Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2403 The Kingdom of the Lord of the Rings (Part 1)

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Portuguese ships rarely installed cannons. Their ships were full of goods used to make money. When the two armies faced each other, they still indulged in medieval melee. The Dutch, on the other hand, try to avoid close combat, preferring to bombard from a suitable distance with cannons. There is no cargo stacked on the upper deck, and the cannons are operated by professional personnel.

It is difficult to say which way of fighting is more effective. Newton was not born at that time, and there was no way to calculate ballistics. The gunner who controlled the cannon fired almost by experience and luck. The Portuguese did not have enough weapons and equipment, and even if they had weapons, they were neglected to manage them, and they were left to rust without maintenance.

These two fighting methods have respectively affected two other countries, Britain and Spain. The British naval warfare is closer to the Dutch, while the Spaniards are closer to the Portuguese. Their ships are repaired like fortresses at sea. There will be advantages.

The inland river is not like the sea, it cannot be distanced or formed, and the draft of the ships will also be affected. At this time, the advantages of the Spanish ships are reflected instead, not to mention that in addition to the ships, there are also bunkers, forts and the like on the land. Fortifications.

It is also water, salt water is much more corrosive to iron than fresh water, even if iron is forged into steel, it is not resistant to corrosion, so it needs to be painted with anti-rust paint, or copper like the bow of the "Vigilance". Fresh water is relatively easy, stainless steel is indeed corrosion resistant, but it is expensive to forge and cannot be built without cheap steel.

In the Middle Ages, iron and steel were mainly used in weapons such as armor and swords. However, during the Thirty Years’ War where Gustav lived, those armors and swords had been gradually replaced by arquebuses, and line tactics gradually became mainstream. .

Compared with the industrial revolution in Britain, Sweden’s industry seems to be mediocre, not as bright as the steam engine and the textile industry, especially since Sweden gradually weakened after entering the 18th century, but it is indeed an industrial powerhouse.

The latitude is high there, and agriculture is subject to natural conditions. The tomahawk used by the Vikings is also their production tool for logging in peacetime. Its usage rate and popularity far exceed that of expensive swords.

But the sword is still the most admired weapon of the Vikings. Making a sword is much more difficult and costly than making an axe. The average person cannot use it, not to mention that it is troublesome to maintain, and it is usually used by nobles.

A good Viking sword can be exchanged for a house and a small field. It was popularized from Northern Europe to Europe in the Middle Ages. It will not break due to bending. King Arthur's broken steel sword is taken from the ancient Celtic word "excalibur". The ancient Celtic people were a nation that once lived in Northern Europe. Legend has it that they were the builders of Stonehenge. During Caesar's conquest of Gaul There was a fight with them, and finally the Romans took most of Britain and Spain from them.

When ancient Rome declined, the Celts occupied northwestern France, Ireland, Wales, and parts of Scotland. In the Middle Ages, only a few settlements remained in Ireland. In the age of the Vikings, their power was concentrated in Dublin. Celtic legends record the story of the invasion of the Fomo tribe. According to the legend, they are huge, ugly, burst and cruel by nature, representing the power of evil. The Partlanders fought fiercely against them for the dominion of Ireland, and at last drove them to the North Sea.

Around that time, an Irish tribe invaded southern Scotland and named the area after their tribe's name "scoti", which was used hundreds of years later to refer to the whole of Scotland in English.

The Vikings have always believed that the sword has magical powers and that the sword has self-awareness, so they have always called the sword in an anthropomorphic way. In Norse mythology, both the main god Odin and Thor, the god of thunder, are the gods of forging, and even Loki, the god of lies, is also the god of fire.

Tyr is the god of war, but also the protector of the oath and glory. When the gods wanted to lock the giant wolf Fenrir with magic chains, Tyr bound the wolf with his right hand. One-armed, except for the dusk of the gods, there are almost no descriptions of him fighting in person, but he still carries a sword at all times. The ancients had the custom of swearing in sword alliances, and some people engraved "Tyre runes" on the hilt of their swords to pray for victory before starting a battle.

The Broken Steel Sword is also known as the Sword of Oath and Victory, and Knights of the Round Table and Merlin are equally famous as this sword.

After going through so many things, if Edgeworth hadn’t mentioned those folk stories in Ireland, she had almost forgotten what kind of “dream” she had had. She regarded Napoleon as King Arthur, and she was King Arthur. "Merlin".

In mythology, when Ireland was in dire straits under the rule of the Fomos, they also prayed for a hero to save them. But the Irish, at least the Archbishop of Troy, did not expect the French.

The Irish feared the French Revolution, especially what they had done to the Church, and it caused quite a panic when they first heard that the French were going to invade across the sea in 1794.

Troy is a name that appears in another mythology. This is not surprising at all. For example, there are many women named Helen, but not every one of them is as beautiful as the Helen who started the Trojan War.

In many stories, the role of women is just a decoration, and their only function is beauty. Edgeworth felt that girls also needed to read, and when Maria was five years old, he searched through more than 40 children's books, but couldn't find one suitable for her, until he found Priestley's friend , a book by Dr. Akin's daughter, Anna, who was unfortunately a Rousseauist and had a disastrous marriage to a Frenchman, which her brother blamed on her reading The New Eloy Sri Lanka.

Abelard and Heloise are to the French what Romeo and Juliet are to the British, but unlike Romeo and Juliet, the story takes place in two feuding families in Italy, Abelard and Eloise. The story of Yisi is a teacher-student relationship that happened in the Middle Ages. Moreover, when Eloise's uncle knew about the relationship between the two and ordered them to break up, Eloise was already pregnant.

Abelard sent Heloise back to his hometown in Brittany, and he stayed in Paris to face the wrath of Uncle Heloise. In order to save the woman's reputation, Eloise's uncle agreed to the marriage of the two. When their son was born, the two held a secret wedding. But this did not satisfy the uncle, the uncle spoke harshly to Eloise, and sometimes beat him with fists, out of protection, Abelard decided to send Heloise to the monastery, but the uncle thought it was Abelard Wanting to completely abandon Eloise, Abelard was tortured inhumanely.

Eloise, who was sent to the monastery, also suffered from mental torture. She converted to God, but not because of her love for God. After 15 years, Abelard did not write a letter, nor visited Eloise. His.

Fortunately, both of them have complete and independent personalities and souls. Even though they were tortured greatly, they still did not suffer from it. Arabal resumed teaching after recovering from health, and Eloise became a high-ranking woman in the church. One of the abbots, both commanded respect for their extensive learning.

Later, they began to correspond again, but Arabir's letters were full of philosophical and ethical discussions, almost avoiding the previous feelings, ignoring the love in Eloise's letters, and appearing as a condescending leader.

This is also where Edgeworth reminded Georgiana that she did not actually ask Padma if she was willing to go to London to investigate and arrange for her without permission. Even though they used to be teachers and students, Padma has graduated now. Georgiana should treat her "equally" as an adult.

As a father, how does it feel to see your daughter achieve more than yourself? In particular, he was married four times to a bride who was a year younger than his daughter, his telegraph career was not going well, and he received death warnings because of his political stance.

Edgeworth was also a Rousseauist before, and he even educated his first son in the way of "Emile". But after seeing everything about the French Revolution with his own eyes, he chose to support Ireland's incorporation into Britain. He believed that at least the British navy could protect Ireland.

Rousseau's thought is a question of authority. If Georgiana intends to cultivate a free, equal, and independent natural person, she should not respond to others' doubts with "I am her teacher".

Later, Edgeworth overthrew the authority she tried to erect with "You look young", she endured this tone and did not argue with him.

At the same time as Edgeworth, there were young people who were Rousseauian, but he did not choose to reconcile science and industry like Edgeworth. He advocated nature. Rousseau's naturalism is "returning to nature". Nature has a beautiful and magical side, as well as a cruel and chaotic side. Edgeworth's friends became more and more radical, and finally became opposition to the rise of industry. By.

But despite their differing philosophies, they remained friends, and together they found a way to live in harmony, which eventually led to their choice of farming.

It is said in the story that the devil and wizards will turn feces into food to trick people into eating, so people in the Middle Ages did not fertilize.

It was not until the Renaissance in the late Middle Ages that people began to simply fertilize, which did not include human excrement. The excrement outside Paris piled up higher and higher. It was not until the French Revolution that the authority of the church was overthrown that people "began" to accept that excrement could be used for fertilization , its main function is to extract the materials for making gunpowder.

Now that Georgiana's identity as a witch is "exposed", some people may say that the witch turned feces into food for them to eat.

When people get together, if they don't know what the right judgment is, they will act according to other people's opinions, and follow what others do.

Some people will deliberately pander to those people to gain their approval. When the Muggles were worried about the reduction in production due to natural disasters, some people said that they were dedicated to fighting against the bad wizards who destroyed the crops. Even werewolves join in the fun, saying they're God's dogs that bite wizards.

"Sometimes little girls have unrealistic fantasies that they really have magical powers."

"How could Georgiana be a prophet? She's just talking nonsense."

That's what Edgeworth says every time someone asks a question.

Edgeworth does not believe in magic, even though he lives in Ireland, a land full of legends of ghosts, fairies, and vampires.

Rather than using Swedish steel for the lock gates, Edgeworth recommends using these high-quality steels for the lock's links. In fact, in addition to being used as a chain to bind slaves, it is more often used as a door pin.

In the first grade "Elementary Spells", the lock-opening spell "alohomora" is recorded. In fact, as long as the lock is opened, it doesn't matter whether the chain is broken or not, and the sword does not need to risk being broken to forcefully split the chain.

But "alohomora" is only effective for low-level locks and spells. The higher the level, the harder it is to untie them. Georgiana used Animagus to break free from the chains on her feet. There are many people who transform without permission, but cannot return to human form. Every time the Animagus is actually dangerous.

But now she wanted to try it, so after Edgeworth was gone, she opened the window, and the fresh air was cold but refreshing, and she couldn't wait to see what it was like to fly high.

Then she thought of the swans in the ballet, where the dancers used their hands to imitate the swan's wings, which were anatomically impossible.

But that still doesn't stop people from imitating and imagining.

As a large bird, the swan needs a run-up before it can fly, but the purpose of doing so is to generate airflow, similar to an airplane, that is, she needs wind.

Before starting the run-up, she cast a spell on the window, and the wind outside the house blew in.

She rushed forward against the wind, and jumped up suddenly when she reached the edge of the window sill...

Two seconds later, no sound was heard, and a few more seconds later, a snow-white feather was blown in by the wind and landed on the ground. The only sound in the quiet room was the crackling of firewood burning in the stove, and the curtains followed The wind fluttered gently, like the hem of a dress, constantly whirling with the dance steps.

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