Before traveling to Egypt, Monge, like many in his day, believed that sacred geometry consisted of regular pentagrams and circles.

The five-pointed star represents Venus, and it is also life. In Langfang’s earliest drawings, it can be clearly seen that several five-pointed stars are arranged along the central axis of the core area of ​​​​Washington, both positive and negative. It became the Kabbalah tree of life, and this figure comes from the sacred geometry of Egypt - the flower of life. The tree of life is a kind of "plant" conceived from the seeds of the flower of life, but this knowledge is currently not outside the Freemasonry Members have not yet mastered.

These are two completely different concepts. In addition, there is another contradiction between Long Fang and Jefferson. He designed a canal to pass near the presidential palace, but Jefferson, who wanted to invest limited funds in the construction of government buildings, was very interested in this canal. not interested.

Langfang did not return to France after the breakup, because news of the king's guillotine came at that time, and even the Duke of Orleans came to the United States later.

Before Hamilton's plan was implemented, Wall Street was very boring. Brokers were so bored that they played cards to pass the time. Some people even bet on who the next French politician to be guillotined was. It was Hamilton who made this deserted market lively, but with the development of the economy, the original laws became restrictive and restrictive, especially the one that could not start a company. Many people worried that the power to approve companies would be forever ruled by the state legislatures of the states. control.

Vice President Burr's method gave those who wanted to start a company a breakthrough. In just four years, there were 335 companies in the United States, most of which were engaged in public projects, such as building canals and roads. They can open banks like water companies. From then on to 1837, they are called the era of free banking in the United States, or the era of "wild cat banks", because they will deliberately open their bank offices in places where wild cats come and go. It is not like the banks in the future, which are opened in prosperous and lively places, and there are resplendent halls.

In western movies, the robbers would rob banks built with simple wooden houses. The reason why they opened the bank in such a remote place is very simple. They want to issue bank notes, but the law prohibits them from doing so. The authority to issue a unified currency belongs to the federal government.

Public utilities must meet the common interests. As far as local public utilities are concerned, their establishment is decided by the local council, and the decision on public utilities established by the state can only be decided by the council. New York's new mayor, De Witt Clinton, has been persuading the New York Assembly to build a canal linking Lake Erie and the Hudson River in the Great Lakes region, where the north-south Appalachians have one near Albany. The gap, although there is a height difference, can be solved by setting up multi-level ship locks. After the canal is built, it will greatly save the high cost of transporting agricultural products from the west to the east.

After the independence of the United States, the vast majority of the newborn United States residents lived in the east of the Appalachian Mountains, while the vast majority of the land was in the west. With the abolition of the British law restricting the residence in the west, and a large number of lands were given to veterans in the War of Independence , more and more people began to migrate to the west.

The Mississippi settlement had been established in 1798, and what Monroe said about selling the barren areas of Louisiana to the United States first was just a rhetoric, but the farmers in the west were more loyal to New Orleans and Montreal than to the east coast.

Some time ago, the Spaniards did not allow ships without a charter issued by the King of Spain to pass the Mississippi River. The British were the first to suffer, and the Americans took the blank charter sold to them by Gabriel Ufral.

Jefferson was condemning this as a "shameless act" at the time, but no one listened at all. Napoleon signed his own name on the charter issued by France, and the King of Spain signed yo el rey, which means "I am the king." ".

Why would you want such a thing on your own territory? But these merchant ships have to go to other foreign ports, and they can enter and leave freely with this charter, and they can also go to Spanish ports in South America.

Although it is not known how the Spaniards will prohibit American merchant ships from entering Mississippi, there is no doubt that Mayor Clinton is determined to build such a canal composed of multiple locks. Washington also needs prisons. After all, Washington only builds tall buildings on the ground. Even without mentioning the amount of excavation, building locks requires a lot, a lot of steel.

Since Clinton launched this project, he has encountered great resistance. Naturally, residents along the canal support it. For residents in these areas, regardless of whether the canal is profitable or not, the construction project itself contains huge business opportunities.

But the vast majority of New York State residents objected, most of whom lived on the South Side and Manhattan Island and had no interest in this North City ornament. What's more, if this canal crosses more than one state, it needs the consent of the federal government. If New York wants to build it, most of it can only be borne by itself.

Even after the United States became independent, England was a major exporter and importer to the United States. They had to abide by a "ridiculous" rule that the United States had to ship pig iron bars to the UK, and the UK would process them and ship them back to the United States.

When the relationship between the United States and France turned sour into a quasi-war state, this restriction was relaxed, and John Adams Jr. was sent to Sweden to purchase supplies. The long-term war and subsequent wrong economic policies kept Sweden in poverty, but Sweden is rich in resources, especially timber, and the other is the smelting industry. In addition to copper, Sweden is a supplier of iron chains in the slave trade.

The U.S. Congress signed a contract with Eli Whitney, requiring him to produce 10,000 muskets, but there were only 28 people in Whitney's factory, working around the clock, and working day and night may not be able to catch up. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Because the cotton gin was about to close down, its principle was simple and easy to imitate, and the patent law could not protect it at all. He took the order in a desperate situation.

Just ten months after the production was in order, he received an email from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. It was a brochure about firearms production. Whitney was inspired and proposed the possibility of parts interchange. So he disassembled a smoothbore gun into many parts, and designed a set of milling machines for the production of equipment according to the specifications of these parts, and let workers of different types of work use different milling machines, and the parts produced were of uniform size and extreme error. Small enough that one worker can produce 50 muskets a day.

The flower tie machine can easily strip cotton fibers and cotton seeds, which led to the resurgence of slavery in the South. Slaves would also be lazy, and overseers were hired to watch them, and the speed of picking cotton seeds by hand was very slow, but the cotton gin saved slaves from doing the work of picking flower seeds.

How does the Statue of Liberty holding a torch in New York Harbor teach people freedom? Is it to let some people carry guns and leather whips, while others preach like "the master is merciful, and slaves are better off than free workers"?

She doesn't understand, but she thinks that Sweden can stop producing shackles to start, but this is a big business, is Sweden willing to give up?

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