Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2568 Cheese Trap (4)

"The Soundbird you wanted." Pomona placed the birdcage on Snape's desk.

It may have sensed something, and it was so frightened that it flew around in the cage. Unfortunately, the cage is very strong, and it cannot escape.

"Are you sorry for it?" Snape asked.

If it was a veritaserum or a memory potion, feathers would be enough, but what he wanted was a whole living bird, that is to say, what he wanted was the final cry of the soundless bird when it died.

"I shouldn't have told you the fairy tale about the mermaid," said Pomona sadly.

"I don't think a bedtime story is enough to affect me," he said dryly. "I'm doing an experiment, about time travel."

"What?" Pomona was stunned. "How can this involve time travel?"

"Have you ever heard Muggle music?" Severus asked.

Pomona nodded.

"My father used to have a portable tape recorder, and that machine could play two tapes, and the two tapes could be switched to each other, and they had their own control systems, and they could be played in reverse."

Pomona recalled that it was the 1970s, when you could see "disco" youths wearing flared trousers, shaggy hair, sunglasses, and a clunky tape recorder everywhere on the street. Turn the music up on purpose.

Then Severus took out a golden egg. He turned the three-fingered bird's foot on the top of the golden egg, and the golden egg opened, and a glass cavity could be seen inside. The medicine is poured in.

"On land, it will play tape a on a loop, and in water, it will play tape b on a loop. This bird spends most of its time in a cage, and what it hears are birdsong. , I think people prefer to listen to the mermaid's song over the bird's song, unless he also wants to prove that the bird's song can't make people insane." Severus squeezed the switch again and closed the golden egg.

"Oh, that's what you said about needing a time travel experiment." Pomona suddenly realized. "You need to locate the playing time on the 'tape'."

"It's not really time travel. A time-turner can send travelers both physically and mentally to the time and space they want to go. I just reversed the voice, and there are still many things I don't understand about making a time-turner. I It can only be a simplified version."

From Pomona's point of view, that's already a big deal.

"There was an inscription on the Time-Turner that Granger returned, do you know who left it?" Severus asked suddenly.

"Huh?" she asked confusedly.

"You saw Minerva handing it to her with your own eyes?"

"You suspect that Albus has tampered with that Time-Turner?"

"You're smart enough to know that he's the only one in this school who can do it." Severus smiled sarcastically.

Pomona suspects that Felicity will do, too, but...

"How do you know there's an inscription on the Time-Turner that Hermione returned?" Pomona asked.

"I asked the Reticent Man at the Ministry of Magic, and he told me." Severus said calmly, "Because of this inscription, this time-turner is different from others. If Miss Granger left it I hope she can correct this habit of graffiti."

"When did you go to the Department of Mysteries?" Pomona yelled again.

"I don't need to go, I have a social life." He said sullenly. "People talk when they are social."

Pomona said nothing.

"I read the book written by Saul Crocker. He said that just like the human mind can't understand time, so the time converter can't understand what damage will be caused if we tamper with its laws without authorization. What I'm doing now is to investigate you. What damage was done by this experiment."

Snape said it grandly, as if Pomona didn't know that he was actually curious as hell and wanted to try a time experiment himself.

"I've heard his theory that time travel cannot exceed five hours, otherwise it will cause serious harm to the time traveler." Pomona replied.

"It's an hour-reversal charm. People from the Ministry of Magic can make the spell go back up to 5 hours. This charm can be used to confuse the time-turners and keep them stable."

"Are you going to use it on this egg?" Pomona asked immediately.

"I don't think anyone would leave it open for ten minutes." Severus smiled maliciously, showing his yellow teeth.

Pomona wouldn't bet with him at all, but she was surprised that he had come up with the idea through Tobia.

Then she glanced at the soundless bird that was still thumping, and felt sorry for it, as well as the basilisk in the secret room.

From an egg that should hatch life, this egg is taking an innocent life, and that is part of alchemy.

In the process of alchemy, death represents the death of matter and then rebirth, just like the body of the sound bird dies, but its sound is "resurrected", and this sound is not made by the vocal cords.

The vocal cords belong to the flesh. No matter how beautiful the corpse is, it will eventually rot and stink. This is also a part of "decomposition". It will be decomposed by microorganisms and finally return to the cycle of nature.

"Let's bury it." Pomona looked at the Soundbird and said, "You don't want to use its feathers as Veritaserum."

No one spoke for a long time, Pomona looked up and met his eyes inadvertently.

Veritaserum is ineffective for people with mental disorders, because they can't distinguish what is illusion from what is real, and they will speak out the hallucinations as the truth, and they will believe it.

A sane person can resist the magic of Veritaserum without Occlumency if he is on his guard.

So Veritaserum is most useful on the unsuspecting, then the wounded or vulnerable, and the less magical.

He didn't guard against her just now, so she saw...

"Cough cough."

Pomona hurriedly looked back, and saw Penelope Clearwater, a graduate of Ravenclaw, standing at the door.

"What's the matter with you?" Pomona asked annoyed.

"The principal is looking for you," Penello said.

But she added "Only you, Professor Sprout" when she saw Snape standing up too.

"Is it just me?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know, I'm just here to deliver a message," said Corrivat.

"Where is he waiting for me?" Pomona asked.

"That tower." Krivat said with a mysterious face, then turned and left.

"Which tower?" Pomona said inexplicably.

"I think . . . I know where it is," said Snape slowly, looking into Pomona's eyes, which had become dull again.

==================================================== ========

Sirius and Buckbeak both survived, although Harry felt that he had traveled once with Hermione's entourage and nothing had changed.

Georgiana looked at Brick as if she was looking in the mirror with Sirius. If Sirius hadn't gone to the Department of Mysteries, and Ea didn't want to match her and Sirius' plan, they got married and had children, then Blake The family will continue, even if Sirius is removed from the family tapestry by her pure-blooded mother, and Regulus' whereabouts are unknown.

In the previous experiment, someone caused 25 people to be "unborn" because of time travel. If Brick is really Black's ancestor, and he didn't marry the woman who should have married according to the predetermined life, then the first Black would not be born. If there is, the entire Black family will be gone.

The Ministry of Magic's Time-Turner can only be used by one person. Assuming that, as Severus thought, Albus did the "hands and feet", and then Harry can travel with him. Although Hermione is smart, she can't breathe Guards, but Harry, who can call God for guards, cannot apply for a time-turner.

What kind of devastation did their travels cause? She didn't know if Severus had researched it, but she thought there was one right in front of her eyes.

She found it strange that everything she encountered had something to do with dogs.

It turned out that it was because of this?

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