After transporting the Mexican piastre coins to the place designated by William Pitt Jr., Gabriel Ufral did not stop. He sent people to New Orleans and Veracruz, the latter is located in New Spain, also known as Mexico.

He and his partners planned to ship Piast to the United States, but this was stopped by Spain and the United Kingdom. American merchant ships can still transport other goods from Mexico to other places, among which is a hamburger between Veracruz and Europe. David Parrish, the son of a banker, whose father's bank was a member of the Anglo-Dutch Bank.

Many people thought that the Louisiana Acquisition was inspired by William Pitt Jr., because Baron Bahrain, who participated in the acquisition, was his friend. If this acquisition is indeed successful, first of all, Americans will go west to buy land, and the bank will use the land as collateral to loan them. Most of the wildcat banks will be like Stockholm Bank, no matter how much their reserves are, they will continue to print bank notes , This laid a hidden danger for the Great Panic in the United States in 1837, when the British marched into the United States again.

Georgiana believed that William Pitt Jr. could not see such a long-term view. At this time, social wealth was still mainly concentrated in the hands of textile owners, who had voting rights, but the king could make it difficult for the prime minister to resign.

The Anglo-Dutch Banking Group began as the Bank of England and the Netherlands, and later absorbed other members. Several banks in Hamburg provided services for paying military expenses in the Anti-French Coalition War.

Originally, the Anglo-Dutch Bank Group was established to underwrite loans for Sweden, Russia, Portugal, and Bavaria during the Seven Years War. In return, Portugal licensed Hope to operate the diamond trade in Brazil, and Hope used diamonds from Queen Ekaterina. In exchange for the Russian sugar monopoly. Now that the queen is dead and the new tsar doesn't like diamonds, Hope is ready to step down and raise money for U.S. Treasuries.

The public debt at this time is a gamble. If the Mississippi conflict does lead to war, will the US public debt rise or fall?

Assuming that the French let the Polish prisoners return to Europe instead of being incorporated into the American Legion to continue fighting, can it be seen that France is unwilling to fight in the Americas, and Louisiana will be sold sooner or later, so more people will subscribe for U.S. bonds, The price of public bonds will rise.

On the contrary, they are not allowed to come back. Napoleon was involved in the American War like Louis XVI. Then the French public debt may fall even more, and the number of short buyers will increase. After all, the French army was completely wiped out in Santo Domingo, and even Leclerc are all dead. Rochambeau put all his eggs in one basket and planned to use the vicious dogs bought in Brazil to make up for the downsizing and low morale caused by yellow fever, which has exceeded the capacity of human conscience.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest in the animal world is reasonable, but humans are not animals after all. When only two men, John and Yang, were left on the deserted island, they still knew to swear a truce in the name of the Bible. Although Yang Later died of asthma.

Both the Piast and Louisiana acquisitions involved Rabuser, who was the son-in-law of Lord Baring, and he participated in the negotiations on behalf of the Dutch Hope Bank.

In the 18th century, European aristocrats gambled. At that time, two betting methods were popular, namely the Fibonacci system and the Martingale system. As the basis for overweighting, the latter is actually doubled.

There used to be such a little story, an Indian told the king that if the king wanted to reward him, he would fill a chessboard with 64 grids of food. The king thought it was not a big deal, and later the minister said to the king, put 1 on the first square, 2 on the second, 4 on the third, and 8 on the fourth, just put it like this up. The king ordered some sacks of wheat to be rewarded to him, but the minister said that it was far from enough. The minister in charge of food counted and was shocked, because even if all the food in India was given to him, it would not be enough. , which is more than the total amount of wheat produced in the world in 2,000 years.

Many people, having heard the story, chose to raise based on the Fibonacci sequence and lost faster, including Voltaire's mistress, Madame Châtelet.

If betting and trading are equated, 0.75, which represents the golden ratio, is used as the basis for reversal. For example, every rebound when falling, as long as it does not exceed 0.75, it will continue to be short, and if it exceeds 0.75, it will be regarded as long. But just one signal must have its limitations, so another composite Fibonacci indicator was developed. The French mathematician D'Alembert included the "Martingale system" and the "D'Alembert system" he invented when he edited the encyclopedia, using a pyramid-shaped betting share to deal with the uncertainty of probability. The stubborn prejudice of doubling compound interest and quickly liquidating positions is actually higher than the Fibonacci sequence.

Rabuser was originally the son of a cloth merchant in The Hague. His father left France and settled in the Netherlands because Louis XIV abolished the Edict of Nantes.

Few people in the fabric business do not pay attention to cotton. First of all, they must distinguish the difference between distributors and brokers. Distributors are intermediaries between manufacturers and importers. They buy cotton from importers in large quantities and then sell them to manufacturers. business.

Brokers do not own cotton, they exist to provide a range of services to manufacturers and importers, previously dealers had to find buyers, manufacturers had to find composite standard cotton, now they hand over their needs to brokers People, brokers take commissions from manufacturers and importers.

In 1787, when Rabuser was 17 years old, Prussia entered the Netherlands under the reception of William V of Orange and Wilminna. In the quarrel between the patriots and the Orange party, Rabuser joined Orange side. At this time, the French Revolution broke out, and the French entered the Austrian Netherlands in 1792. He fled to England with his boss Henry Hope before the outbreak of the Battle of Neilwinden.

There he trained under Henry Hope, turning from a cotton broker to an international currency trader. When he was 22 years old, he met Dorothy, the daughter of Sir Baring Bank. He overwhelmed himself and made a request to Lord Baring, hoping that he would allow himself to be engaged to Dorothy, but Sir Baring refused. At this time, Rab Sell ​​did not flinch, he said to Baring, "If you knew that Mr. Hope was going to be my partner, would your decision be different?"

Francis Baring admitted to doing so without hesitation, and then Rabuser proposed to Henry Hope to become a partner, but was politely rejected by the latter, and Rabuser said, "If you know me and Francis Ballin Your daughter is engaged, will your decision be different?"

Hope replied of course, then La Bussell said "Well, I and Dorothy are engaged." On the very day he wrote to Sir Francis announcing his admission to the House of Hope, And got confirmation from the bride in the same letter.

It was not until 1801 that Rabusier was ready to return to the Netherlands. At this time, the diamond business in the Netherlands suffered a devastating blow. The largest buyer, Queen Ekaterina, was dead, and the buyers in Paris did not dare to buy more diamonds. Just as ostentatiously with jewels as before the revolution. At this time a radical leaflet was circulated in Amsterdam, denouncing the "traitors" who had left the Republic in times of crisis and returned in peacetime, and Laboussier left the Netherlands immediately and traveled overland to Portugal via Paris, Nantes and Madrid to start his business.

Josephine's participation in the Louisiana acquisition was not only because of the intercession of her old friend DuPont. She was a woman who didn't know how to refuse. What's more, there were "diamonds" at that time. Which woman doesn't like diamonds?

Georgiana felt very tired when she heard this. She needed to clear her mind and take a breath of fresh air. If she could, she wanted to go swimming, but unfortunately she might not be able to go to that lake.

She scanned around the people present and appointed Faron to accompany her to the garden. For the "old guy", he could barely understand what the bankers were saying, so he must have felt very bored, especially What's more, even if someone saw her, no one would say that she had an affair with Farrong. He is so old, what can he do?

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