Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2513 man on a mission (6)

"I want to drop out, Dean, I won't be coming next semester."

Sophomore Roger Malone sat across from Pomona.

"Can I ask why?" she asked softly and calmly. "You know, there are a lot of people who dream of having the same opportunity as you."

Roger rubbed his nose, lowered his head and whispered, "For the past two years, I've been feeling hostile. This hostility is aimed at students like me, right? They call me Mudblood?"

"Who calls you that?" Pomona asked.

Roger kept his head down.

"Is that Draco Malfoy?"

Roger still didn't speak.

She took a breath, and continued to ask in a soft voice, "Aside from that address, what else did he do to you?"

Roger shook his head, "It's useless to tell you, he can do whatever he wants in school."

"Who told you that..."

"His father is the school trustee, and this school belongs to them." Roger interrupted Pomona. Kill people like me, like last year."

Pomona couldn't answer.

"I've heard that You-Know-Who will be coming back. I've told my parents and they don't think it's safe to stay here. It's not too late for me to go back to Year 7."

"What proof do you have that your parents knew about this?" Pomona asked.

Roger Malone took a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, placed it on the desk in front of Pomona, and bowed his head again.

She opened the paper. It was a letter printed by a printer. The end of the letter was signed in handwriting, and there was a contact information such as a phone number above the signature.

"I'll be in touch with your mother." Pomona put down the letter.

"Can I go?" Roger asked.

"If you're talking about going back to your dormitory, you can now, but if you're talking about going back to London, I think you'll have to wait until after your final exams are over to take the Hogwarts Express back with the others," Pomona said.

Roger nodded and stood up silently.

"Next year we'll have a gala with foreign wizards," said Pomona behind him. "Maybe you can stay another year."

Roger looked back at her.

"It's not safe for you and your family that a little wizard your age can't master his own magic," Pomona said.

"Sometimes, I feel like I'm crazy." Roger looked at her in pain. "How is this possible?"

"There are many people who are maladjusted, and you are not the only one, Roger." Pomona pursed her lips. "You go back to the dormitory first."

Roger had to leave, and when he closed the door, she let out a long sigh.

Newt Scamander was expelled. In fact, there were quite a few students who dropped out of school. Not all of them could successfully complete the seventh year of school.

Then there was another knock on the door, and as soon as she said please come in, Cedric Diggory pushed the door open and entered.

"What happened to that little guy just now?" Cedric asked.

"Being bullied by Slytherin." Pomona replied blankly, "He told me just now that he wanted to quit school."

"Is there anything I can do?" Cedric asked.

Just as Pomona was about to speak, he remembered that Cedric couldn't teach Draco a lesson, so he just smiled.

"Help me send him a cup of hot chocolate." Pomona glanced at the letter on the table, remembered the forged parent's signature, and said to Cedric, "By the way, help me see if he is afraid of the end of the term. take an exam."

Cedric winked at her and left her office smiling.

Cedric will soon be 17 years old, and he already has the appearance of a handsome boy. When he blinked at her just now, her heart beat like an adolescent girl.

Then she looked at herself in the glasses again, she was still short and fat, she stood up after a wry smile, opened the door, looked left and right in the corridor, felt that no one was there, and then returned to herself Wash in the secret room.

At this time, it was too late to go to the luxurious bathroom dedicated to teachers. After changing into pajamas with polka dots, she walked to the desk and picked up a magazine on the table.

This was Snape confiscating from the boys' dormitory, young boys like these things, the difference is that Sirius Black likes Muggle bikini girls, now boys look at underwear models.

The lingerie brand is called Victoria's Secret, and what she doesn't understand is why the models wear underwear with big wings on their backs.

She thinks these underwear look good, like a set of costumes, which is actually the original intention of the brand designer.

In all clothing, underwear is the last line of defense and the end of people's fantasies. It is said that during the period of King Louis XIV of France, ladies of status wore no less than three skirts at a time. The first skirt had big wavy lace, which was worn on the outermost side and was called "dignified skirt", and the second skirt was inside. , if the husband or lover of the owner of the skirt is impatient, it will be wrinkled, so it is called "naughty skirt". British Victorian women began to yearn for education and freedom. Stores were often designed in the style of that era, and together they became "Victoria's Secret".

But she felt that what the models wore in the magazine should not be called "secret", but "naughty".

She put down the magazine and was about to blow out the candles when there was another knock on the door. The knock on the door this time was different from the previous ones. The sound was not only urgent, but also more like the sound of claws scratching.

"Who's outside." She picked up her wand and walked towards the door.

No one answered, but the scratching got louder.

She raised her wand, and the door opened, but there was no one standing outside the door, but a big black dog rushed in.

She was so amazed that she watched it come to the center of the office. In the blink of an eye, the dog turned into a human. He looked thin and pale, and his long black hair was tangled. It looked like a bad mess. Balls of thread, but his eyes are bright.

"It's me, Nox!"

said the man in a hoarse voice before Pomona knocked him down with a spell.

"Who?" She asked inexplicably.

"It's me, Sirius Black, do you remember me!" the visitor said excitedly, "We were together when we were studying."

"I know who Sirius Black is. Everyone in this castle knows who he is." Pomona said nervously, "You are a fugitive from Azkaban."

Sirius looked at her and smiled strangely.

"I remember you asked me to 'shake hands' with you after my first transformation, and before I came back to my senses, James was laughing beside me, and then I got the nickname Padfoot."

She remembered, but still held up her wand, "You've got the wrong person."

"You have changed a lot, but I still remember your smell. I couldn't smell it before. After my Animagus transformed successfully, I will have a 'dog nose'." Sirius pointed to his nose and said, "I know Who are you, Nox, or should I be called another, Professor."

"Why did you leave Azkaban and come to Hogwarts?" She stopped denying it and asked in a sharp voice.

"I won't hurt Harry, he is my godson." Godfather Sirius roared, "I'm here to settle accounts with traitors!"

"Who's the traitor?" She paused. "Are you looking for Severus? Because he betrayed the Death Eaters?"

"Help me," Sirius begged, "please."

Her mind went blank.

At Hogwarts, if you need help, you can just ask.

Hogwarts is the safest place in the world.

But in front of her there was a suspicious-looking wizard. There was evidence that he caused a big explosion, not only blowing up a street, implicating many Muggles, but also blowing up Peter Petillo until there was only a little thumb left.

why? Because Voldemort killed James Potter, or because Voldemort rebounded the Killing Curse from Lily's spell, he wanted to avenge his master?

If it was because Lily's spell rebounded Voldemort's Killing Curse, then Voldemort must first know where the Potters are. Sirius Black, who is the secret keeper, is the traitor, and "Wormtail" who was killed by him is the hero. .

His identity was exposed, so why kill "Wormtail"?

"Help me, please." Sirius said as if he was about to cry.

"You can't be here," Pomona said. She couldn't have a wizard who could make a big explosion next to a crowded lounge.

"Follow me." She blew out the candle and flashed it with fluorescent lights, and it seemed as if she had returned to the past at that moment.

Back in the day when they explored the corridors in the dead of night and explored the secrets hidden in the castle.

==================================================== ======

Georgiana looks at the stuffed Jewodang beast in the exhibition hall of the Natural History Museum.

She has always ignored one thing, the weight of the Rewodang beast is equivalent to that of an adult male, so could it be a werewolf, or some Animagus who cannot return to human form, or even a blood orc Woolen cloth?

There are many kinds of wolf-like animals, such as the Louisiana wetland werewolf, which is a very dangerous dog-headed monster, and they also attack humans. But its hair has a certain magical power, so it was used as a material for making wands by American wandmakers for a while.

The Americans also participated in the First World War. Since Henry Potter, a member of the Wizengamot, supported the war, Archer, the British Minister of Magic at the time, issued a law prohibiting the participation of the wizarding world. However, the main combat faction headed by Henry Potter be opposed to.

As British wizards entered the war, American wizards also participated. The core of the wand used by American wizards is the hair of Wetland Werewolf. Maybe this so-called Rewodang Beast is a close relative of Wetland Werewolf, or some kind of magical animal that has not yet been discovered. .

"What are you thinking?" St. Tyrrell asked, walking to her side.

"You don't want to know," she said weakly.

"Here you are." St. Tyrell handed her a sandwich.

"What is this for?"

"I heard that you fainted. You didn't eat in the morning, and you ate those at noon. You need to replenish your strength."

She didn't refuse, took the sandwich and devoured it.

Since having the Thestral, her appetite has grown even though she shouldn't feel hungry or need food.

"I didn't expect you to come to me," St. Tyrrell said.

"I didn't expect that it was the major's decision." Georgiana hiccupped, "It can be done by surprise."

St. Tirell didn't answer the call, and watched Revodang Beast with her. It opened its mouth wide, as if roaring silently, and its inch-long teeth threatened the visitors who watched it.

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