Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 239 Eternal Potion

Once there was a witch who fell in love with a mermaid, she turned herself into a fish to be with her lover, and no one saw her again.

Pomona can take her own life and publicly support the former Death Eater, but she can't ignore Hannah.

Few people knew that her mother was a Muggle, and she had always disguised herself as a pure-blood, but it was obviously not top secret, as Slughorn knew. It's not the first time she did something absurd based on her own intuition, that rabbit, Theodore Not was really messing up her own life, and dragging others to hell with him at the same time, the heavy pressure weighed on her Breathless, she headed to the kitchen after leaving the office on the third floor, now that something sweet would make her feel better.

"How long are you going to hide from me?"

When passing by the entrance of the front hall, Pomona met Minerva who had been waiting there for a long time. She was still wearing an emerald green witch robe, but her hair was whiter than six years ago.

"I attended Severus' funeral. I thought he was dead. As for you, Pomona Sprout, you disappeared without a word for six years. I feel that you owe Let me explain!"

"In everyone's eyes, I am the least likely to join the Order of the Phoenix, which is what Dumbledore wants, right?" Pomona looked into the headmistress' eyes and said, "He made me look like an outsider, Not on any side so the decisions I make are objective and unbiased and the kids trust me so they support me unconditionally when I make the decision the whole Hufflepuff Academy stays to protect the school he fooled everyone People, including you, Minerva, have you never doubted that everything he did was right?"

Pomona cried bitterly, "He is abetting an underage child to commit suicide. Is this what a teacher should do?"

"It was a difficult decision, but Harry was the last Horcrux..."

"No, he's not!" She interrupted Meg angrily. "He doesn't stink like Quirrell!"

"You are too emotional now, Professor Sprout, you need to control your emotions."

"What's wrong with you? Are you still loyal to him, Minerva? He said that he can only really leave when everyone betrays him. If you hold on so tightly, he will never leave. of."

"It's you who said that as long as there is one person who comes to the school to teach, we should also open to the only student." Minerva walked over aggressively holding up the hem of her skirt. Sprout?"

"He's just a kid." Pomona cried, clutching her chest. "Harry's only 17."

"Why don't you cry for Tonks, she is also your student, she was only 24 years old when she died in battle." Minerva said sternly, "At least Harry Potter is still alive, and he is still living happily, you I should bless him, think about Remus' son, he will come to Hogwarts to study in four years, if the school is closed, where will he go to study in the future?"

Pomona was sobbing. Minerva took out a lace handkerchief and wiped her tears away. She still smelled of catnip.

"It's fine if Severus doesn't go back to school, he's never been good at teaching anyway, why don't you come back?"

"I'm sorry," Pomona said tearfully.

"You need to apologize, Sprout, I'm very, very angry now, and you tell me now, who was the Slytherin head we buried?"

"A Death Eater, Severus gave him a Polypotion mixed with his own hair, and then fed him another potion..."

"Oh my God, did we bury a living person?" Minerva exclaimed.

"I don't know, Minerva, I didn't know if it was my hallucination when he took me away, and now I feel like I'm dreaming." Pomona began to cry again, "I just want to let the past The ones that belonged to me were thrown away, and everything started from scratch.”

"Since you have to start over, why are you still in England?" Minerva asked in a soft voice.

"Even if we run to the end of the world to no avail, he made an unbreakable oath with Narcissa Malfoy, he must take care of Draco Malfoy forever, and prevent him from continuing to realize the dream of You-Know-Who, wizards oppressing Muggles to rule the world .”

"Does that boy still think about it now?"

"No, not anymore." Pomona sniffed "He fell in love with a girl, Miss Astonia Greengrass, who supported peaceful coexistence with Muggles, and now he has given up bloodism, but he Still fighting public discrimination against ex-Death Eaters with the Dark Mark."

Once that mark is branded, it can never be removed, except for death, which is the price one must pay for trying to conquer death.

"So you eloped, and then you had to come back to fulfill your responsibilities because of your vows, right?" Minerva sighed, "Why do witches always elope with people?"

Isabel Ross, Minerva McGonagall's mother, eloped with Robert McGonagall, and Irene Prince, women are so stupid and stupid, they can desperate for love.

Smart people said, don't fall in love so early, but unfortunately she is a Hufflepuff idiot, the kind with a smirk on her face all day long, even if she is angry, no one is afraid, not as strict as Minerva.

"I want to eat cream cake, how about you?" Minerva said suddenly.

"Please add some chocolate chips, thank you."

After speaking, Pomona cried again, but Minerva took her with her, and the two found a stairwell where no one passed by, holding the cake brought to them by the house elf, and eating while looking at the snow scene.

When you are in a bad mood, it will be much better to eat some sweets. This is the secret of the Order of the Phoenix to replenish your vitality.

"I've known since I took this job that portraits are not as good as real people, but sometimes I really find those headmaster's suggestions really annoying." Minerva breathed a sigh of relief "Fortunately, Severus His portrait was not hung in the principal's office, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to see a young man die in front of me every day."

"He's not young anymore." Pomona poked at the cake annoyed. Snotluck was 45 years old, and she was 49 years old, although she looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Oh, it's his birthday in five days, right?" Minerva looked at Pomona through her glasses. "Are you going to have a birthday party?"

"No." Pomona smiled and shook her head.

"why not?"

"He's going to screw it up." Pomona sighed. "Even if it's his own birthday."

"I thought you could change him a little bit."

"I tried to get him to wash his hair, and he said it was his style, do you think I can change his annoying personality?" Pomona chewed a large piece of chocolate in her mouth, it was too It was so delicious, she couldn't help but close her eyes.

"Dumbledore and Severus fought against each other in small things, but they always kept the same when big things happened. They kept everything from me. When I knew that Severus killed Dumbledore, my heart was broken." Mi Leva wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"He couldn't do it, that's why Dumbledore chose to be in the observatory, so that he can be sure of everything." Pomona said listlessly.

"I heard his wand glowed green."

"If a person is successfully killed with the Avada Kedavra, a ghost image similar to the deceased will appear when replayed with the Flashback Curse. Tom Riddle will not check it. Dumbledore is the one person he fears the most. , even Harry, after using the Avada Kedavra curse, he didn't dare to go close to check whether Harry was dead. It was Mrs. Malfoy who checked. In fact, he could cast the Flashback Curse on his wand, But he didn't dare, did he?" Pomona sneered, "It's also because he was afraid that he gave Harry the opportunity to take advantage of it."

What a powerful descendant of Slytherin turned out to be a coward, and Pomona was extremely disappointed with the Dark Lord's final performance.

"The Avada Kedavra requires strong spell power as the foundation. The current mages cast spells like smoke and light. They are just superficial and don't have much spell power at all."

"He told you?" Mag said a little unhappy.

"No, I guessed, just like I guessed that Harry wasn't a Horcrux. It's an intuition. You're also a woman. You should believe it, Minerva."

"I don't believe in things that can't be accurately estimated."

"I think that's our biggest disagreement. I trust my instincts when I have to make hasty decisions."

"There's no rush now."

"Do we even have to argue about who is right and who is wrong?"

"Of course." The Gryffindor lioness put the plate on the ground with a look of reluctance.

Pomona shook her head and sighed helplessly, and continued to eat the cream cake with chocolate chips.

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