Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2451 Cecum Zone (5)

In preparation for this trip to Belgium, Josephine made a lot of preparations. First she bought a pearl necklace worth 250,000 francs, which once belonged to Marie Antoinette, was used as collateral during the Revolution, and later fell into the hands of the jeweler Fussier.

"250,000 francs?" cried Georgiana in astonishment.

"Don't you have a Mughal diamond too," said Charlotte, munching on chocolate. "Guess how she got the money?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"She approached Berthier and asked him to find a way to raise the money."

"Berthier embezzled public funds?" asked Georgiana.

"He initially wanted to sell the wood on the walls of Brussels, but the mayor stopped him, so he approached the Italian military medical contractors and demanded compensation for poor service, which made a lot of money." Charlotte ate another chocolate "and so the pearl went from the jeweler's safe to Josephine's jewelry box."

Georgiana frowned, thinking she should write and ask Bonaparte where he got the money for the diamonds.

"Why don't you wear a crown?" asked Charlotte.

"I don't think it's a good idea to wear it," Georgiana replied.

"Josephine last wore the tiara to the ceremony at Lyon."

"She was scolded later."

"You must be right, take it out and have a look!" Charlotte urged.

Georgiana suspected that she wanted to wear the jewels, which was why she took the job.

"I really didn't~"

"Do you know how many people want to give you gifts? Do you know Brion?"

"You have so many questions."

"The last time I met the Swedish ambassador, he talked to me. In 1797, he went to Milan to meet Napoleon. At that time, he was in a bad mood and yelled at the ambassador. The ambassador said that he had never seen such a thing in his life. A man of temper." Charlotte said, "Briand became the French ambassador to Sweden, and on the morning before he left, Napoleon was furious again because a letter to Talleyrand was late."

"What's going on?" Georgiana asked with concern.

"At first he thought it was a matter of Brion and the Consulate's courier, so he rang the bell and summoned them all, but he pulled the rope so hard that he snapped his hand hard on the corner of the fireplace, Then he bled." Charlotte took a sip of water, "He didn't know who to blame, Talleyrand told him to calm down, when the messenger came, he was so frightened that he almost passed out, and replied hew and haw, this is Napoleon More annoyed than before, he slammed the door shut, leaving a bloody handprint on the door."

Georgiana thought it was scary, but she remembered what Ginny had written in blood, and it made her less afraid.

"Blyon used to be his classmate, so he knocked on the door, and Napoleon yelled 'Get out of here, you idiot! And a 100 times more stupid ass' and went upstairs to his office and packed his stuff, which is how he quit his job."

Georgiana thought it time to laugh.

"He never lost his temper in front of you?" Charlotte asked.

"Of course," Georgiana said, remembering the unappetizing lunch.

"Aren't you afraid of him?"

"Of course," said Georgiana, remembering the document she had signed for the cremation.

"You are really bold." Charlotte said with "admiration".

"You call him Polly, and you're still afraid of him?" Georgiana said, laughing.

"Maybe that's why I won't be afraid." Charlotte said calmly, "Is it because you used magic to calm him down?"

"No, I'm useless."

Charlotte looked a little disbelieving.

Georgiana chose one from the chocolate pile and chewed it slowly. It was filled with coffee and had a faint bitter taste.

Charlotte suddenly put her hand on her chin and lifted her head up.

"I see." The female boxer said with a smile, "So that's how it is."

She didn't like the position and slapped Charlotte's hands away.

"Tell me how you usually get along."

Georgiana didn't want her private life to appear in the tabloids.

"He will spend an hour watching Josephine dress up." Charlotte said self-satisfied, "but I heard that he doesn't seem to have seen you dress up."

"We don't sleep in the same room," Georgiana muttered.

"You know what I mean," said Charlotte. "He loves to look at your neck."

"What?" Georgiana touched her neck with lingering fear.

"Don't worry, he didn't want to break it." Charlotte waved his hand and ate another chocolate. "Why don't you like wearing a necklace?"

Georgiana did not answer. She now wears necklaces much more frequently than before, mainly because she must wear very expensive necklaces when attending formal occasions. If Bonaparte hadn't taken off her black swan necklace, she might still be wearing it. She had clearly told him that she would look old and ugly if she took off the necklace.

"Come on, take me to see your jewelry." Charlotte said, pulling Georgiana's arm.

Women, you won't give up until you reach your goal.

So Georgiana was dragged by Charlotte to find Mrs. Rushfoucaud. Originally, her jewel custodian was Alice, but she is probably still playing somewhere now, and her own job was taken over by her mother.

The castle that belonged to the former Prime Minister of the Principality of Brabantine was not as big as Hogwarts, but the corridors were quiet, giving her a feeling of wandering in the castle at night.

Charlotte talked about her "experience" as she walked.

Brion can speak multiple languages ​​and write multiple languages. He is a very good secretary, but not a good diplomat. How should I put it, he seems to have entered retirement early. Being an ambassador in Sweden is basically recuperating, as if he is repairing Physical and mental trauma.

After writing his resignation letter, Brion handed the letter to Dillock, who gave him a note telling him that the "Last Supper" would be held there, and Brion would leave Duy after this meal. Palazzo Lelieu, find lodging elsewhere.

Both Josephine and Hortense were present at the meal, Napoleon looked indifferent, and after the meal he talked to other people, and Josephine and Hortense entertained him, and they could provide Brion with a dinner at Malmaison. residence.

"Your new residence will have to be like that, have you found a suitable place?" Charlotte asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

"How about living in the palace of the previous dynasty? If the damage is not serious, you can repair it like the Tuileries Palace and live in it." Charlotte said.

"What do you want?" Georgiana asked the policeman.

Just as Charlotte was about to speak, the two heard movement from behind the door.

Charlotte put her ear against the door, then took two steps back, lifted her skirt, and kicked the door open. After the door was knocked open, the room was in a mess, and the woman who was rescued on the road yesterday was looking at them in surprise.

Her body was covered with jewels, and she still had a bag in her hand. It looked like she wanted to pack something before leaving. She saw the two of them, and she dropped a necklace in her hand very skillfully, and then drew out the dagger.

"Go away, bitch!" she said, grinning like a snarling dog.

Charlotte smiled provocatively, "Do you think the gadget in your hand can deal with me?"

The woman screamed and aimed the dagger at Charlotte's stomach, and the female boxer was easily out of the way.

Georgiana did not call the guards.

She took her wand out of the bracelet and used a "restore" and everything that had been shuffled and broken returned to its original place.

Seeing this scene, the two people who were planning to fight stopped and looked at her together.

"I knew these jewels would cause trouble." Georgiana said, piercing her waist. "Tell me who you are, Miss Thief."

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