Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2404 The Kingdom of the Lord of the Rings (Part 2)

"What? Peter's Animagus is a mouse?" Pomona asked in disbelief. "What use is a mouse?"

"He can keep watch." Sirius said dryly, rubbing his obviously elongated nose.

She looked at James again.

"How about we have a nickname for each other?" James exclaimed. "Like me, my Animagus is a deer..."

"Don't you dare to speak louder? You better let the whole world know that you are illegal Animagus."

"At least we succeeded, how about you?" James looked at Pomona. "When will your Animagus succeed?"

"It's enough to have James and me in the future, and you don't have to come in the future." Sirius said bluntly.

She didn't think it was "good intentions", maybe Sirius thought that even if Peter's animagus was a mouse, he still found it more useful than a girl.

Mad at her.

"Where are you going?" Sirius asked.

"You don't need to worry about it!" She said without looking back, and left the lake.

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There is a swan hovering gracefully over the lake.

It faces the lake and looks at itself like a mirror.

Gryffindor Rules Article 79: Either live or die, never live.

So it's hard to imagine that Peter Pedilu would maintain the appearance of a mouse and live in Ron's house for so many years. What's even more incomprehensible is that he still remembers how to change back into a human form.

The swan flew in the air for a while, and then flew south.

"New Heloise" was written by Rousseau, and the place where the story took place was moved from Brittany to a small town in the Alps. Rousseau's ancestors were originally French, and later fled to Geneva.

The heroine is also not called Eloise, but a noble lady named Julie, who falls in love with her governess, but is strongly opposed by her father because he has betrothed her to the Russian nobleman Wal-Mart.

Julie did not become the dean of the convent like Eloise. Wal-Mart treated Julie very well. Their life was extremely happy. Their unwavering love allowed the family of three to live together and create common happiness. The right combination of human means and deeds delights a man as well as a clever symmetry in a picture or a play performed with great success by a stage.

Rousseau did not write Saint-Prey as a saint. For him, it was not difficult for Julie to order him to die, and he obeyed everything except the order that he was not allowed to love her any more.

A man in love, despite his apparent sanctimony, will seduce a demure girl when he can, and will not hesitate to discredit a family in order to gratify his whims.

The only solution is to leave. St. Prele left Julie and traveled around the world. After 6 years, he saw Julie again and wanted to regain his old dream, but Julie didn't take a step forward because she was the mother of the child.

The return of St. Prele made Julie unable to be happy again. Her gentle and charming appearance became depressed and indifferent to everything. Her sad heart could no longer tell what was called love and what was called pain.

The swan whined.

The ballet "Swan Lake" was sold out almost every show, at least the ones at Pomona. Before watching Swan Lake, she watched "The Death of a Swan". The swan under the moonlight is so beautiful and fragile, and its lonely shadow has to come to the lake, struggling to meet the arrival of death.

If the prince accepts the temptation of the black swan and does not choose the white swan, what will be the fate of the swan princess who cannot unravel the curse?

A long time ago, there was a princess named Alisa. Her mother passed away very early, so she assumed the responsibility of a mother when she was very young, taking care of her 11 younger brothers.

Then one day, the king decided to marry another queen, who was going to be the stepmother of 12 children.

As expected, the stepmother was a witch. In order to control the country, she wanted to get rid of the king's children, so the queen used magic to turn the princes into swans and three toads, which were placed on Alisa. body, trying to make her ugly and vicious.

However, the toad turned into three beautiful flowers when it touched Alisa, and the black magic did not work on Alisa.

The stepmother smeared the ointment on Alisa's body again, and the beautiful princess was no longer beautiful. When the king saw it, he said loudly, "This is not my daughter", and then drove Alisa out.

Alisa walked into the forest in despair, and was taken aback by her appearance when she came to the stream. What was even more frightening was that the ointment couldn't be washed off anyway. Later, Alisa met a kind old grandmother in the forest, who took Alisa in and let her live in her own home.

After many years, the princess has grown up, but she has never seen her brothers. And one day every year, the princes will hover around the castle where they lived in the past, and look for Alyssa everywhere.

Accidentally, Alisa saw an injured deer and jumped into a spring. The magical spring water made the deer recover completely, so Alisa also jumped into the spring and washed off the paint on her body. The potion returned to its original appearance.

The swan took a deep breath, turned around, and plunged into the lake near the castle. The wings caused great resistance in the water, and the fluffy feathers made her float. At this time, she remembered the way her hands swiped in front of her eyes. .

Maybe Slytherin doesn't like this metaphor, their lounge is like an upside-down goldfish bowl, and magical creatures like mermaids often swim out of the window to observe them.

Then the swan's wings gradually turned into human hands, and when she jumped out of the water again, she had returned to her human form.

She swam to the shore again, and then found a rock to sit down. She didn't know whether it was because of the flight or because of the transformation of the Animagus. She felt very tired, and the wind blew on her wet clothes and felt colder than flying at high altitude before. , she couldn't help shaking.

One day, Julie's child accidentally fell into the icy lake. In order to save him, Julie jumped into the lake recklessly. In the end, she became ill and died soon after.

Before she died, she called Saint Prele, hoping that he could take care of her family and marry her younger sister Claire. When she fell in love with Saint Prele, she had discussed with Claire, and it was still the same after marriage. Mr. Wal-Mart never followed She talked about her own experience, and she didn't talk about the situation in his family.

How can you love someone you don't know at all? But Julie still loves Mr. Walmart as much as she can, and respects him. Even in the face of her old lover, she still maintains a sober and peaceful mind, protecting her children, and everything she seems to have a certain value stuff, all thanks to Wal-Mart.

Gryffindor Rules Article 57: Never indulge yourself.

Gryffindor Rules Day 67: Gryffindor's kindness is by no means tolerance without a bottom line.

Although the lions will roar, roar, run wildly, and are not calm when things happen, they will not forget their honor and principles.

A man of honor must have courage, and lack of courage, his other principles are at best a sword without a point.

So we can get a glimpse of what courage is and distinguish it from daring.

Sirius' principle is never to betray a friend, and never to die. This is incomprehensible to Severus, but it doesn't mean that Severus lacks courage and bottom line.

Some people give up their lives for honor, and some people give up for love, just like Lily and Julie, who sacrificed themselves to protect their children.

Narcissa Malfoy said that when she saw Wormtail alive in Spider's End, she knew that the past about Lily in Severus's mind had passed, or that he "dare not" to kill this Wormtail to help Voldemort The resurrected "big hero"?

Traitors are not really to be trusted, especially the rats in the snake's den, which the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets has been using as food, even though it is big enough to attack the students and eat them.

The sword of Gryffindor is always there when people need it, but it doesn't appear in the hands of cowards, wielding it indiscriminately for their own survival.

Kindness belongs to the victor, don't pin your hope that others won't hurt you, make yourself defenseless.

But don't do whatever it takes to win. The sword bearer should be careful. Maybe those who are regarded as fair and intelligent will regard those who admire honor as fools, but they can fake their own death like Peter Pedilu, and kill those who chased him. Is it a commendable "trick" for Liss Black to be imprisoned in Azkaban?

Peter betrayed his friend, and that was something Sirius couldn't stand.

Georgiana looked at her hands. Fortunately, she was not Icanus, and her wings would become heavy after getting wet, and she could swim, even if she fell into the water, she could swim ashore by herself.

Then she thought of Queen Maria, who violated her conscience and suppressed the old nobles. Her depression turned into madness. People will not follow a leader who is not clear-headed.


Police Georgiana turned around and found someone standing not far away with a crossbow in his hand.

She almost forgot that Swan was dying because of his severe wounds, and before he could point the crossbow at her, Georgiana took out her wand and used it on him, fainting.

When he lies down, she will call the leaves of the tree and turn them into clothes.

It does not have the effect of keeping warm, but how can people live in the human world without clothes?

A memory came to her mind, when they were in the school's greenhouse, the children went to watch Quidditch, they were rarely free in broad daylight, and there was no one around but the magical plants.

She shook her head, waved away the charming that had just appeared in her mind, then hummed and left the icy lake.

She felt warmer, though only temporarily.

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