Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2514 man on a mission (seven) reissue

In the Natural History Museum of the British Museum, Pomona has seen many animal specimens. Some of these specimens are made of real animals, and some are made based on fossils and the imagination of paleontologists. It is possible that they did not exist in ancient times. Not what the specimen appears to be.

Saber-toothed cats were predators active in the Ice Age. They had a pair of long tusks and were twice the size of lions today, mainly because their main prey was mammoths at that time. Mammoths were huge, with rough skin and thick flesh. Fortunately, they moved slowly. Although saber-toothed tigers were not as agile as modern tigers and cheetahs, they were more than capable of coping. Coupled with their own weight, their tusks were just right enough to pierce the skin of a mammoth.

Later, as the temperature warmed and mammoths moved northward, the prey of the saber-toothed tiger became deer and horses. At this time, the reminding size of the saber-toothed tiger no longer became an advantage.

They are too big, and the vegetation must be high enough to provide them with concealment when they ambush. In addition, their huge teeth make their running speed unable to catch up with agile deer and horses. The last successful saber-toothed tiger was also eliminated.

Darwin's theory of evolution talks about natural selection and survival of the fittest, and the "fittest" may not be the strongest. Compared with saber-toothed tigers, humans have neither terrifying fangs nor sharp claws, nor even thick skin like mammoths.

But they walked out of the ice and snow of the Ice Age, replaced the dinosaurs, and became the new overlords of the earth.

However, in some places, some places that are isolated from the world and where the environment has not undergone drastic changes, those ancient creatures that were thought to be extinct still exist.

Rewodang was active in 1764. Before that, the earth experienced the Little Ice Age and was gradually warming up. It may be the environment where Rewodang once lived.

Although ancient humans could also hunt mammoths, it was a group activity. At the same time, humans also live in groups, just like those herbivores on the grasslands. The difference is that humans should have learned to live in caves at that time. Caves can not only provide them with shelter, but also ancient humans used simple paints on stone walls painting.

But these cave-dwelling murals have either been forgotten or have been destroyed by natural forces. Generally speaking, wild animals do not appear in densely populated areas. Most of the targets are unarmed villagers.

Before she came to this world, she had never heard that there were 3 Rewodang monsters. The weight of 60 kg is not so much an adult male, but a teenager who is about to grow up. This is also in line with the structure of a family member. The mother brought two The specimen brought back to Versailles by the Wolves was one of several children on the verge of adulthood.

Even so, it took 100 wolf hunting teams including soldiers and hunters to wipe them out. What's worse is that the wolf hunting team has not found the "father". According to the usual law, male mammals will be bigger than females Bigger, more aggressive, and more dangerous.

There is another thing that she only found out when she came to this place. She always thought that William III of Orange was just a king who "was deprived of executive power and only had legislative power". Open the seawall and let the sea water block the offensive route of the coalition forces.

Everyone has things that they cannot accomplish alone. It is precisely because they understand the weakness of individuals that human beings know how to cooperate and deal with one thing together.

Tom Riddle believes that power can gain everything, and even change people's concept of right and wrong. He takes a person's power to the extreme.

Some people did believe him, such as Quirrell, but Quirrell didn't end well in the end. Quirrell is just a normal guy, and he can't repeat Riddle's path, although Tom seems to have succeeded. A dead person does not go to heaven and hell, nor does he become a pearly white ghost, but tries to return to the earth by any means.

He has dug a gap between himself and others, so that when he needs help, no one can help.

He has many followers, but he is still alone.

After eating the sandwich provided by Saint-Tirrell, she went to the rest area of ​​the museum. The table covered with snow-white napkins was full of seafood, bacon, fresh bread, jam, butter, olive oil. It is only available to the "rich and powerful" during famines.

The advantage of humans evolving into omnivores is that they do not only eat grass like herbivores, nor do they only eat meat like carnivores, and they have a greater chance of survival by eating everything.

But if only you can survive, how can you face those monsters that you can't deal with alone?

"Please," said Gentleman St. Tyrrell, even pulling out the chair for her.

From a conscience point of view, she didn't want to go there, but at this moment thestral walked in, it smelled the food on the table, and looked at her with milky white eyes, as if asking, "Where is my food?" ".

==================================================== ===========

"Slow down." Pomona said to Sirius who was devouring her food. She couldn't believe that the former "prince" had become like this.

While eating the bread, Sirius seemed to be choked, and he coughed for a while before recovering, then he stared at the leftovers on the table in a daze.

"Do you want to take it?" Pomona asked.

"No, I need your help." Sirius turned his gaze to her.

"How do you want me to help you?" She also stared at Sirius.

For a moment, she wanted to use Legilimency to see what Sirius Black was thinking right now.

But when she saw those eyes, she thought of Buckbeak.

"How did you bring it to school?" Pomona looked at the beautiful hippogriff.

"It can help," Sirius said, stroking Buckbeak. "Remus has grown stronger. It's hard for James and me to deal with him."

Pomona stopped talking, she really couldn't help much, even Peter Pedilou was more useful than her, at least when Remus was weak after transformation and needed someone to take care of him, Peter could take care of him in the dormitory.

"Have you ever wondered why Dumbledore didn't ask Hagrid to help us?" Sirius asked.

Pomona froze for a moment, and realized that it was the fugitive Sirius who asked the question.

"Why do you ask that?" She asked strangely.

"He's strong enough, and a half-giant," Sirius said.

"He's a half-giant with half-human blood, and he doesn't know Animagus, if he gets bitten..."

"I think your favor has something to do with him." Sirius interrupted Pomona. "Can you help me find Ron's pet."

"Pet? You mean the rat?" Pomona asked in surprise.

Sirius looked heavy and didn't make a sound.

She thought having a tortoise as a pet was bad enough, but she didn't expect people to have mice as pets.

"Looks like it was eaten by Crookshanks, I mean Hermione Granger's pet cat."

"No, he won't die so easily." Sirius thumped the table, causing the plates to jump up.

"Him?" Pomona asked curiously.

"I've searched everywhere in the castle, but it's not in the castle." Sirius lowered his voice and said, "I suspect it ran outside the castle, or even in the Forbidden Forest."

"You want Hagrid to help you find a mouse in the Forbidden Forest?" said Pomona in surprise.

"He's a house pet, he can't adapt to the environment of a real mouse, I think, you can find it in an empty house where no one lives or something," Sirius said.

"Like a screaming shack?" Pomona asked.

"Can you help me with this? I know Dementors don't attack Hagrid," Sirius said.

Pomona was in a daze, she thought...

Compared to this, finding a mouse in the Forbidden Forest seems to be no difficulty.

"I'll tell Hagrid," said Pomona.

Sirius smiled, he was indeed handsome, even in this embarrassment now, his smile was still so charming.

"I knew you'd help me, Knox."

"Can you tell me what happened in Godric's Valley that night?" she asked immediately.

"Wait a little longer, when I find him, everything will be clear." Sirius gritted his teeth in hatred.

She had never seen such an expression on Sirius' face.

"You've changed too." Sirius stretched out his bony hand and stroked Pomona's hair. "I remember you weren't that fat before."

"You too." Pomona said calmly, "You look sick."

"Looks like we're not doing as well as Snape, are we?" Sirius smiled sarcastically. "Look at the way he walks around the school..."

"Like an old bat," Pomona went on. "Don't call him 'Snotty'."

"I should go, thank you for the meal." Sirius said and left the table, then he bent down and a big black dog came out from the other side of the table.

It wasn't until he was out of sight that Pomona remembered that if the castle was to be "thoroughly" cleaned, it would have to be deratted, since the Slytherin basilisk had died and there were more rats in the school.

It looked like she was going to ask Hagrid to go to Diagon Alley again.

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