Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2449 Cecum Zone (3)

The elegant string music was playing in the concert hall, but Georgiana didn't listen to it at all.

The first time she saw Bonaparte was in the Tuileries, he had just returned from Egypt, tanned, and he was nothing like the imposing man on horseback she had seen in her history textbook. Same, looks like an adventurer.

At that time, Severus was by his side, she didn't think about it that much, and it is estimated that Bonaparte didn't have any thoughts at that time, or she didn't catch his eyes at all. The "first meeting" he remembered was that Hathor possessed her body, so he could easily think of Egypt. He probably fell under the spell of the Egyptian god of love at that time, so he felt that she was "shining". .

What annoyed her even more than what he had said about Josephine and Hortense in his letters was that he had called her such a liar that she had lost her ability to think and her brain was boiling like lava.

What did he think she lied to him? Except that Metternich threatened her to tell Bonaparte not to continue to provoke the Silesian issue, she lied, saying that Austria was willing to cooperate with France against Prussia.

Now that I think about it, she may have interfered too much, although her original plan was to let Metternich accept as soon as he was satisfied, and not to release that witcher and spread the word about how to hunt witches. Now that the rumors have spread, what should we do next?

Evening dresses are formal dresses worn at parties. They are the most high-end and gorgeous dresses, often accompanied by gorgeous jewelry. They look noble and elegant, like people in dreams.

Bonaparte from Corsica had never seen this scene before. Josephine brought him to a world different from the one he was familiar with. What's more, she had two outstanding children. No one has become a family.

He actually spoke German, and he taught her a phrase: Berg und Tal kommen nicht zusammen, wohl aber die Menschen. (Mountains and mountains do not meet, people always meet.)

In the words of Buddhists, fate is predestined, what is yours is yours, what is not yours, you cannot force it, but for a person who aspires to be the master of fate, following the crowd like this is not what he wants.

They are different people, like two parallel lines, which have no intersection at all. But there are two tracks for trains, and both are indispensable.

She originally had her own track, but when she went to another place, the gauge changed, so she had to change it.

It may be that the soothing music did play a role. She calmed down a bit. Compared to a reply letter saying "You are also careful about being assassinated", she felt that Bonaparte might be afraid now. He was worried that he would die in Josephine's house. front, and then Josephine was begging on the side of the road, like the soldier's wife, with the baby in her arms.

He was chatting with her about his life after retirement, but it changed frequently. Sometimes he was in the countryside, and sometimes he was traveling around the world.

The premise of all this is to be alive. There are so many variables in places like the battlefield, and it is not certain when his good luck will end.

At this moment, she felt the curtain behind her move, and then saw "Captain Nightingale".

"I heard you had a letter from him."

"That's right," Georgiana replied.

"Where is he now?"

"The letter says he met a German-speaking woman, and the letter was brought by an Aachen peasant."

"Didn't you say he was in Maastricht?"

"That's all I know."

So Captain Nightingale left.

After he left, Georgiana stared at the band downstairs in a daze.

People around her were whispering that she didn't believe the rumors that the child of Hortense and Louis was in fact Napoleon's illegitimate child, although everyone was telling it, and the story was vivid.

In "The Fable of the Bees", it is written that the first thing a person who advocates honor pays attention to is to follow the principle of honor. In order to defend honor, he will not hesitate to give up his job, wealth and even his life.

She felt that Napoleon would not do such a thing simply because he was not that kind of person.

At this time, the music came to an end, and the audience burst into applause. After a short break, she came to the lounge, which was decorated with oriental characteristics, full of porcelain and screens.

"Is there any spice?" Georgiana asked the director of the music hall.

"I have it," Padma said, taking out a metal ball full of spices from her pocket.

She lit it and went to the coffee table in the back room to find some paper and a pen to write on.

I'm surprised that even though I haven't written you an effusive love letter, or any comforting letter, it doesn't mean I'm indifferent to you. You have such a gift that you know how to comfort the weak and encourage the timid by your words and deeds, and I believe that any teaching or advice I have on this point is superfluous.

I have nothing, you are the pillar of strength that supports me, if I lose you, my quiver will be empty, and no one will be afraid of a person who controls the empty string from now on.

I am the most unfortunate of all women, and the most fortunate of all women. Your preference has honored me above other women, and in this way, the greater my fall and the pain you caused me, fell hard like Icarus.

Your accusation is painful and outrageous to me. People regard physical purity as a virtue, but you feel that those experiences of pleasure in co-sleeping are purely lust, without any emotion?

Therefore I beg you not to say such words, do not hurt me like this again, these words pierce my heart like the sword of death. I don't know that the liar you mentioned was recorded in Voltaire's book, maybe you can tell me next time we meet or write back, but the ancient Roman poet Lucan once wrote in "Fasalia": No matter your Whatever the plan, it comes suddenly; the future is uncertain for man, let him continue to hope in fear.

If the destruction is tomorrow, I want to welcome that moment in this way. Death can find peace for my soul, which is exhausted by pain.

The last, and also my most important request to you, live well, but please don't forget me, Lily's death brought him a change...

Georgiana wrote here and outlined the last sentence.

Of course, the letter couldn't be sent out like this, so she put it away, and planned to revise it and copy it again when she went back. At this time, she found that everyone else had gone out.

She left the lounge and was hit by a hurrying person as she passed the hallway, nearly falling over.

"I'm sorry," said the man.

Georgiana looked at the other person's face and felt very familiar.


Then the little girl walked away.

Georgiana looked at her back and remembered who she was. She was the adopted daughter of the former Spanish Duchess of Abar, but the way she ran in such a hurry was not elegant at all.

"Any questions?" Dillock asked.

"I'm fine." Georgiana said, just about to go back to her box, but remembered that the copper ball containing spices was not taken away, so she turned back to the lounge, and then returned to the box.

As soon as she sat down she felt sick as hell, if only she could do the same, having been incinerated by the magical flames Grindelwald had summoned.

She took one more look at the conductor of the orchestra, made sure he was holding the baton and not the Elder Wand, and then sighed, if she also changed from "have" to "not have", does anyone remember? What about her?

Or Pomona or Lily, who would Severus miss more?

It's such a stupid idea, she should get it out of her mind, and she'll do it when she gets back, and with all the people in the theater now, she can't use magic in front of that many people, because that's violation of international secrecy laws.

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