfoy, with a decent house, a beautiful wife, everyone could eat decently, and not yell at every turn.

He is a family man, so he can understand what the patriarch of the family wants. He already has Blake, and now with Carlo, if he doesn't want to follow in their footsteps and end up ruined, he must cooperate with him. He is a hero, everyone knows that, he became a double agent for Harry Potter's mother Lily, it seems that as long as he has those sweet memories with Lily, he can comfort himself like an old fool.

Pomona clung to the bedposts of the four-poster bed to keep herself from falling in the force of the impact, and she could feel something cold brush against her skin behind her.

It was a white swan necklace, bought together with her black swan necklace from a Muggle crystal shop. In Muggle ballet, the white swan symbolizes purity and the black swan symbolizes evil, but in Greek mythology, the god Zeus Attracted by Princess Leda's beauty, she turned into a swan to be close to her, and then left two golden eggs. Therefore, in the artist's eyes, the pure white swan represents elegance, sexiness, and lust.

There is also a problem in the Muggle world, that is, there are fewer and fewer newborns, and more and more women are appearing to spend the rest of their lives with cats. Arabella Figg has several cats.

As a Squib, she had the courage to risk being killed by Death Eaters to testify at a Ministry of Magic hearing, but she didn't have the courage to walk into marriage with another person. A woman's heart is as fragile as a crystal, and can be easily hurt. If she meets a man with a hairy heart, then she will be very unlucky in her life.

Riddle's mother is a stupid woman. She used love potion to make old Tom Riddle "love" herself, but she stopped using it after she became pregnant.

How stupid she was, thinking that old Tom Riddle would be responsible for her after the two had a common child, but in the end, she was kicked out.

If she had survived, Pomona guessed, she might have loved Tom well, the boy who looked so much like his father, but she died giving birth to him, and he was an orphan who grew up. When he grew up, he became Voldemort, a poor tool used by the white wizard to deal with Grindelwald. In order to make himself rise, he recruited all the people he could recruit. He became a new idol, replacing the original idol Grindelwald , the Dark Lord who nearly exposed the entire wizarding world lived a lonely life in the tower, just like the White Wizard himself, playing a kind and kind old man on the eighth floor of the Hogwarts tower who would give sugar to everyone.

Whose fault is it that the race is going extinct? Men blame it for giving women too much freedom to cause such an ending. It is as if they are not at fault for being selfish, greedy, dishonest, and unreliable. If domestic violence is added, it will be more "perfect".

In this world, there are also women who can appreciate a man, who don’t care about a man’s appearance, money, and family affairs, but focus on his character and talent. Even if he is a loser at the beginning, he can still find advantages in him, as long as he does not give up and become stronger heart of.

A man who can only blame others will definitely be abandoned, just like the Muggle church in the past, when the Black Death spread, God did not favor those clergymen, people woke up, there was the Renaissance, there was After the Enlightenment Movement and the Industrial Revolution, the changes that took place in just a few hundred years were much faster than the changes in the material civilization of the thousand-year Dark Ages under the rule of the Church, but the minds of most Muggles did not change much.

Only a small number of people, because of various chances and coincidences, they can come into contact with another world - the world of wizards. People living here and Muggles perceive the world in a completely different way, but such things as selfishness, greed, narrowness, and conservatism are common.

Both worlds are facing the problem of population decline, while werewolves are constantly growing. They not only have children themselves, but also steal other people's children and become werewolves. Losing the population advantage, human beings will become the prey of werewolves, and they will be hunted by werewolves just like fresh meat that can run and jump. At that time, people will be kept in cages like domestic animals, waiting to be slaughtered.

So before that moment comes, resistance is the only way out when you still have strength, and this is the choice a wise person should make.

For the good of mankind, what better good is there? Time gave Severus Snape a stage, and he shouldn't have called the curtain down after the Battle of Hogwarts.

He stood up from the pool of blood, and he was full of life, healthier than she, who had never died once.

"Why didn't you yell to stop this time?" He asked out of breath.

She was too busy trembling to pay attention to him.

The early morning sun shone in through the window, and Godrick's Valley was sunny, without the gloom of Scotland. She only stayed all afternoon yesterday and felt terrible.

"I hate school," she said hoarsely. "Little trolls everywhere."

"That's what I use to call those idiot students. Change yourself to a magical creature."

"You're really mean."

"It's not the first day you know me." He buried his head in her hair, took a deep breath and said, "I heard that French women smell like cheese, why don't you?"

"Who did you hear that from?!" she screamed.

"Who else?" he sneered.

"Those evil nobles! They have taught you badly!"

"You know, the melancholy mood yesterday was probably caused by the end of the holidays." He hugged her tightly. "We do live in a better world."

"Do you love him more or hate him more, Severus?"

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Not enough to hate him enough to kill him without hesitation."

She could imagine the poor fellow going off on his own, thinking wildly, trying to get ready.

"I'm afraid to knock on your door anymore, I think that's why he doesn't tell you anything."


"Lily is just his student, you are his daughter, he will never forgive me for letting you down, never will."

She felt two drops of scalding liquid fall on her back.

"He's very good at making excuses for himself. He didn't hide Lily well. I can't trust him, and I can't let him continue to use you against me." He said with hatred.

"The relationship between father and son has always been difficult, especially when you are so rebellious."

"He's not my father." He moved her face. "You're not my mother."

Pomona wanted to teach him that this was not the way to treat a benefactor, but she didn't say it.

No woman would fall in love with a child enough to sleep with him.

She really envied Lily and James. Although they died young, they were truly blessed by God, and they could leave cleanly without being polluted by this world.

She was sinking in joy with another person, and she suddenly missed that monastery-like school, at least when the white wizard was there, they were not so depraved, and they knew what temperance was.

Why can't human beings treat each other sincerely?

When she was lost in the sea of ​​desire, she saw a piece of white cloth, it looked like some kind of white gauze, floating in the deep blue sea, its material was like the empire high-waisted skirt she wore last night, it looked like Dreamlike, beautiful, like some kind of work of art.

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