Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2364 Glacius (Part 1)

The moonlight outside the window was very bright. Georgiana was sitting by the bathtub in her bathrobe, touching the hot water and flower petals with her hands, and her shadow was reflected on the water.

Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" did not sell well because the content was too obscure. Whether it is hot water or a red rose is an acquired judgment. Her eyes saw the red rose, and the rose was red. When her hand touched the water, she felt it was hot. But there is no necessary relationship between the two. For example, roses may not be red, water may not be hot, swans may have white swans, but there may also be black swans. This accidental "truth" is not universal. Before the discovery of black swans, people "universally" believed that swans are white, and all, necessarily, and always do not point to something in experience. After the discovery of black swans, the unshakable "all swans are white" Concepts are broken.

Knowing the existence of black swans, it is unacceptable for someone to say "swans must be white" at this time. When knowledge or belief encounters indomitable experience, the truth value of certain statements must be redistributed .

In the past, human cognition was subject to the object to be known, but the mathematical formula is not a swan, 1+1=2 is conditional, if one drop of water is added to another drop of water, the result is not two drops of water, but one drop of water, people will Do you want to change the mathematical formula of 1+1=2 because of this?

In arithmetic activities, children know how to count their fingers, and the situation of 1+1=2 is intuitive and self-evident.

If scientific knowledge is based on experience, then there is no universal necessity, and if scientific knowledge has universal necessity, it should not be based on experience. Kant put forward a new theory, the prior is prior to experience, and the "innate" (prior) is space and time, which are not fixed, but come from the inner senses, as mentioned in the pamphlet just now. The etymology of the "priori" mentioned.

She wondered how many Germans could understand, such as using mathematics to study physics, because people can use numbers to measure the length of an object, and clocks to calculate time. Why do you want to do this? This point is that science will not provide an explanation, because science uses it as a premise. This part is the a priori synthetic judgment referred to by Kant's philosophy. Kant divides human cognition into sensibility, understanding and rationality, and the object can be specified only when the intellect and sensibility work together.

The swan without the color is just like the crystal swan, which has extension and shape, and the extension is the three vectors of length, width and height. Before we open our eyes, a rule of prescribed form has been formed in our minds. A ruler can measure the length, width and height of a swan, so that we have an intuitive concept, such as a 10-centimeter swan statue, and a 100-meter swan. tall swan statue.

Perceptual intuition is like the reflection in the water at the moment, it is a picture.

When you, associating the reflection in the mirror, which is yourself, creates a stimulus for you and nothing for your pet bird, the self that feels the experience needs the inner senses.

Georgiana put the "mango" that flew to the bathtub on the shelf specially made for it.

In a patient with multiple split personality, what would a female male subpersonality see if she looked in the mirror?

The appearance of a person will not change. When the male sub-personality sees a woman in the mirror, it will think that it is hallucinating. However, in some cases, in order to conform to the characteristics of the sub-personality, the voice of the female voice will be lowered like a male, and what "he" sees in the mirror is not the original female body, but a male body that meets "his" expectations . This situation is not split personality, but schizophrenia. Common symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, and confusion in speech and deeds. Split personality is not always accompanied by schizophrenia.

Voldemort split his soul. If each soul is regarded as a personality, then Voldemort at the age of 16 does not have the memory of adulthood, and his appearance is also different from that of adulthood, but he knows the existence of adulthood personality. Like his main soul until he has this horcrux.

Assuming that what a person sees in the mirror is not his own appearance, but his so-called inner desire, isn't such a person crazy?

David Hume Human nature is selfish, and generally they are self-centered, and human moral practice is based on happiness and pain, pleasure and unpleasantness.

Those before, just thinking about it gave me a headache, which was very Snape's style when he was the headmaster. And Albus Dumbledore is full of joy when he is the headmaster, Quidditch, Triwizard Tournament, foreign wizards, rich Halloween, and school opening banquet.

People wouldn't like magic so much if it didn't bring novelty and joy but horror and pain.

Buddhism believes that all dharmas are born according to cause and effect, and if there is a cause, there must be an effect.

Skeptics such as Hume ask, what phenomenon gives us the idea of ​​causality? What is the starting point of cause and effect?

He investigated for a long time, but did not see any phenomenon, so he pointed out that cause and effect are only people's subjective associations, not the inherent attributes of things.

Unexpectedly, he knocked "woke up" Kant. Kant believed that the reason why people can see this object is because people use the law of causality to deal with it. If people didn't do that, they wouldn't see anything at all.

Just like a priest in ancient Egypt, he asked himself how much life he had left in divination, and because he knew how much time he had left, he actively saved funeral objects, but instead he was punished for corruption and died within the time specified in the prophecy .

Grindelwald is a prophet with celestial eyes who can see the "effect". If you don't want him to see it, you don't deal with it according to the law of cause and effect. What should you do?

After becoming a Buddha, one can jump out of reincarnation, but cannot get rid of cause and effect.

She didn't know exactly how Albus did it, but she knew that the blood oath between him and Grindelwald was broken when the spells of him, Aberforth, and Grindelwald met again, just like Arianna On the night of their death, the spells of the three collided together, and it was unknown whose spell hit Arianna.

On that day in 1899, not only Arianna was injured, but also Aberforth and Grindelwald. This is what Albus himself said, three people, three spells, Abus wanted to stop them, Grindelwald and Grindelwald Aberforth tried to kill him, one spell rebounded, hitting Ariana, and the other spell was weakened into two, causing two serious injuries.

Is there such a possibility that the blood oath replaced someone and blocked the curse.

Both Albus and Aberforth wanted to protect Credence, but Grindelwald wanted to hurt Credence.

Even if only one of the spells was aimed at killing, it was weakened by the two protective spells, and its remaining power hit the blood oath, which caused no one to be injured like that.

Kant once proposed antinomies, both of which are recognized as correct because of their respective principles, but there are contradictions and conflicts between these two propositions, such as whether the universe is finite or infinite.

When this contradiction cannot be resolved, it can only be attributed to absurdity, as if nothing happened.

When the United States promulgated the Brapapo Law in 1790, Napoleon was still in Corsica and planned to be independent with Pauli, but he had not quit his job in the French army.

The "Founding Fathers" of the United States had already prepared for the worst when they signed their names on the "Declaration of Independence". They probably did not expect such a day like Bonaparte.

While the US doesn't have the Witchcraft Act of 1735 like the UK does, the Salem incident took place there.

Kant's theory still needs to draw on the "reality" of Newton's time and space as a basis, although he cannot guarantee that space-time is "transcendental" rather than human "experience".

A story needs time, place, and characters to happen. Time and space are erased, and only characters remain. How to develop the story?

So, the thing to do is, as Joseph II did, revoke the law on witchcraft in the Codex.

It wouldn't have been that hard, if she hadn't shown up, people would have thought there was no magic in the world at all, and the so-called accusations of witchcraft were nothing more than "crimes of the imagination".

Because of her evidence, deleting the clauses in the law is to shield wizards. Are those diseases and climate abnormalities really not related to wizards?

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was born from the head of Zeus. How much pain should his head have?

After placing the bird, she took off her robe and stepped into the bathtub.

She looks at the moon, then dips into the water.

The water was hot, but she felt that it was no different from the lake water in the suburbs, and it hurt her skin just as much.

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