Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 252 Moon Crazy Beast

If the Death Eaters broke into someone's home, they would definitely cause havoc, especially the homes of members of the Order of the Phoenix. In order to find out all those who were against them, all letters and photos would not be missed.

Shortly after the accident at Marlene McKinn's farm, Molly's older brothers, Gideon and Fabien Pree, were attacked by five Death Eaters and, despite valiant resistance, were eventually killed.

Followed by Benji Fenwick, Dorcas Meadows, Edgar Burns, one after another, and finally, 6 months after the photo was taken, Caradoc Dearborn disappeared and no one found him There is no way to determine whether he is dead or alive.

At that time everyone was busy dealing with Trelawney's prophecy. After Voldemort's death on October 31, 1981, the First Wizarding War ended, and the remaining rebels continued to hunt and fight against the Aurors. The hunt, and the Wizengamot trial. In order to protect Severus Snape, the Death Eater who defected from the Order of the Phoenix, Pomona was assigned as the British sub-delegate to XZ to deal with the Yeti.

If one knows fire magic, then the snowman is a magical creature of the same level as the Hippogriff. If not, it's very dangerous.

Among all magical creatures, the Himalayan Snowman's secrecy work is the worst. For this reason, the International Federation of Wizards has established a permanent base there to erase the memory of Muggles who have witnessed the Yeti.

The International Federation of Wizards exists to maintain the law of secrecy, but the generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald has put the entire wizarding world at risk of being exposed. He has become the primary enemy of the International Federation of Wizards, but that does not mean that The snowman must have something to do with Grindelwald. They just want to live in their own way. Muggles can't accept magic, so wizards have to hide themselves. This is the same feeling as Muggles who are very rich but can't show off. Wealth should of course be flaunted. Showing off wealth in this way will arouse resentment from the poor. When the hatred for the rich reaches a certain level, conflicts will erupt. Hitler took advantage of the general hatred of wealth among Germans to promote his dream of the Third Reich.

I have you, Petunia is very jealous of her half-sister.

Similarly, Pomona is also jealous of Lily, but she thinks that Lily will not be like a silly girl. She feels that inviting Pomona to her wedding will steal her limelight. , What's so great about being beautiful.

As a spy, one should look ordinary, easy to blend into the crowd, not conspicuous, Emmeline Vance died, living is more important than showing off.

"You let me wear this dress?" Pomona opened the gift box, which contained a white dress.

"Didn't you say you want to take pictures? Draco has a camera, let him take pictures for us." He stood at the door of the bedroom and said while drinking as if admiring his masterpiece.

"When did you buy it?"

"The day I invited you to the party, your father said you would choose what to wear, but I bought this one anyway."

"Dumbledore is not my father." Pomona gestured the white gauze dress on her body. It looked a bit like pajamas, and it didn't have a waist. The whole skirt was basically straight, with no piled lace. Some tiny embroideries, puff sleeves on the shoulders, and it's floor-length.

"You asked me to wear pajamas to such a formal party?"

"It's an imperial cut, a Napoleonic dress," he said sullenly.

"My God, it's the 21st century, and you still let me wear a dress from the 19th century?"

"Don't you like French style? Compared with your pastoral style with floral flowers everywhere, I hope you wear this noble style. I am not Dumbledore, and I will not hide treasures in the soil forever."

"Severus, I know you want to show your taste, but I won't wear this dress." Pomona threw it aside ruthlessly.

"Where is the dress you wore that day?"

"In the pocket." She lifted her velvet pocket, and with a flick of his wand, her wardrobe caught fire.


She immediately used a spring of clear water to put out the fire, but unfortunately it was not an ordinary raging fire.

"You performed black magic on my clothes?"

Hufflepuff's sweet Dean looked at the old Slytherin Bat in disbelief.

"Wear that dress, or you don't wear anything at all," Snape snapped at Pomona.

Do you believe there are such people in the world? His desire to control is so strong that people hate him, and his thoughts are still in the middle ages.

"That's why I'm going against you, Severus, I'm not your soldier, I must obey your orders!"

"At least try it on." He changed his attitude immediately, curling his lips and said, "I think you'd look very flowy in this kind of dress."

"I've had a long day, can you stop arguing over little things like this?" She looked at her wardrobe on fire, which looked very similar to Tom's burning wardrobe at the orphanage.

"I hope you don't suppress yourself like before. I rarely see Dumbledore get angry, but it's the first time I see him so angry with the Triwizard Tournament. I thought he would kill Barty Crouch Jr."

Barty Crouch Jr. was originally sentenced to Azkaban by his father, but his mother became like him and went to suffer in the tomb of the living in Azkaban instead of him, and finally died there. Barty Crouch Jr. himself has to wear an invisibility cloak at all times to be in public.

Old Barty Crouch knew about this, and he took his son to watch the Quidditch World Cup with him as Director of Communications and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic. At that time, the house-elf Winky was taking care of him.

After the Death Eaters started their "carnival", Winky apparated into the forest with Barty Crouch Jr., and then Barty Crouch Jr. fired the Dark Mark with the wand on his head.

In the confusion, Winky and Barty Crouch Jr. got separated, and Barty Crouch Jr. fired her on the grounds that Winky didn't like Barty Crouch Jr. She met Dobby when she was wandering, a free An elf, she was then taken in to the Hogwarts kitchens and drank heavily, becoming a house-elf with a drinking problem.

"How can I hide my wand and dagger in a dress like that?" Pomona said, looking him in the eyes. "I'm a witch, Severus, and you can't make me wear Muggle clothes like that."

"You don't have to worry about that with me."

"Arrogance is not a good habit."

"You can count on me, Pomona."

"When I need to rely on you, I will, but I will not give up the ability to protect myself just because someone can rely on me. Pregnancy makes me lose my strength. At that time, I needed you. Where did you go?"

"I yelled at you, just like my dad, and I swear I'm going to be different from him, but there are times when I can't control my emotions." He lowered his head, as if he couldn't look her in the eye, "I hate it Be like that."

"I'm not Eileen, you don't want me to lose my wand." She looked into her wardrobe. "I have a pair of white gloves to go with it, can you put out the fire first?"

"You can try Mantrastop."

"Oh, why didn't I think of that." She slapped her forehead, and after ending the curse of black magic, it became an ordinary flame. There are many ways to extinguish it.

"Everyone has unexpected times, and I never thought that the reason why you are unconscious is the curse." He said through gritted teeth, "Bella, that bitch, she is really good at torturing people."

"I didn't think it was a good idea to take pictures at the time. Lily said it was for commemoration. She likes to take pictures." Pomona sighed. This is what Lily thought in Muggle thinking. Taking pictures is not a big deal, Gryffindor There is also a child who takes a camera and takes pictures everywhere in the castle every day.

"She belongs to the sun, we belong to the moon, she will never be able to talk about black magic with me calmly, in her eyes all black magic is evil." Severus said indifferently, "She denied my favorite stuff, and she probably hasn't heard of the Scavengers."

"They won't show up in Europe." Pomona put her arms around her shoulders, as if giving herself a hug.

Not only Muggles are still trafficking in women and children, but even wizards are the same. In the New World America, there was once a group of people who believed in the existence of magic, but believed that wizards should be eliminated immediately once they were discovered.

These people were also wizards, but they sold witches or innocent female Muggles to the Puritans who hunted witches.

The Magic Congress of America was established because of the Salem incident. Its purpose is to judge those scavengers who betrayed their kind. Some of the notorious scavengers escaped the pursuit and disappeared among the Muggle crowd forever.

Some of them formed families with Muggles, and their children would be discarded if they had magical talents, leaving only non-magic offspring to hide their identity as scavengers.

"Do you think that Momo, who attacked Diagon Alley this time, is a descendant of the Scavenger?"

"I don't know, Pomona, if I hadn't seen Tom Riddle's wand, I would have thought the Scavengers broke in." He shook his head wearily. "Why are there so many lunatics in the world?"

"Don't think about it, look at me, you just want to see me put it on if you stand here, right?"

"There are rumors that it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony, let alone see her changing clothes."

"Opheyukis, do you really care if it's lucky or not?" she said with a big laugh.

Severus laughed too.

"How about we dance a little after dinner?"

"And call Malfoy and Astonia."

"They still think you are my secret lover, they don't know that you are from the Order of the Phoenix."

"Oh my God," Pomona exclaimed, "they're really pompous peacocks."

"And Lucius is still praising me, using this method to win over Hufflepuff." Severus smiled and took a big sip of wine, "Do you want to make those students who trust you not to form an alliance with us? ?”

"I hope they can use their own judgment."

She put on the "pajamas", and the skirt composed of several layers of tulle covered her body, outlining hazy lines, as if wrapping fog around her body.

"I have to say, Napoleon has a real eye." He looked her up and down. "Although he is a Muggle emperor, I like him."

"Oh, the wizard actually likes the Roman emperor?" Pomona said in feigned surprise.

"We can all make peace with the church, who can't make peace?" He left the bedroom after admiring what he wanted to see. "Hurry up, don't make other people wait too long."

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