Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2397 Water of Freedom (Part 1)

Due to the administration of the Marquis of Pombal, many Portuguese felt that they could not continue to survive in their native land, so they traveled across the ocean to Brazil and began to settle there.

The reason why the statistics of the slave trade from 1757 to 1777 is also because this period was the peak period of Pombal’s reform and immigration. Marlyion was originally the most backward and lazy undeveloped area in the Portuguese maritime empire, but only 21 years later It became the most vigorous and prosperous place, from where the rice planted and later spread all over South America was enough to meet the needs of the whole of Portugal. There is also a rice processing factory in the local area. The huge Portuguese merchant fleet transports rice back to Europe, and this fleet also transports European goods back to Brazil. They are active in Brazil, Europe and the coast of the Indian Ocean, making Portugal once again a maritime strong country.

However, Portugal still cannot refuse British ships to enter their ports. This cannot be achieved by Godoy or Napoleon's orders to prohibit them.

The navy's sails are all made of cotton cloth. Although these cotton textile owners can refuse to pay taxes, they can donate money to repair warships. This is the same as the new French warship "Paris Commercial". In their eyes, the country is important because it can take a series of measures to ensure the production and construction of cotton textile factories, and the most important thing is the extremely low price of raw cotton.

Now that raw materials are rising every day, if you want to save costs, you can only use cheap child labor, and the new factory law tries to protect their interests. Metternich thought that Napoleon was angry that Austria sold bad horses to him. In fact, he was forming the second anti-British alliance. The first anti-British alliance can be understood as the American War of Independence, and Austria did not know whether to choose Neutral, anyway, the result cannot satisfy Bonaparte.

Now sugar and silk can be exchanged freely. Compared with Britain, France has a much larger population and market. People who have been hungry for a long time can at least feel a little bit of happiness if they can eat sweet sucrose.

Remus insisted that after something bad happened or was attacked by a dementor, it would be easier to eat something sweet.

She was also going to find something sweet to eat now, and when she dried her tears and left the room, she found Bonaparte waiting for her outside.

She didn't know what to say for a moment, so she stood still and didn't speak.

"I heard them talk about the general situation, let them write a report for me." He said after a long time, "You don't like diamonds, but some people do."

"This will lead to a bad atmosphere..."

"In the past, the diamonds of the French royal family were also used as collateral, and they could be used in emergency situations." Before she could finish speaking, he interrupted her, "Besides, I also got those diamonds back."

She really wanted to raise her hand and slap him.

"Yes, I didn't take it, I snatched it back." He smiled as if he had seen through her thoughts and said, "Grassini never thinks they are dirty."

Georgiana smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" He said coldly.

She said wearily, "Can I borrow your shoulder to lean on."

He didn't move.

So she walked over and put her head on his shoulder.

"Hamilton is very shrewd." She closed her eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "Although he issued a lot of bonds in Europe, he did not allow individuals to hold 1,000 shares, and the subscribers needed to pay 25% of the stock price in gold, no matter which No one person can hold that much gold, not even the king of Portugal who has gold mines, but everyone has a little gold in their hands."

He didn't say that what she said was inconsistent, so she continued.

"However, the value of a one-carat diamond is much more expensive than gold. Do you know how much the price difference between the loan when the diamond is used as collateral and the price when you buy it?"

He lifted her head off her shoulders, and he kissed her, reminding her of the rain when they were outside the Church of Our Lady of Victory.

It was the bride and groom who kissed in the church, they weren't, but he was happy and said "I love you" to God.

At that time, she remembered the story told by Schaptal. It was also a rainy day. Bonaparte was still studying in the military academy. At that time, he was arguing with a classmate. On the way back to the dormitory, there was a heavy rain. He hid under a tree to hide from the rain. , and at this time someone drove a two-wheeled carriage past him.

The man happened to be met during the debate before. He was driving a two-wheeled carriage and did not intend to take Bonaparte for a while, leaving him to hide under a dangerous tree. Later, when this person wanted to be promoted, no matter how many people said good things, it was useless. Bonaparte just refused to promote him.

"I wish you were a military cadet all the time." She said softly, "Why did you choose this cursed profession?"

"Why do you keep refusing to graduate?" he asked rhetorically.


He didn't answer.

"Did you have a lot of people pursuing you when you were in school?" he asked after a while.

"No." She thought for a while and said, "But I have a few friends of the opposite sex."

"What about the same sex?"

"Unless I deliberately look ugly, I have a same-sex friend who is beautiful and is isolated."

"Is she more beautiful than you?"

"No, she's just an ordinary human girl." Georgiana paused. "She's the red-haired Lily."

Bonaparte snorted.


"He abandoned you for that woman?"

"He didn't abandon me!" She quibbled.

Bonaparte didn't say, "If he didn't abandon you, why didn't he come to you?"

"Some things are precious only after they are lost." He said after a while, "but not everything can be lost and regained."

She doesn't like the metaphor, but she doesn't say silly things like "I'm not a thing," either.

"I'm tired, Leon." She said sleepily, "carry me back to my room."

He actually did that.

When her feet left the ground, she suddenly remembered the "last time", when she seemed to have just left St. Mungo's.

When she was in Venice, she "bought" some antique furniture from an antique dealer. They once belonged to a weaving family. They were a good family, but fate seemed to curse them. The furniture is placed in the trunk.

There was also a greenhouse in that suitcase, which was given to her by Severus. The greenhouse was originally placed in Malfoy Manor, the camp where werewolves were once stationed. At that time, she was naive enough to think that it could purify this dark force.

Draco's curse on and off the necklace, while horrific, is not as inexplicable as the curse on Albus' hand.

More often, people always want what they don't have. Those who have never thought about "losing" will not understand. It is precisely because of knowing "losing" that in order to avoid more losses, Albus chose to stand The opposite of Grindelwald.

Once the once steadfast, bright and beautiful "future" disappears, the "now" cannot be maintained. When the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt, although their lives were poor, they had no worries about food and clothing. They quarreled with each other all day long. Later, Moses told them that there was a promised land to unite them, but after they wandered in the desert for a long time, they began to miss the comfortable life in Egypt.

Although Egypt is not the Garden of Eden, even in the Garden of Eden, rules must be obeyed, and the forbidden fruit is not allowed to be eaten. Adam and Eve refused to listen, and then were expelled from Eden.

The Garden of Eden sometimes looks like a tropical rainforest, but there are no snakes in the Garden of Eden, and the only one is changed by Satan.

But in her eyes, snakes do not represent evil, but also alchemy and medicine.

After putting her on the bed, he didn't leave in a hurry, but sat on the edge of the bed, holding her hand, as if she was a dying person.

She came close to saying "last wish".

But she just looked into his eyes and said nothing.

Now she doesn't want to be alone, and it doesn't matter whether it's a god or a devil by her side at the moment.

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