"I can't believe he asked me to sign it."

Unlike Snape, who devoted his spare time to school and Ministry of Magic security issues "free of charge", Minerva McGonagall would occasionally go to the Three Broomsticks to have a drink, complain and relieve the pressure.

"Who? Sign what?" Pomona asked in confusion.

"Who else, Harry Potter! He wants me to sign his consent to go to Hogsmeade."

Pomona remembered that third year students were allowed to go to Hogsmeade, but because of a "little accident" at a family reunion, Harry Potter did not get his guardian Fenon Dursley's signature.

"He can forge signatures," Pomona urged. "Why not?"

Minerva looked at her reproachfully.

Pomona shrugged. In fact, even if Harry Potter had obtained a consent form signed by the parents, Minerva and Albus would find reasons not to allow him to leave the school. Many people thought that Sirius Black, a descendant of a famous dark wizard family, might have gone crazy because of the study of black magic, and then created an explosion, which not only affected passers-by, but also blew up Peter Petitlou little finger.

If it is normal, facing such a dangerous wanted criminal, and he is very likely to target Harry Potter who is studying at Hogwarts, many parents of "other people" are worried about the safety of their children. Not long ago There was even an incident where Black tried to break into the Gryffindor lounge. Harry actually wanted Minerva to sign for him to get away with it, how could Minerva bear such a big responsibility.

She had just taken a sip of wine when she suddenly remembered something.

"I heard a rumor..." Pomona leaned into Minerva's ear.

"You are very well informed." Minerva sarcastically.

"Maybe...Harry Potter didn't give up sneaking into Hogsmeade." Pomona considered every word.

"Where did you hear that?" Minerva asked seriously.

Who else could it be? Harry Potter didn't feel that he was the target at all, or he didn't have the consciousness of being the target. Didn't Arthur Weasley remind him before school started? There were still a series of subsequent incidents. Even so, he still planned to go to Hogsmeade to play, and complained to his roommates at the "sleeping meeting" in the dormitory, and Neville was his roommate.

It was really hard being the head of Harry Potter, Harry was brought up in the Muggle world and by the time he was 14 he had spent almost 80% of his life in the Muggle world. If Harry ran away because of capriciousness, the "bodyguards" would have complained, but Harry didn't just run away because of Maggie's humiliation of his parents. He has never enjoyed a happy and happy family life with the attention of his parents. Magic and the magical world can bring him happiness.

He is not the same as a wizard who studies black magic for power. If Harry is strong enough, he can not only go to Hogsmeade as he wants, but also go anywhere he wants.

Maybe this is the reason why the Sorting Hat didn't assign him to Slytherin. The Slytherin house, which values ​​power first and advocates hierarchy and order, is really not suitable for him. As long as they have power, not to mention freedom, they can get whatever they want, and it will teach some people who don't know how to respect what respect is.

In this violent college, not only is it difficult for Harry to gain a foothold in it, but he even uses violence in the fight against this worldview, and gradually gets lost in the violence. It is very pitiful that he is an orphan without father and mother, but it does not affect his becoming strong. If Harry is really assigned to Slytherin House, she will not just inflate into a balloon and float in the sky if he talks like Maggie up.

"I can't tell you." Pomona took a sip of the butterbeer, "but you have to trust that my sources of information are reliable."

Poor Neville, if Pomona told Minerva at this time, he would probably be considered a betrayer of his friend, but it was actually to Harry's advantage that he did so.

"Thank you for telling me." Minerva drank the rest of the wine in one gulp, then got up and left the Three Broomsticks.

Pomona watched as her back disappeared into the door. The moment she opened the door, she found several low-grade children who wanted to sneak into the bar. The "pendants" at the door warned them that they were not allowed to enter.

Actually, Sirius Black and James Potter also did the sneaking to Hogsmeade. They were only in the second grade at the time, and they didn't even have the qualifications to go to Hogsmeade, let alone without the signature of their parents. Remus Lupine, who played with them all the year round, was also somewhat lawless. If he had been afraid, he would not have joined the Order of the Phoenix as a werewolf back then.

Because of the betrayal of the traitors, the identities of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were exposed, and some people were killed one after another. Not everyone is able to laugh and mock in the face of fear and evil.

This traitor is believed to be Sirius Black. He not only killed Peter, but also told the mysterious man the location of Harry's family, and the Loyalty Curse with him as the secret keeper was also lifted. The only way to lift this curse is to keep it secret. People leak.

Everything seemed reasonable, and Hagrid even saw Sirius near Harry's home in Godric's Hollow, and he gave Hagrid his flying motorcycle, and Hagrid rode it, taking the Harry sent it to Petunia's house.

But Pomona still can't believe this. How could Sirius Black be a traitor? He and James have such a good relationship, closer than his brother Regulus. When Sirius ran away from home, the Potter family And took him in.

Sybill Trelawney suddenly appeared beside her and grabbed Pomona's arm, her painted nails nearly digging into her flesh.

At this moment, Trelawney rolled her eyes and said in a hoarse voice that was not at all like her own:

"When those in the way are killed, when time is turned, and when unseen children murder their father, the Dark Lord will return."

Pomona was taken aback. She was not tall and could barely sit on the high chair by the bar. This shock made her lose her balance and almost fell off the chair.

"Are you all right?" Art von Lesterwitz helped Georgiana.

She was in a trance for a moment and found herself in an 18th-century indoor gymnasium, not the Leaky Cauldron.

Many people don't believe Sybil's prophecy, she predicts the death of students every year, but she is different from Grindelwald.

If we only talk about the method of killing and the damage caused, there were more cruel black wizards than him in the 16th century, but he was recognized as the most dangerous dark wizard in the past four centuries.

His predictions were not all fabricated, and the war scenes shown in the Paris speech also happened later, but Grindelwald is still a liar.

He's good at manipulating people, like Remus Lupine whispering in Neville's ear, telling him how to "overcome" the Boggart, which was a joke to Remus, but offended Snape It was all borne by Neville.

That virtual "Boggart" suddenly took shape, and since then Neville's way of resisting has turned dark.

After Albus died, Snape became the headmaster, and Neville was no longer afraid of the former Boggart. He painted signs everywhere and helped those Muggle classmates who wanted to get rid of the capture team or the same resistance elements to the school. The Room of Requirement, Harry Potter, who cannot go back to school because all the secret passages leading to the outside world are closed, participates in the Battle of Hogwarts and blows up the wooden bridge.

Although Hufflepuff College is "neutral", it does not look at who has a better chance of winning when placing bets. Although Badger is honest, he is also good at playing dumb. Even if he can't confront him head-on, he still dares to point the pursuer in the wrong direction.

Are you scared? Of course, but if anyone wants to hear a set of theories and describe how to overcome fear, sometimes they really can't express it. If they really want to describe it in words, it is "If you can't hit the target directly, then use another method."

Even to Remus's face, Pomona would have said that what he did was wrong. Don't mix personal emotions in your work, they are not the brats they were back then.

Snape studied black magic, but he was different from those real dark wizards, otherwise he wouldn't have seen the werewolf turn pale with fright, and he could burn Remus to ashes with a Fiercefire Curse.

He needs a strong appearance to suppress the Slytherin snake, and the influence outside the school is great.

Harry experienced the Battle of the Ministry of Magic at the end of his fifth year, and it was confirmed that Voldemort had really returned. With a new "snake king", the little snakes would not listen to Snape so much.

Harry can still call Sirius by name, although Sirius is Harry's godfather, in sixth grade Draco felt that Voldemort let him complete the task, and he was "equal" with Snape, they were both Death Eaters, Snape Nepe had to teach him a lesson, so that Draco knew what "orderly seniority" was.

When Snape killed Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort seemed to trust him, and order returned after he became the headmaster, but this time it was the turn of the lions to be disobedient.

In the last incident, Pomona came forward to ask Principal Dumbledore to mediate. Professor Lupine promised to Professor Snape that there would be no similar outrageous behavior in the following courses. In exchange, Professor Snape would "forgive" It was Professor Lupine's unintentional fault that Neville resumed his normal study life.

After all, Remus had also experienced a hard life outside of school. He knew that it was not easy to get this job, and he had a good personality when he was not a werewolf. After he calmed down a bit, the Snotlite and the Robber could coexist peacefully.

There is not one way to overcome fear, not necessarily the only way that the teacher teaches in the course, although it is very interesting.

Neville's magic power was insufficient, he was at the bottom of Dumbledore's army, and even though Harry tried his best to teach him, he made little progress.

Hermione always corrected Ron at the beginning, "You are wrong, be like me".

There are different interpretations of the same song, and you can also play it in a different way.

Neville used magic plants to make up for his shortcomings, and he killed Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor. If it was really a blood orc, Neville would be a relief for her.

Nagini was once a very sensible girl, she prevented Credence from joining Grindelwald in order to find out his identity, before Credence had blood on his hands.

It was unfortunate to see her become like that.

Sybil's new prophecy was heard by Pomona and the others after their trip to the Alps, when they still had a long-talking Ouija board in their hands.

At the last level of the maze, Voldemort, as a representative, signed a contract with Hagrid's ancestors, promising to help take care of Hagrid before allowing him to take away his inheritance, otherwise they will be cursed, and this curse will make them cry bitterly and regret their mistakes.

Mongones Sessius Hagrid lived in the 15th century and is not recorded in that book. According to Voldemort, Grindelwald, the most feared dark wizard from the 16th century, dared not trespass in his maze.

Could it be that everything she's going through now is because of that "old monster"?

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked again.

"Don't keep asking me! Do something!" she said angrily.

At this time, a normal person should go to get some water, but Art didn't move, which made her even more angry.

She waited a little longer, realizing how long it took Charlotte to get the water, and then she figured it out.

England and Prussia used to be allies, but because of the Prussian armed neutrality in the Treaty of Basel, Napoleon sent secret police to surround the British consulate in Hamburg, which happened to be a "free city" protected by Prussia.

If Prussia wanted to keep North Germany neutral, they had to protect Hamburg, and England didn't place much value on re-aligning with Prussia, who had once betrayed it.

Septimus Malfoy said that the United States is only needed if Europe has no allies to rely on.

And cotton...

"Take it easy, I'm fine." She said after she calmed down.

"I heard that the news about Hamburg came from you." Alter said angrily, "I don't know if you have any other inside information?"

Georgiana looked at Art.

How urgent is the situation without saying polite words?

"I 'love' Napoleon. It is very unwise to go to war with such a strong man, but if he continues to persecute him like this, I think the king will have no other choice." Alter said nastyly.

"Dare he send troops?" Georgiana asked.

"You are peace-loving. Do you want to see this hard-earned peace come to naught?"

"So you plan to let me provide you with information?"

Art breathed a sigh of relief, "What do you want?"

Georgiana glanced at the door, and she seemed to see a black shadow flash past.

"Is it your people outside?" she asked.

"No, it's your people." Alter said, "They claim to be mercenaries from the United States, and they are willing to do things for money."

She sneered, why is everyone threatening her today?

But she wasn't really angry, maybe she could take this opportunity to do something.

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