Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2516 man on a mission (9)

Have you ever had such an experience, there is a very important thing, but no matter how hard you look, you can't find it.

Was it hidden, or was it accidentally lost?

If it's at home, the first person I usually think of is "Mom". She seems to be omnipotent and remembers things no matter where they are.

However, if it was at Sirius Black's home, what he got when he called "Mom" might not be what ordinary people can imagine...


The house-elves squealed and rushed out of the classroom in a swarm.

Pomona's scalp felt numb when he saw the scene outside the door, and when the last house-elf came out, he closed the door with a "bang".

Everyone looked at the thin door with lingering fear, and subconsciously took two steps back. Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and eventually all the house-elves looked at Pomona, as if asking her what to do next.

"Ew~" She rubbed her arms desperately, her skin got goosebumps.

"What are you doing here?" Remus Lupine asked standing at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"Housecleaning, Professor," said Mung Bean the house-elf.

"Then why did you escape, is there a troll in that room?" Remus asked with a smile.

"In there, there are hairy crabs (chizpurfle)." Mung Bean replied.

"Hairy crabs? You can't deal with hairy crabs, either?" Remus asked.

"Do you know what this place used to be?" asked Pomona. "This used to be where lost wands were stored."

"so what?"

"Those little devils have wormed the wand and got into the core. I think it's better to call someone from the Ministry of Magic's Pest Branch to deal with it." Pomona said.

"This is Hogwarts, Professor." Remus said dissatisfiedly, then walked over from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and pushed open the door they just closed.

It was a room no smaller than a Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and it was filled with large and small "hills" made of magic wands. The "mountains" were covered with hairy crabs of various colors. Swallow-tailed dogs and boo-birds, which were only a twentieth of an inch in size, are now at least four times as large, and there are even individual hairy crabs as big as mini-cauldrons.

Remus immediately closed the door again.

"Don't worry," Pomona said calmly. "It's not the weirdest room we've found."

Pomona doesn't know how long the school hasn't been cleaned. There are some really strange things. After seeing the situation inside, she will close the door and try to get rid of it during the summer vacation or in her lifetime. After all, the classroom is empty There are even three-headed dogs in hell.

As for the hairy crab's room, it's too close to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom where the children often come. Of course, now that she has a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor by her side, maybe...

"You can go to Professor Snape." Remus smiled and looked at Pomona. "I heard that there is a special potion that can easily destroy them."

"If you say you use talcum powder for pets, it's okay to deal with ordinary hairy crabs, but you have also seen that some hairy crabs have eaten the core of the wand." Pomona said, "I just said that the pest control department Come on, what did you say?"

"I think Dumbledore also thinks that people from the Ministry of Magic don't want to get too involved in the Hogwarts issue." Remus paused. "I heard you had a quarrel with Celestina yesterday."

"It's not a fight, it's just a disagreement," Pomona said with a purse.

In fact, it was because the menu she gave used a lot of expensive ingredients, and Celestina rejected it on the grounds that she didn't have that much budget.

Not only the school banquet, but even the usual menus have to be cut. Pomona thought that he should not look too shabby in front of foreign guests, especially those from Bray Barton College in France. It was fine for foreigners to watch jokes, but the main reason was because of Malfoy.

After Lucius Malfoy was kicked out of the school board by Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts was short of money again, and Lucius Malfoy donated the donation that would have been given to Hogwarts to The Ministry of Magic, giving Fudge the money to prepare for the big Quidditch World Cup. The Ministry of Magic had been preparing for this grand event a year earlier, since Lucius had been expelled from the Board of Governors and Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban.

As for how they restarted the Triwizard Tournament, she doesn't know, anyway, as long as she thinks of Lucius's nostrils, she wants to use...

"I heard that the potion for getting rid of hairy crabs is very expensive, you'd better go to Severus." Remus said, "I think he will help you."

"This classroom is next to yours!" Pomona said.

"Of course, I'll help too." Remus said weakly.

She looked at the man who suddenly pretended to be weak.

What would the Gryffindor common room be like without a house-elf to clean it up?

It's June, and Pomona's hairs are on end, even without the dementors cooling off. Even if the scene just now was not the scariest, it was unforgettable in her life.

After inspecting the third floor, she looked at her watch, and it was almost time for lunch, so she asked the elves to help in the kitchen, then returned to her office, and took out the hidden picnic basket.

The food inside was for Sirius, enough to feed him for three days so he wouldn't have to venture out in search of food.

As soon as she left the office with the basket in hand, she saw the old bat striding towards her, and he looked her up and down suspiciously.

"What are you going to do?"

"Picnic," she said flatly, "what are you doing here?"

Snape glanced at her picnic basket.

"You eat that much by yourself?"

"And to feed the Fantastic Beasts," said Pomona. "What are you doing here?"

Snape stared at her.

She was a little guilty, but still pretended to be calm.

"I want to borrow your invisibility cloak," he said after a moment.

"Okay, can you make me some potion for eliminating hairy crabs." She paused, "It's not just a little, can you prepare a ton."

"What do you want to do? And sell potions to make money?" Snape asked with a sneer.

"No, one classroom was full of hairy crabs and the house-elves were scared out of it." She rubbed her arms again. "Merlin's trouser legs, that's horrible."

"Which room?" Snape said confidently, as if he wanted to see it for himself.

"It's the classroom next to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It used to be the lost wand collection place." After she finished speaking, she had an inspiration and murmured, "No wonder Ron didn't go there last year to find a wand to replace the one he broke."

"What did Professor Lupine say?" Snape asked in a drawn-out tone.

"He suggested that I come to you for help."

"Since you've already looked for him, why do you come to me? Hairy crabs are no more dangerous than Cornish elves. If someone can't even deal with them, I suggest that he pack his bags early, so as not to be like his predecessor, Become a regular visitor to the mental hospital."

Pomona stuck in his waist, "You know that using potions to deal with hairy crabs is much better than spells, not to mention that Remus is so weak."

Snape smiled, looked helpless, and turned to leave.

"Do you still want to borrow my invisibility cloak?" Pomona asked. "Besides, you don't even want to think about it. What if those hairy crabs came out of it while you were substituting?"

He had a cold face with an "I'm not happy" look.

"Get the potions ready before the holidays! If it wasn't for your good friend Lucius Malfoy, I could have gone out and bought them," she said loudly. "Remember it's a ton!"

Then she took the picnic basket and left under his watch.

==================================================== =============

After Napoleon left Egypt and returned to France, it wasn't just the army that was in disarray, but the Egyptian Institute was also a source of panic.

When he left, he took Monge and Betolai with him, the two leading figures. Fortunately, Kleber took over. He basically inherited the style of Bonaparte, so that the work could continue.

Regarding Napoleon's division of scholars according to the ranks of military officers, many people protested at the beginning. Even when Napoleon held the opening of the Egyptian Institute and the inaugural meeting of the chairman of the Academy of Sciences in Cairo for the first time, half of the scholars did not go for an excuse, which made him very annoyed . But while he postponed the inauguration, he has no plans to change it.

At the first meeting, Napoleon raised six questions. First, whether improving the ovens for baking bread in the army can be improved or save firewood. Then he asked scholars to conduct heating experiments on firewood, reeds and safflower stems. The results of the comparison are written in a report; second, is there any plant in Egypt that can replace hops? Beer was first invented by the ancient Egyptians. There are evidences in ancient Egyptian documents and pyramid murals. Beer can solve the problem of drinking water, although at that time Alcohol is not allowed in Egypt; third, it is about drinking water, whether the muddy Nile water can be clarified to be drinkable; fourth, making gunpowder in Egypt; fifth is about law, civil judgment and education; sixth is Regarding the improvement of public opinion, that is to make French surpass Arabic as a language that is easier to communicate with residents.

The idea Napoleon came up with was weights and measures, to have the Egyptian Institute compare Egyptian weights and measures with French weights and measures, and appoint a committee to promote it.

It is not easy to do this. Although the Ottoman Empire controlled the markets and bazaars, the tribes in the remote deserts used all kinds of weights and measures, and some even used holy cubits. In the Bible times, people used the distance from the elbow to the fingertip as the unit of length, which can still be found in some older Bible versions.

But the height of people is different, and the length of the elbow is also different. The holy cubit is said to be the length of Osiris' arm, but it may also be the length of the arm of a pharaoh, or even the length of the elbow of a certain tribal elder.

When the commissioners had done this and submitted a report, Bonaparte sent them to measure the length of the meridian from Cairo to France.

Whether it is burning firewood in the scorching sun or trekking in the desert on a camel, it is not an easy task. Some people can't complete the exit, and some people complete it. The corresponding promotion and salary improvement are all the same. After the Cairo Institute, there were local institutes, especially after the Rosetta Stone was unearthed.

Kleber did not give the Institute new research topics, but just let them continue to do the previous work. The people of the Institute discussed travel experience, the difference between ancient Egypt and modern Egypt, and ancient ruins in the garden of Hassanbe Palace every night. Wait to find out.

Some local Egyptians do not go to the places where the ancient ruins are located. Not only are they desolate, but some places are barren. They have to go to places where camels travel for two or three days to get water.

If no one excavates them, these cultural relics and the secrets they carry will sleep underground forever, not to mention the different purposes of archaeology and tomb robbery. When Saint Rael found the mummies, many mummies were severely damaged, all caused by tomb robbers trying to take away the gold, silver and jewelry from the corpses. In the eyes of tomb robbers, gold and silver are valuable, and those stones with inscriptions are worthless.

When the work became more regular, Kleber was assassinated, and his successor, Menuu, reduced the Institute's funding. There were even rumors that Menuu planned to resell the cultural relics of the library and the Institute to supplement military expenditures. Fortunately, he didn't do that, but Menuu also reorganized the cabinet and took an inventory of existing books and instruments.

Not long after, news came that the French were going back to Europe on a British warship in Alexandria, and Saint-Tirrell was in charge of the transshipment at that time.

The Rosetta Stone was written by Menu in the book of surrender, and it was not taken away by the British because its weight exceeded the weight of personal luggage. offset.

The first consul of Egypt, despite the protests of the scientific committee and the members of the institute, enforced the implementation, and then the Rosetta Stone was sent to the British museum for display.

It was off-putting to mention this during a meal, and Saint-Tirrell told her the "story" after Georgiana had finished her meal.

"I was also there on the day of the riots in Cairo. I can tell you that I am not the kind of scholar who lives in a study." St. Tirell said calmly, but his tone was completely different from that of the person who introduced the food just now. "I know you Controlling the income and expenditure of the Sevres Ceramics Factory, as well as the young people you sponsor, Beaulieu and Marousse have noticed. But if you lose your power, do you think you can become a researcher? As the French Museum of Natural History Curator, I don't need your 'talent', maybe you can go to the Botanical Museum to try, Cuvier is relatively peaceful, it doesn't matter if the students joke with him."

"You think I..."

"Lack of professionalism, I will not coax a hysterical woman." St. Tyrrell said indifferently.

"I didn't lose control of my emotions." She also replied coldly.

"Then who said that he was a 'fool' just now and asked me to 'hire another wise man'?"

She didn't answer.

"I originally prepared a more interesting topic, but I didn't expect it to become like this." St. Tirell said slightly annoyed.

"You want to talk to me about your travels?" she asked.

Saint Rael shook his head.

"You won't understand." He tossed the napkin on the plate, ending the sumptuous but unpleasant lunch.

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