Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2517 man on a mission (ten)

"Good afternoon, Professor Sprout."

As Pomona passed the school foyer with a picnic basket, he happened to meet students going to the auditorium for dinner.

"Good afternoon." She responded with a standard smile, and then she heard the knocking sound of "jingling".

She looked up at the sound and saw that it was Filch standing on a very tall, rickety ladder, hammering nails into the wall.

Because of the shackles of the magical contract, the house-elves were not allowed to touch the wizard's portrait, so when the portrait on the wall came loose, Filch had to climb a dangerous ladder to adjust it.

Originally it was just an insignificant matter, but as soon as she thought of the hairy crabs in that room, she immediately became furious.

The trophy room is also on the third floor, and every trophy displayed in it has been polished to shine by the punished student, but how did he forget to lose the wand storage room?

"Mr. Argus Filch," said Pomona from the bottom of the stairs, throwing his head up. "Can you come down for a moment?"

Filch stopped hammering the nails and looked down at Pomona.

"Just say what you need, I have a job," Filch said.

"I think it's dangerous to talk like that," Pomona said.

"No, it's really dangerous for me to go down and talk. Every time someone calls me by name, it means I'm in trouble."

Pomona put down her picnic basket, crossing her hands.

"You have patrolled so many times, have you ever been to the lost wand storage room on the third floor?"

Filch recalled for a moment, nodded, "Yes."

"Then tell me about the last time you went there, what did you see?" Pomona asked.

"Everything is as usual," Filch said, swinging his hammer. "Every wand is neatly arranged, and if you add a box to them, they will be the same as those sold in Ollivander's shop."

"Oh~ is it?" She squinted her eyes, "Why is it different from what I saw just now?"

"The last time I checked that room was three years ago." Filch said as he hammered the nails. "In the first year, the principal ordered the stairs on the fourth floor to be closed, including me. I think you know why, I usually go down the stairs on the fourth floor to check the storage room on the third floor. In the second year, my cat, Mrs. Norris, was petrified, and I could only patrol the whole school by myself, not to mention The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that year was Gerald Rohart, he told me that he would be safe at Hogwarts, and he also gave me a letter of introduction to teach Squib magic School."

"Oh." Pomona lowered her hand.

"In the third year, that is, this year, a troll security guard was finally added." Filch hammered the nail hard, breaking the ash on the wall, scaring the surrounding portraits. "But except for Wes Twins, Harry Potter seems to be walking around the castle at night like his father. Maybe I should prepare a file cabinet to store the school rules he violated like his father. If they can be safe, Maybe I can spare time to check the room you just mentioned, what else do you want, Mrs. Dean."

"No." Pomona picked up the picnic basket and waved at Filch. "Have a nice day, Mr. Filch."

Filch ignored her and continued to hammer on the nail with full attention.

Pomona shook his head as he walked. Fortunately, the troll guards only need food, not wages, otherwise...


Peeves flew over Pomona's head, aiming what appeared to be Filch teetering on the ladder.

"Peves!" she yelled angrily. Filch would be hurt if he fell from that height.

But Peeves didn't care so much, and circled Filch, and Filch clung to the frame of a painting on the wall to prevent himself from falling off the ladder.

Just as Pomona was about to draw out his wand, Baron the bloody ghost of Slytherin just passed by. Peeves immediately flew up the stairs to the fourth floor as if he saw something terrible.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and just about to turn around and leave, she suddenly found footprints in the dust on the ground.

The dust fell when Filch was driving the nails just now, and there were no students passing by around. Then she raised her head, but she didn't see any third person in the hall besides her and Filch.

"Come down when you're done nailing it." She said to Filch, then left the castle nonchalantly, walked along the wooden bridge towards Hogsmeade.

==================================================== =============

Eucharist Rael took Georgiana to his office.

There are many sketches of biological anatomy and rock fossils on the walls of this office, but the most striking thing is an aquarium in the corner, which contains a strange green fish. It was 18 inches long, with a flattened head and a slender body with hollow fins on its back.

She couldn't help walking over curiously, and then asked, "What is this?"

"The multi-finned Nile fish, the Egyptians called it bee-sheer, this kind of fish can live in rivers and swamps, look at its scales." Saint Rael pointed to the scales on the fish, "It looks like Not like a snake?"

Georgiana observed carefully. She had heard that in the theory of evolution, the fish in the water gradually came to the shore and became amphibians. This fish seems to confirm this conjecture. The scales on its abdomen are like snakes, which can help snakes crawl. At the same time, this fish has external gills, which means that it can still live in water. The key is that it is still freshwater.

"What an extraordinary discovery, Mr. Saint-Tirrell." She said sincerely, "You have contributed to human civilization."

"I think it's my flattery, ma'am." Saint-Tirrell sighed. "I'm sorry I spoke to you that way."

"Is this the show you're planning?" Georgiana said with a smile.

"Not exactly." After St. Tyrell finished speaking, he walked to the bookshelf, took out a book with a particularly beautiful binding, and handed it to her.

"What is this?" She took the book and flipped through it.

""A Brief History of Egypt", which is the discovery we made during our visit to Egypt, has not yet been officially published. This is the first batch of sample books." Saint-Tirrell said.

"Is your fish recorded in a book?"

"Of course there is."

Georgiana placed the open book in front of St. Tyrrell, and he quickly flipped through it, and soon found the sketch of the "Ancestral Fish".

"It's unbelievable." She glanced at the sketch, and then at the living fish. "Archaeopteryx" has been extinct, but this fish has survived, and it still maintains the shape of thousands of years ago. living fossil.

"Do you have a diagram of the anatomy of this fish?" she asked again.

St. Tyrell turned around and found a rolled-up colored lead sketch from a leather roll.

It is said to be colored lead, but in fact, the respiratory system of the fish is drawn with red pencils. Its swim bladder forms the primitive lungs, which can not only fill in a lot of air, but just now St. Tirell said that this kind of fish can live in swamps. To survive, the oxygen level in the swamp is not high.

She heard before that the water of the Nile River is very turbid and needs to be clarified before drinking. The respiratory system of this fish with gills and lungs can adapt to this environment. When the oxygen in the water is not enough, go to the surface to breathe, just like it rains Like the fish in the former pond.

"This kind of fish can live two days out of the water. I put a piece of wood in the water, and sometimes I find it will lie on it." St. Tirel looked at the driftwood on the water and said, "If I only found this in Egypt species, which will compensate me for all the pains of this long journey."

Georgiana followed him at first, and then out of the corner of her eye she spotted a painting on top of the fish tank.

It was a portrait of a group. At first she thought it was an expedition team, because the people in the painting were all wearing different clothes, and some people even had wooden legs instead of missing legs, or their faces looked like pirates. Wear a blindfold.

But she soon spotted Bonaparte, prominently in the center of the painting, who looked like an adventurer.

"This man is Maru." St. Tirell pointed to a man's head and said, "He is an engineer now, and he fell in love with the lens invented by that kid."

"I've heard of it," said Georgiana, looking at the head. "But Fresnel didn't invent that lens."

"I know." Saint-Tirrell looked at her, "Because you are a foreigner, no one questioned Condorcet."


Saint-Tirrell didn't want to mention it, he pointed to another person's head and said, "This person is Beaulieu, you may know him..."

"Why should I know him?" Georgiana asked, and then she realized that her question was silly.

"Haven't you been to the Alps? He is a high-ranking official in the province of Grenoble, and that place is an important traffic route." Saint-Tirrell said, "The last time Ney went to Switzerland, didn't you cooperate?"

"So Beaurier met Fresnel because of me?" she asked.

"This child's mathematical talent is well-known throughout the school, not entirely because of you." Saint-Tirrell shook his head, "Besides, Beaulieu and Maru are both supporters of the light wave theory. I saw what that child wrote on the blackboard, he is also a supporter of the light wave theory, right?"

"I don't understand what he wrote," replied Georgiana.

"I think they'll be interested in his research, as Maru has previously done research on optical phenomena in Upper Egypt."

"About what?" she asked curiously.

"The non-existent oasis appeared in front of the lost people, so that they exhausted their physical strength for their ethereal goals, and finally died in the desert. The Egyptians are the gods."

She remembered that it was a mirage. Bonaparte met him on his way back from Jaffa to Cairo. He could recognize it himself, but the camels couldn't. The thirsty camels ran towards the mirage, and then drank The brine was dead, almost with Bonaparte.

But he was lucky, and finally returned to Cairo safely.

She took a step forward and looked at the people in the portraits. Except for a few like Monge, their average age was no more than 30 years old.

"So this painting is full of members of the Egyptian Institute?" she asked.

St. Tyrell nodded, pointing to a person "This is me."

"You don't have a unified uniform, or did you not wear it during the portrait?"

St. Tyrell walked to the next door to the office, and when he came out, he had an extra ceremonial sword in his hand.

The sword is only black and gold, the black scabbard is decorated with gilt patterns, the hilt is all gold, and there is an Egyptian goddess with a strange headdress on it. She looks like she is wearing a palm leaf and a torch. .

"Every member of the research institute has one." Saint Rael said, pulling out the ceremonial sword, which was not the sword she imagined.

It's made of black pearl oyster, looks like waxed black wood, and is embellished with botanical motifs.

"You like it? I heard you have a diamond-encrusted sword." Perhaps her expression was too obvious, St. Tyrrell said with a smile.

"Who is this goddess?" she asked.

"Probably Isis."

"What?" she asked in surprise, "I don't know who it is, but you carved her portrait on it."

"This was decided by the first ruling." St. Tirell put the "sword" back. "Everyone in the research institute doesn't know where he saw this image."

"Do you really not know, or are you keeping it a secret?" she asked suspiciously.

"What do you think?" St. Tyrrell said with a smile.

She pouted, these Freemasons really love to be mysterious.

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