Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 240 The Light of Wonderland


"Is the medicine effective?"

Hearing Pomona burp, Minerva asked immediately.

"No, I'm choking." Pomona burped again.

Minerva waved her wand, turned the plate into a cup, and poured a spring of clear water.

"Drink it."

Pomona took the bone china cup with a gold rim, and gulped down the water in it.

"I found you a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." After drinking all the water, Pomona said.


"Harry Potter." Pomona tapped her wand, turning the cup into a plate again.

"He's an Auror already."

"It will be very dangerous outside the school this year. It will be safer for him to stay in the school, and this is also a support for Kingsley. If there are more and more people who can summon gods to protect them, dementors don't need to be Aziz anymore. Caban's guards."

"Sounds good, the question is will he?" Minerva said suspiciously.

"I'll let Hermione figure out a way." Pomona said lazily, "If even Harry can't control her, how can she control those men in the Ministry of Magic?"

"You're just making excuses for being lazy."

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is taken over by the old slug. Whose office will Harry use?"

"My transfiguration office on the second floor is useless, so he will use it there." Minerva gave the order, and it seemed that the great savior's return to school to teach was settled.

"Have you found your Transfiguration class teacher?"

"Isn't this ready-made?" Minerva looked at Pomona.

"No!" she immediately screamed "I won't be a teacher anymore!"

"When you give up your responsibility and leave after saying a word, who will help you pass the herbal medicine class?" Minerva said blankly, "Besides, you are only asked to be the teacher, and the dean didn't say that you should be the teacher." .”

"Where's my office?" Pomona said with a sweet smile.

"Transfiguration department on the seventh floor, I'm really sorry that you don't have a separate office, and, you go and help me find Sinista."


"She resigned. She is a very responsible and good teacher. Now it is difficult to find someone who is as serious and responsible as her."

Sinista is very popular in school. The old bat who has been dealing with black magic and potions in the cellar all year round is so familiar with the constellations. It is thanks to her that nobles like to name boys with constellations. If the old bat does not know himself It's embarrassing what the student's name means.

The name Ofeukes is still very unlucky, and he continues to have an annoying personality as always, which makes people hate it.

"Why did she resign?"

"I think it's the school that made her feel less safe." Minerva said helplessly. "The death of Keridi Bubbaji made the staff wonder if the headmaster could keep himself safe. Obviously I'm not as strong as Albus." , she lacked confidence in me."

What Pomona was thinking about was the figure in darkness. At that time, Minerva and Felix were still able to work together, and how strong he was now.

"Are you listening to me?" Minerva said impatiently.

"I'm listening," said Pomona impatiently.

"I need to do something to strengthen other people's confidence in me. Although Malfoy has been trying to use his status as a school trustee to tear Dumbledore from the position of principal, he has at least donated money. Now we are experiencing financial difficulties again. , many places in the keep and adjacent areas were burned or blown up, which cannot be restored by spells."

"I proposed to Slughorn a plan to kill the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest. Their venom costs 100 gold coins a pint."

"Oh, I heard the hunt." Almost headless Nick floated down from upstairs "Can I join?"

"Haven't you given up on joining the Headless Hunters Club, Nick?"

The Headless Hunters Club is made up of a group of headless magical creatures. In addition to ghosts, there is also a magical creature named Durrahan, which holds its head under its armpit and secretes a red liquid. Creatures stained with liquid are marked as prey. It is only afraid of gold, even a gold needle as big as a gold needle will scare him. Apart from that, there is nothing in the world that can stop them from hunting.

"If you can get them into the Forbidden Forest, principal, I can join them," Nick said. "What the school lacks now is manpower."

"I also want to use your venue to do a show, the dragon and the three-headed dog. This matter is related to the security of Gringotts."

"Oh, you made trouble for me again when you showed up." Minerva complained.

"Remember the hallway on the fourth floor in Harry's first year? We did it together." Pomona put her arm around the principal's shoulders. "This time we brought Slughorn."

"I knew you would be of great help to me when you came back." Minerva heaved a sigh of relief.

"Has the Room of Requirement been cleaned up? Check to see what is left after burning. If it is a goblin, return it to them. In exchange, they will help us repair the defense array."

"There's nothing left, the Fiercefire Curse burned almost everything."

According to a very old legend, it can be traced back to 1000 years ago. In the early days of Hogwarts, a young wizard was sorted into Slytherin. The young wizard's name was Merlin. After graduation, he went everywhere. Traveling, and finally with the help of the nymphs of the lake and the knights of the round table, Arthur who got the sword in the stone became the king of England.

His opponent is Morgan Le Fay In addition to being proficient in black magic, she is also a good healer, can transform Animagus into a bird, and she is Arthur's half-sister.

Learn to restrain your desires, and you will become an outstanding wizard like Merlin.

Even a healer can become a dark wizard if he does as he pleases and without restraint.

The process of human depravity is very fast, and I don’t feel that I have done anything wrong. During those six years, Pomona felt extremely happy. Similarly, Bella was also happy when she fought and killed as she wanted. When she called the Dark Lord, it was like Calling for her lover, Bella lost herself in the dark charm that Tom displayed, failed to see through his essence, and eventually she completely fell and went crazy.

Beside Minerva McGonagall, the priest's daughter, Pomona was redeemed, and she felt that the blackness stuck to her body was purified.


Just then, she heard the voice of the dark wizard Severus, and she couldn't help opening her eyes wide to look around.

"I'll be waiting for you in the Transfiguration Garden."

Immediately after she felt her chest darken, she took out her black swan pendant and the crystal ball-like bottle from the sweater.

"It seems that you have a date." Minerva looked at her through the square glasses. "It happens that I have other things to do. Next time you want to see me, come to the principal's office and find me. The password is April Than the Arrows."

Just like Dumbledore likes sweets, Minerva McGonagall is an avid Quidditch fan. As the head of Gryffindor House, she is interested in the progress of the Gryffindor College Quidditch team. Gewarts was a Gryffindor Quidditch player during his studies. She caught Harry flying into the sky in violation of Mrs. Hodge's rules, and instead of punishing him, she approved him to join the Gryffindor team. In fact, she also had a passionate side.

The two climbed up the stairs together, and they parted ways on the second floor. She walked to the Transfiguration classroom, and from the classroom was the Transfiguration courtyard.

There was a little-used fireplace in the classroom from which they had returned to Hogwarts after the party at the Malfoys', and another gleaming solitary floor had been laid from the fireplace to the doorway to the courtyard. Horn fan, how much did it cost?

She wrapped the cloak around her body tightly, the front door and the back door were not closed tightly, and the passing wind blew the snowflakes in from outside. When she opened the door again, a dark figure came into view familiarly, with his back Facing her, standing by the frozen fountain, holding a crystal bottle like hers.

"How much do you want to see me?" he said in a laughing voice.

She blushed, just like a double-sided mirror, just thinking about wanting to contact someone, and then calling the other person's name to establish a connection, how many times did she call his name today?

"I'm glad to hear your voice, Pomona, but I want you to use the ring to summon me even more. As I said, you can be more self-willed." He turned around slowly, his face seemed to have been disguised, It doesn't look the same as usual, but it's still bland.

"I haven't been back to school for a long time, how about we go shopping?"

"where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere is fine, as long as you don't go to the white tomb." He sighed, and said in a sinister tone, "I'm afraid that someone will accidentally dig up the old fool's grave."

"How about we go to the kitchen, Hermione is there too." She immediately ran over and took his arm. "I have to bring some food back. How about we go to Malfoy's for dinner today?"

"As you wish." He took her arm in a gentlemanly way, which reminded her of Dumbledore.

The Slytherin who was bullied in the past actually became the headmaster of Hogwarts. This change was too great, and she couldn't accept it. It was really like a dream.

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