Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2398 Water of Freedom (Part 2)

Hamilton did not package the bonds of the American Revolutionary War into new federal bonds for financing in Europe. On the contrary, he sold 80% of the shares of Bank of America to the public. As long as no one person exceeds 1,000 shares, then holding 20 The U.S. government, which holds 100% of the shares, is still the largest shareholder of Bank of America.

Its market capitalization is as high as 10 million U.S. dollars. However, the national debt assumed by Bank of America is 25 million. It is not enough to sell all the financing part of Bank of America.

The easiest way is to print money, but the United States has passed the mint law. Although the federal currency is a paper currency, the United States still has a silver coin of 10 cents, which contains as much as 90% silver.

After so many years of trade in the United States, it is unlikely that there is no precious metal reserve at all, not to mention that the bonds issued by American banks are still attracting a lot of money in Europe. During the Anti-French Coalition War, the exchange rate of gold and silver fluctuated. Special people exchanged gold for silver in London, Amsterdam and other places, and then shipped it back to the United States to make 10-cent silver coins.

This silver coin has a high silver content but is so small that its total value does not exceed 10 cents. Hamilton then used these coins, known as "American pennies," to buy domestic federal bonds. The Continental Dollars and War Bonds had become useless papers at the time, and Hamilton used Federal Postal revenue as a pool of funds to exchange the old bonds and currency for new ones. Many objected to redeeming old notes at full face value, which would have meant rewarding speculators at taxpayer expense.

But Hamilton countered that the government debt must be paid in full or citizens would lose all trust in the government. This means that the paper-like bonds have become securities. After paying 25% of the stock price in gold, the remaining 75% can be paid in government bonds with an annual interest rate of 6%.

Even if it is 25% of the face value of gold, the American War of Independence owed a total of more than 40 million US dollars in debt at that time. It is too risky to use so much gold reserves to collect bonds from the market, and Americans will not be unaware of such a big move , Soros sniped the Thai baht and secretly built a position six months in advance.

By the time the people of Lyon built the empty warehouse, the conflict in Mississippi would have started long ago, or had already ended, and people in the 21st century could take airplanes, but there was no such means of transportation in the early 19th century, and there were no telephones, so in practice There are difficulties. Georgiana can use magic to make props such as double-sided mirrors, but that violates the International Statute of Secrecy.

As for Farron’s proposal to establish a raw cotton production base in Egypt, Quesnay believed that taxes should be levied on the land, not on the products produced by the land. If a large amount of tax is added to agricultural products, the price of agricultural products will increase, and the high price will reduce sales. This virtual price lowers the real price, which is maintained by sales.

A tax on land is a tax on ownership, Egypt is now part of the Ottoman Empire, what else can the bourgeoisie get but cheap cotton?

Pushing south and west was not just planters seeking new lands. Territorial expansion served many different interests. The basis for this expansion of the military-cotton complex should have been well understood by the American Indians. Brazil was originally part of the Arab The Zikots are now ceded to France because of Portugal's war in mainland Europe.

The final solution discussed was diamond trading. Generally speaking, diamonds are purchased in cash, but doing so will lead to the outflow of a large amount of precious metals. One emerald can be exchanged for a carriage of gold coins.

Quesnay supports luxury trade, which can promote "flow". During the reign of terror, no one dared to wear gorgeous jewelry and silk clothes, but this also led to economic stagnation, especially in France, which is dominated by the luxury industry The light industry that sells has been severely hit again, and only the rich can spend money to make the currency turnover of all walks of life.

Napoleon could prevent bankers from investing abroad after raising funds at home, but he could not prevent this. The value-preserving property of gems is not high, and it is not as good as hard currencies such as gold and silver. The Miao people will beat silver into jewelry, and the women will make a crisp sound when they walk on their bodies. This is a local custom. Once a war breaks out, they can wear it to run. But Grassini would wear all the diamonds she got, and what European woman would wear gold like armor?

When a person is dying of hunger, there is another person who is full to vomit next to him, and he cannot bear the difference.

Western religions say that jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins, while Eastern religions think that jealousy is one of the "seven sins", and they all say that jealousy is bad.

But the goddess in Greek mythology is also jealous because she didn't get the golden apple. This goddess is not Hera, who is famous for her jealousy. If envy becomes justifiable and uncondemned, it can become a dynamic similar to anger, with unimaginable consequences.

In fact, when the French Republic was proclaimed and it was necessary to raise military expenses to fight against the Anti-French Alliance, many people donated their jewelry.

They are both women and love jewelry, but Ekaterina and Marie Antoinette's evaluations are completely different.

Georgiana has always avoided taking the old path of "predecessors", but the current situation forced her to take this path, and she herself didn't know whether she would be judged by others in the end. That hideous but expensive necklace originally belonged to Madame du Barry. It's a pity that Louis XV died of smallpox. Louis XVI didn't plan to buy such an expensive necklace for the queen. The queen also thought that this necklace was enough to repair a warship. Jeanne cheated it from the cardinal under the guise of the queen. of.

In comparison, she liked Fresnel's lens very much. He planned to install it on the lighthouse, so that the light could penetrate the darkness and the fog on the sea, so that more people could be saved, but Napoleon applied it to on army communications.

If the new mint is set up in Utrecht, then the coins obtained from selling diamonds in France can be recast into new francs here, and Napoleon can ask Hope for seigniorage, but there is a prerequisite for this, whether the Netherlands belongs to France .

Pierre-César Labouchere, who was in the business, was an Orangeman, or at least he was, and William III of Orange took the English crown by marrying James II's daughter.

James II was the Stuart king, and the design of the 1796 dime was inspired by Gilbert Stuart's portrait of the wife of Philadelphia politician William Penn. The silver coin has a woman with wavy hair on the front and an eagle on the back, and this woman with wavy hair is said to symbolize the Statue of Liberty.

Due to the debts owed by the British royal family, William Pan obtained jurisdiction over a piece of American land from King Charles II. William immediately realized that this was an opportunity, and without any hesitation, he immediately set sail and landed on his territory.

He designed an ideal city, which uses a grid system and advocates fraternity and tolerance. The city center does not place any royal and religious symbols, and there are no forts and walls, so the city is called "fraternity" in Greek. name.

But not everyone came to the New World with longings and ideals for a new life like him, such as the Puritans who came to the New World on the Mayflower, and the witch Isolt Thayer among them , she came to the New World to avoid her aunt Graham Gunter. When boarding the ship, she used her father's name and disguised herself as a male. Married to a Muggle.

Georgiana doesn't know if this will stop the escalation of the conflict on the Mississippi River. Maybe she is doing it in vain. In the end, she attracts hatred, jealousy, and nothing changes.

After such a big circle, she still wants to buy diamonds. Is this different from Grassini's love of diamonds?

It's like we all have to go to a destination, but the routes we take are different, so we see different scenery along the way.

After this incident, she realized how painful it is to be her own enemy, so she also understood why Queen Maria of Portugal was depressed and even went crazy.

Although she cried a lot, she didn't break down. She just felt that it was time to take a break, and Bonaparte didn't stay with her for long, and went to work again.

She didn't feel dissatisfied, this tour was not for fun.

'If he doesn't come, I'll travel the world with you, but I won't accompany you with Josephine. '

She kept this sentence in her heart all the time, she didn't need to think about it, and most likely the "great man" would feel unhappy when he said it.

It is difficult to walk on the road in an upright manner without encountering assassinations and road robbery. Retiring representatives lose power, and it will be difficult to have such a large team to protect their safety.

If he does not resign, he may be assassinated by an assassin.

At least Grassini did not accept the so-called "harem" system and was so brave that she ran to Russia. Would she dare to run like that herself?

After all, so many people bet their wealth and lives on her.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter outside the door, and then Padma and Philil appeared.

"What are you talking about?" Georgiana asked nonchalantly.

"Just now someone wanted to ask Miss Pelty to exorcise a demon." Ferrier said with a smile, "Who sees ghosts in broad daylight?"

"What's going on?" Georgiana asked Padma.

"You are a witch, and I am your student, so I am also a witch." Padma squinted her eyes and smiled meaningfully. "What class do you teach, professor?"

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