Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2569 Cheese Trap (5)

Hogwarts Castle is a large complex with many towers and turrets and deep dungeons, children who love to explore have been to almost every corner of this castle, but there is one tower that no students have visited Pass.

As we all know, although the aurora has bright feathers, it repels all ink, and at the same time it can predict the weather. Some people once used it as a family weather forecaster. Stop howling.

This is quite annoying, there was a wizard named Ulric in the middle ages, he raised 50 aurora birds, and he slept in that room, and during a particularly humid winter, Ulrich felt like he was dead, and now he was a ghost , he got up and tried to walk through the wall of his home, resulting in a 10-day concussion.

He also wanted to prove that the sound of the aurora bird is not only harmless to people, but also beneficial to health. After listening to the sound for three months, he introduced his findings to the wizard council, and the council was unmoved. Instead of a wig, it was discovered that a dead badger was on top of his head.

So raising the divination bird has become an unlucky symbol. Even though people already know that it no longer heralds death, it is still remembered together with the hilarious Urik.

No one wants to go crazy, but most crazy people don't know that they are crazy, they are alone in their own world.

When Pomona walked up the stairs behind the locked door to the top of the tower, she had expected Albus to be alone, but she hadn't expected Minerva to be there.

She stood a little closer to the door, and Albus stood at the table in the middle of the tower, his back to them both, and in front of him was an ancient book bound in black dragon hide. , next to it stood a small silver inkwell with a faded quill stuck in it.

The summer sun shines through the windows of the tower, making the dust invisible, but the pen floats out of the inkwell as if held by one hand, and then begins to write on the yellowed pages. Writing, leaving a long string of silver characters, if you look carefully, you will find that it is a person's name.

This is the pen of acceptance and the book of admission, the bird of divination is the "prophet" among birds, and the faded quill is made of its feathers. Every year, Hogwarts sends admission notices to the students through owls. Now it is August, and it is time to send out the admission notices once a year.

No matter where the little wizard is hiding, this sensitive quill will know, and Minerva will use the above record to send the notice and the list of books and items needed for the new school year to them along with the letter.

She is one of the few people who can go to this tower except the headmaster, and more often it belongs to the headmaster's "private territory", and the male and female headmasters will spend a quiet time in this "tower of books and quills". time.

Forget it if you are a parent of a non-magical family, but if you are a parent of a magical family, you will be very angry when you find out that your child's name does not appear on the admission book, because not only does it mean that the child cannot enter the school, but it also means that there is a child in the family. Squibs of family shame. Some people have tried to forcibly record their children's names on the Access Book, but no one has ever succeeded. The records in the Access Book are perfect.

"You're looking for me, Headmaster," Pomona said softly, her voice echoing from the tower.

"It's not just you, come both of you," said Albus, turning his back on the two of them, and Pomona and Minerva walked over to the desk together.

It was as if a gust of wind had blown in, and the pages of the book were blown constantly, and finally stopped in 1980. On July 31 of that year, there were two wizards' names, one named Harry Potter and the other named Neville Barton.

"Since I heard about the prophecy, I have been on this tower, watching the process of their recording." Albus said, "Compared with books, the quill is more forgiving, as long as there is a little magic talent is enough However, the book would close, refusing to be written on it until it received sufficient evidence that the owner of the name had magical abilities. So at the moment of Neville Longbottom's birth, the quill attempted to record his name, but was rejected by the book, Frank Barton once told me that Neville was gifted enough that he would wrap himself up in a blanket shortly after birth, though no one noticed, including the midwives, until Neville 8 When he was 9 years old, he almost fell from a height..."

"It wasn't an accident," Pomona said. "His uncle threw him from a height and he nearly died."

"The Book of Access now allows the quill to put Neville Longbottom's name on it, even though we now see that his and Harry Potter's entries appear to be on the same day." Albus said "you both Remember to give Harry a gift, where's Neville's gift?"

Pomona looked at Minerva, Minerva looked at Pomona, neither of them spoke.

"Take it." Albus said suddenly, spreading out his big hand and showing a silver salamander in front of them.

This newt is so well done that it almost looks like it's alive, especially the eyes...

"Portkey?" Minerva asked.

"Maybe Newt will tell if it's a salamander or a frost lizard, I can't tell the difference without colour," said Albus. "Who will give it to him for me?"

Pomona and Minerva look at each other again.

"He's gone with the Portkey, and how's he going to get back?" asked Pomona.

"He could stay there for the summer," Minerva said.

"Neville said he wanted to stay at school and be with the others," Pomona said.

"Then I suggest that Newt can borrow his brother's tie." Albus handed the silver newt to Pomona. "I remember it was a beautiful tie."

She didn't understand what he said anymore.

"The salamander has a strong ability to regenerate, even if it loses its limbs and tail, it will grow back, perhaps because it has been in its infancy, not only has the vitality of recovery, but also needs the care of others." Albus said.

"You're just talking, aren't you?" Pomona demanded. "Have you ever babysited a real baby, Albus?"

"I want to tell you that Hogwarts is always open to every student, it's like their home, so go." Albus said with a smile, "Don't keep them waiting too long."

Pomona bowed to him with Minerva and walked out of the room.

"Shall I write the notice, or do you want to exchange with me?" Minerva asked when they reached the stairwell.

Pomona pictured herself holding the scroll, calling the children by name, putting them in the chair, and pressing the Sorting Hat on their little heads; Minerva, in her apron, was busy in the kitchen outside the scene.

"No." She said firmly, and went downstairs at a faster pace.

==================================================== ===============

Sirius Black can find all the magical, Hogwarts-related human names in that book, but things like ghosts, house-elves, and Squibs are not in the book, yet the hijackers most need What to guard against is the dormitory supervisor like Squib Filch.

Fortunately there were very few housemasters, and besides, Muggles didn't come to Hogwarts, they weren't on the admission book, and they didn't receive an acceptance letter. Petunia once wrote to Dumbledore, hoping that the magic school would accept her, but even the headmaster couldn't do anything about it.

Probably because of too many turns, Georgiana felt dizzy, but not the dizziness of the door key.

Although Newt found his brother's tie, he still sent Neville back with a magical animal because he fainted with the door key, but the bird and snake finally arrived at school anyway.

In addition, Neville developed a keen interest in herbalism with the magizoologist, and although his magic power is very slight, it is not a squib.

She thought again of that scene, whether it was a dream or a memory, when she threw up and called out to a crab claw orchid to watch out for the Time-Turner, she had a feeling Neville would hear it.

The first time she found out that Neville could talk to plants, she thought it was because he had no friends. After he established friendship with humans, he didn't change this habit. The plants he took care of were not much different from those taken care of by Pomona, so He stayed with her and Severus, just like Theodore Nott.

Although Severus asked the students to handle the potion materials for him through confinement, which made many people feel uncomfortable, but there are always those who really want to learn skills and will take the initiative to stay, or take the initiative like the Weasley twins." delivered to your door". The taciturn Nott is of course not as flattering as the magpie-like Weasley brothers, but out of his preference for Slytherin, Severus will still teach him some untold secrets.

After she came to this world, a Muggle told her that if no one praised him exaggeratedly, others would think he was inferior to a grassroots, which made them lack awe of him.

This is also a problem that has troubled her for a long time. Sirius and Harry are not too old or young. Not all fathers allow their sons to be called by their own names, but that is the atmosphere of the Order of the Phoenix.

And the tie of Theseus mentioned by Albus is actually a portkey. There is a golden phoenix on the red tie, which is really pretty, and Neville also looks pretty nice when he wears it.

Even if you faint with the key, it's useful for escaping because it can bring Neville back "home" no matter where he is.

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