"Do you think Dumbledore and Grindelwald were fooling around?"

Pomona is lying on the sofa playing with the swan necklace around her neck and the reusable hangman sold by Weasley's magic trick shop. This is a spelling game. would slowly climb the steps, climb the noose, and be finally hung up, the poor little thing has climbed three times so far, because Pomona didn't concentrate on playing at all.

"Would you like to bet?" He lay comfortably on the couch smoking, blowing smoke from his big nostrils like a fire-breathing dragon.

"No, I don't want to." Pomona shook her head immediately. She couldn't imagine what the White Wizard would look like without clothes on. She was more used to him wearing weird robes, like an old lunatic who would get sugary when he saw a child.

"He is a poor, miserable man, and there are too many constraints on him."

"But he's a great wizard," said Pomona.

"No one doubts this. I used to think that whoever is stronger is the most reasonable person. When you defeat your opponent, everything you say is the truth. But after I got in touch with him, I realized that as long as you put on the cloak of a saint , no matter what bad things you have done, you will be forgiven and understood."

He patted her butt with a smile, "You think I'm a lover?"

"I don't feel it now!" She sat up holding her clothes angrily, "Seriously, Severus, you are really stupid to sign an unbreakable vow with Sissy just because of Bella's provocation. "

"I need to win back the Dark Lord's trust. I'm already living with Wormtail. In his eyes, I'm a disgusting trash, a dirty bastard. I betrayed him once. Who knows if there will be a second time. , he didn't want me to know too much about the plan, Emmeline Vance, do you remember?"

"Of course I do." Emmeline Vance was a beautiful, impressive woman, a smiling, benevolent witch, and she had been part of the advance party that had brought Harry from Privet Drive to Order of the Phoenix headquarters.

She was discovered near the Muggle Prime Minister's residence after the Battle of the Ministry of Magic. Her murder was reported by Muggle newspapers. In the eyes of Muggles, how could there be a murder in such a heavily guarded place like Downing Street.

At that time, she and Kingsley were on a mission to protect the Muggle Prime Minister. Even if the Muggle Prime Minister was the Prime Minister, he was still a Muggle, and he could not see magical creatures such as dementors. The assassination of the Prime Minister would have a great impact. Never I don't think the Death Eaters planned to assassinate the Muggle Prime Minister at all, but aimed at Emmeline Vance, a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Everyone has their own mission. Pomona's mission is to protect Neville Longbottom and give him proper guidance. Who would have thought that the most direct damage to that Squib boy was another member of the Order of the Phoenix, Severus snape.

"She was seen, the great savior was very brave, he called the Dark Lord by another name like his father, he was watched near Grimmauld Place after he went to school, I betrayed her, in Dumbledore with the tacit consent of the

The higher the spies climb in the enemy camp, the more they will be criticized, because the more they are trusted by the enemy, the more they can prove that they are constantly betraying their own people!

Severus needed to climb up, and it happened that Emmeline Vance was exposed. Dumbledore chose to sacrifice a few people in exchange for the stability of the magic world. This was a helpless and distressing choice.

"You don't accuse me?"

"You and Dumbledore have always been together." Pomona gritted her teeth. It was not without reason that Alastor had always mistrusted him. Who knew when he would stab him in the back.

"They took a picture of all the generation of the Order of the Phoenix except us, including Emmeline Vance and Marlene McKinnon, and the Marlene McKinnon family was killed two weeks after the picture was taken. I’m not the one who betrayed McKinnon.” He said hoarsely, “Emeline Vance was already married and had children after the end of the First Wizarding War, so she doesn’t need to be involved in this dispute. I always feel that women should stay away from wars.” , you don't do stupid things like her, Pomona."

"Who is the traitor?" Pomona asked coldly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the Order of the Phoenix has been disbanded." He said lazily, "I will never need to be a spy again."

"Is that why you don't come to headquarters after Christmas?"

"That brat doesn't know how to control himself. The Fidelity Curse can't reveal the address except for the Secret Keeper, but it doesn't say that it can't be leaked in another way. The White Wizard wants me to teach the Dark Lord before he finds the news about Grimmauld Place. Occlumency, he remembers those who helped him escape from the Dursleys, which is a pity, Emmeline is remembered, she knows where the savior Potter's house is, and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, if it wasn't for her If you fight hard, you will be tortured if you are caught."

"Can we have a picture?" she said whimsically. "I can't have a wedding, but I want a picture."

"Did you attend Fleur and Bill's wedding?"

She shook her head. "No, Molly didn't invite me."


"I think she noticed that when you killed Dumbledore, she thought that inviting me would mess up the wedding." She said in frustration that in fact even if she was not invited, the wedding of the members of the Order of the Phoenix was given by the Death Eaters. screwed up.

"What about Lily's wedding? You said at her grave that day that you weren't invited either."

"Petunia didn't go to Lily's wedding either. Petunia tried to introduce James to Fenon, but they both hated each other. Lily wasn't invited to Petunia's wedding either."

"You don't know why you weren't invited, do you?" Severus asked, "so it's just a wild idea that it's all James Potter's fault?"

"Otherwise, what reason is there?"

"You are so beautiful that even Sirius looks at you differently. You know he almost never cares what women think."

"I'm not a woman, I'm his friend." Tired of the topic, she began to dress.

"Beautiful and smart, you are like Evernight, he noticed you a long time ago, he wanted to kill me, but he was afraid of taking responsibility, so he let Lupin do it, he led me to the screaming room, I've never been afraid of being haunted, but I've seen things scarier than ghosts, and it was James Potter who saved me, with his prongs, and that's how I got Padfoot's nickname." He was like Tell it like a story "Harry Potter said Padfoot was caught where he was hiding, and I have absolutely no idea what else he said, but I know who Padfoot is, West Sirius Black is restricted from leaving Black's old house, how can he be caught unless he shows up as a traitor. I want to get in touch with you, but Sirius Black took that mirror away, Harry Potter doesn't use it at all, Why would they take away something that is so important to me that they don't really need?"

"That's why you destroyed that mirror?"

"If I can't get it, then I will destroy it, no matter how rare it is." He said flatly, "The black vine water can only be used once. The wizard's brain was ruined too, and I lived with a soulless shell for nine months, it wasn't as good as it was with a soul in it, but I'm okay with it, she's quiet and doesn't keep trying to fight me, Don't mind if I get old and weak, I feel safe with her, don't make me do that to you, okay?"

He asked politely, but Pomona felt cold all over.

This is true black magic.

"Clear Hermione's memory, she doesn't need to know that much, her Occlumency is not good enough, and this time the Death Eaters escape from the Weasleys' house will be their primary target, I don't want them to know that there is a black The demon king's soul is attached to something."

"Yes, Headmaster," she replied immediately.

"I won't protect everyone in the Weasley family, except for Fleur. She and Bill can continue to stay in Shell Cottage and live a quiet and undisturbed life. They are actually very lucky, why don't they know how to cherish it?"

"Principal, is Grindelwald really dead?" she asked worriedly.

"There are people in this world who are more worried about this issue than you. The Ministry of Magic in other countries has almost no contact with the Muggle government except the UK. Only Kingsley Shacklebolt is in contact with Muggles. Is the White Wizard still Grindelwald's lover? , he's trying to get Muggles to accept wizards, and he's the real old fool with unrealistic dreams."

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