"So...Professor Trelawney didn't say what was going to happen to your grandmother, she just asked you 'how is your grandmother'."

After listening to Neville's description, Pomona said while gathering his thoughts.

"No, what she said was 'how is your grandma?' I said 'it's fine', and when she looked at my teacup, she looked like she was saying 'I wouldn't be so sure if I were you'." Neville Said tremblingly.

"Then in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Lupine told you to imagine your Boggart wearing your grandma's clothes," Pomona said gently.

In fact after that class, under the "publicity" of Gryffindor, the whole school knew that Severus Snape was wearing Neville's grandmother's coat... Neville never went to the Great Hall for dinner after that , didn't even dare to go back to the castle, just to avoid being caught by Snape.

It will never be a simple confinement. After Harry Potter, Neville will become the second unlucky person who "had a gloomy childhood and lived a life worse than death".

"I shouldn't have listened to Professor Lupine," Neville said ruefully, "I shouldn't have attended that class, Defense Against the Dark Arts is cursed..."

"I don't think you should hate a course that is vital to your life and useful in the future because of a teacher's misleading." Pomona waved his wand, and then a heavy book "bang" It landed in front of Neville.

Because of its long history, it had accumulated a lot of ash inside, which made Neville cough continuously when it fell.

"What's this?" Neville pushed the dust away with his hands.

"What did you think of Professor Binns' History of Magic class?" asked Pomona.

Neville didn't speak, and she knew that even if he didn't, most of the people were sleeping.

"What I'm talking to you about today isn't about the Giant Wars. This book records the history of the 16th century, when Muggles were in the period of the Reformation and the Witch Hunt."

"I know," said Neville. "Muggles in those days hunted wizards, and it was hard to find a village full of wizards like Hogsmeade."

"Who did you hear that, pure-bloods?" Pomona asked.

Neville didn't answer.

"This book is not about how Muggles hunted wizards. At that time, Protestants and Catholics were hunting witches, but the wizards they found were not real wizards."

Neville looked at Pomona in bewilderment.

"This is a good way to eradicate dissidents. In order to protect themselves, the wizards of that era needed actual combat." Pomona waved his wand, and the dust turned into a human figure in the sun, and began to perform battles. "The main thing they have to face is the dark wizard. The earliest name of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was 'dark art', some people were addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves, so they needed to learn defense, and then that class became 'defense against the dark arts'."

Neville looked at the Dust Man for a while, then turned his gaze back to Pomona.

"Do you think Professor Snape is scary? There are people who are more terrifying than him. Some of them are recorded in this book, and some are still alive. The way Professor Lupine taught to deal with fear is to laugh at it, but this way is not Not for everyone."

"Those horrible people are all in Azkaban." Neville stared at Pomona and said, "Like Sirius Black, do you think they will escape like him? Professor."

Pomona thought of Bella Trix, and it would not be good news for Neville if she ran out too.

"The way to overcome fear can also be to get used to fear. How about you go back to Potions class first?" Pomonad said.

Neville shook his head firmly.

"Professor Snape won't let me go."

Pomona didn't insist either, she knew that Severus would definitely find fault on purpose, but now he was busy finding the bigger "enemy" Black and spent all his spare time, so he had no time to deal with Neville for the time being.

"How did you beat the Boggart, Professor." Neville asked.

Well done, a Gryffindor lion asking the famous, timid Hufflepuff how to overcome his fear.

"Professor Trelawney is right, I think," Pomona said imitating Sybil.

Neville seemed to have listened to her diversion, and focused on the tea stains at the bottom of his teacup.

She was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but just as she turned her head, she found that Snape, who was covered in darkness, was standing outside the greenhouse like a ghost, looking at the two of them through the glass.

==================================================== ==========


"What's wrong?" Charlotte asked.

Georgiana hiccups again.

"Take a break," said the female boxer. "We've been practicing for a while."

"I'm fine." Georgiana hiccupped again just after she finished speaking.

At the moment they are in the hotel's gym. They say that the gym is actually more like an indoor gymnasium. Guests staying in the hotel can play tennis here, as well as exercise with simple equipment. Boxing is a newly popular sport, so there are also sandbags, whether you are a boxing enthusiast or not, you can come here to punch a few punches at the sandbags.

"Would you like some water?" Charlotte asked.

Georgiana wanted to give her a show like a fountain, but she nodded anyway.

So Charlotte, like a considerate nanny, brought her water.

After Charlotte left, she found a towel to wipe off her sweat.

"Let go of your thoughts." She said to herself, then smiled wryly.

After the Battle of Jena, Napoleon demanded 140 million francs in compensation from Prussia. This is an astronomical figure for Prussia, and it is impossible to pay it back unless it cede territory. At this time, Stein became the chief minister of Prussia under the recommendation of the French emperor, and met the demand for Napoleon's reparation by revitalizing the Prussian economy.

Stein did it in the end, allowing Prussia to complete from top to bottom what France did from bottom to top, and had the embryonic form of modern Prussia.

But in 1808, when Prussia paid the indemnity, France did not withdraw. Stein began to plan an armed uprising to achieve national independence, but the secret letter he wrote was used by the Junkers and soon fell into the At the hands of the French, Napoleon, who was in Madrid, was furious. He dismissed Stein and issued an order declaring that Stein was not protected by law.

Before the "Animal Protection Law" was passed, British bullfighting and dog fighting were allowed. The "Animal Protection Law" protected animals such as cattle and did not allow humans to use them to continue bloody entertainment. Animals that are not protected by the law are not. this column.

Muggles have not established the "Wizard Protection Act". As long as a person is recognized as a wizard, he loses the legal protection as a "person", and witch generals and witchers can arrest them.

Napoleon’s letter did not make Stein a wanted criminal, and he did not break the law, but everyone can “hunt” him. If someone offers a bounty, this is a “sport” that everyone can participate in up.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Shang Yang, the reformer of the Qin State, also completed the reform "from top to bottom". However, he had no supporters after Queen Qin. His teacher took it instead. Maybe it was for revenge, maybe it was to appease the anger of the princes, or for some other reason, Shang Yang was torn apart by the car.

Stein saved Prussia that was about to perish. Fortunately, the King of Prussia protected Stein and did not let Stein lose his protection due to Napoleon's hand letter, and the reform of Prussia did not stop until 1871, Prussia " "From top to bottom" had to complete German unification.

There is such a story, a nail is missing, a horseshoe is lost, a horseshoe is lost, a war horse is lost, a war horse is lost, a general is lost, a general is lost, a war is lost, a war is lost A war was fought and a country was destroyed.

Someone planted an acorn in Scotland 300 years ago. Three hundred years later, it became a mast for a warship. The ship won a naval battle, and the loser had to turn to land for expansion. The allies defected in order to fight for land hegemony.

It seems that except for one confidant, another seed broke out in the German forest until one day...


Georgiana looked at the man.

"Good morning." He said carefully, as if afraid to scare her away.

She looked at the Prussian and thought he looked familiar.

"We've seen..."

"In Mechelen." Georgiana continued, "I remember that your father followed Frederick the Great."

"It's me, my name is Art von Lesterwitz. My father once followed Frederick the Great and participated in the Silesian War." The short and stout Junker nobleman said proudly.

"How did you get in here?"

"I live in this hotel." Alter replied, "What a coincidence."

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