Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2363 protego diabolica (below)

If you count the genealogy of the Mary Rose Josephine Taci de la Pagery family, her family is the oldest knight nobleman from the Middle Ages, dating back to the Crusades, with at least 800 Many years of history.

The only ones that could rival it were the same ancient family like the Roon family, not even the Prince Arenberg family was that old. For the old aristocrats who don't have a pedigree of more than four generations and don't pay much attention to them, Josephine is acceptable to them. Whenever old ladies beg her to find a job for their grandson, she always agrees softly. , which is well known.

It's just that the old Duchess of Arenberg didn't expect that during this trip, Bonaparte would not be accompanied by Josephine, but Georgiana, a "wild girl" from nowhere.

The old Duchess didn't want to get in touch with Georgiana. She felt that Napoleon was Josephine's husband. Since Josephine was so "kind", Napoleon was also kind and just. Napoleon quickly recognized the seventh generation Arenberg The legality of the duke's identity, when the sixth generation duke is still living in Vienna.

Josephine does not always accept bribes and gifts to intercede for others. She really likes a luxurious life, but she is also happy to distribute gifts. Many people in the palace have been "bought" by her.

Her unthinking attitude towards spending money needed to be reined in, and Bonaparte and her often quarreled over money. But her official generosity was a bigger threat than her lavish shopping, and the way she tried to make money was more damaging, with corrupt contractors and the Peace of Amiens. She was engaged in foreign exchange trading before, and ended up ruining the man who acted as her agent.

If it weren't for her ex-husband's violence against her, she wouldn't have taken the initiative to go to a place like a monastery, and even the monastery she went to was full of various characters, such as "The Madonna of Thermidor" Mrs. Talian.

The conditions of that kind of monastery are of course different from St. Catherine's Church where Georgiana went, but St. Catherine's Church and the nearby Beguinage are not the worst, at least they look neat and clean.

The situation in the Alsace area has surpassed the most chaotic slums in Paris. Napoleon’s gendarmerie is mainly composed of officers who have not received a commission in the regular army. They not only have good discipline and education, but also participated in at least 3 domestic or foreign battles. , including the Vendée Rebellion.

The Rangers consisted of six people, mainly infantry, replacing the cavalry of the old era. They only patrolled the road on horseback, while the infantry had to go deep into the forest and be more adaptable to the complex terrain where bandits appeared.

The military police are the real fangs, although the Guards may feel unconvinced, because they are also the best of the best.

But these gendarmes are regarded as devils by the citizens of Paris, and the Guards are the "darlings" who live in the sun. Even the gendarmes in the most insecure backcountry are still deterrent.

The gendarmes were dispatched to arrest Tukash, which shows what kind of chaos there is. Schindlhannes is deeply taught by Napoleon's "war support war". His team is rapidly expanding. In order to prevent those ordinary criminals and various anti-French revolutionaries This secret operation was made possible by the combination of forces and the resurrection of the dead under the banner of bandits to re-launch the rebellion.

"Chaos" (chaos) is extremely detrimental to women. Georgiana knew that Josephine was trying to cultivate a chivalry in the court, which was "very different" from the gentleman officers who could enter the court cultivated by Louis XV .

This couple is just that amazing.

It was not difficult to find a German-speaking staff member in the entourage, and soon someone "read" the pamphlet "Correcting Public Comments on the French Revolution" to Georgiana and Bonaparte:

It has been said that war makes men, and it is true, that it elevates our souls, that it equips us with heroic feelings and deeds, that it makes us despise danger and death, that it makes us contemptuous of property that is daily liable to be robbed, that it makes us Deep sympathy for all beings that have a human face. However, these words must not be regarded as a compliment to your bloodthirsty desire for war. When the howling human beings humbly beg you, they think they are asking you not to let human beings kill each other in bloody battles to plunder and oppress the unarmed and weak.

If you judge by this principle alone, you will be ignorant, and you will be worse off than your insane age allows you to be.

I conducted serious research in the presence of God, and found that you use your will to implement dictatorship internally, and expand your borders externally. I confess that I don't understand how it is possible to liberate our will when no one is allowed to have an opinion in your entire country?

If we stop the source of the constant striving of every unrestricted monarchy to be one, my calamity will be abolished. If no one wants to invade us again, we need not arm again, then the terrible war and the still more terrible, endless preparations are no longer necessary, and it is no longer necessary for you to commit yourself so directly dictatorship ruled.

The tendency of all monarchical countries is to implement unlimited dictatorship within the army and to implement a unified monarchy abroad. This is a truth that has been proved by a priori evidence and the whole history.

Therefore, you too become tyrants...


Georgiana stopped the staff officer, and she took a special look at Bonaparte, who was smiling.

"You go down first." She said to the staff officer.

The staff officer did not move, he looked at Bonaparte.

"Go and rest, I will call you if something happens."

The staff officer saluted, then turned and left.

"Should I warn Metternich?" Georgiana asked.

"Want something to drink?" he said, standing up.

"I'm not thirsty." She said indifferently.

But her opinion was of little use, and he brought over two glasses of wine anyway.

"Talk about your opinions."

"Would you ask Josephine the same question?" she asked.

"I don't think she'll have access to that book, that's your problem." He sighed. "But I don't want to argue with you about that."


He took a sip of his drink. "Tell me what you think."

He found that he was looking at her seriously.

"Sun Tzu said in the Art of War that there is such a saying in the art of war, there is no way to rely on the enemy not coming, rely on what you have to wait, nothing rely on it not to attack, rely on what you cannot attack. It means that you should not hope that the enemy will not come, but rely on it Relying on yourself to be fully prepared and ready for battle, don’t expect the enemy not to attack, but rely on yourself to have the conditions that the enemy cannot break through, so that you will only become a fish to be slaughtered if you are unarmed.”

"Don't you want peace?" he asked.

"It's a reciprocal peace." She emphasized, "The Holy Roman Emperor who sold the Turkish captives I just mentioned is Leopold I. He took in Prince Eugen and realized the rejuvenation of the Holy Roman Empire, and Louis Fourteen would have had a chance."

"What do you want to say?"

"Talent, Prussia's troops are of high quality, not only because they have excellent generals, even without us, other countries will invade them." She brushed her hair, "I heard that there is a ball game in Bavaria, there is A fan was dissatisfied with the coach's command, left the stands and punched the coach, the coach fought back and beat the fan badly, the court acquitted the coach, although the fan was hurt more than him."

"You speak of self-defense," said Bonaparte. "One cannot renounce the right of self-defense, can one?"

She didn't answer.

"Do you think, then, that I should warn the man with childish fantasies?" asked Bonaparte.

"No need." She whispered.

"I have only one piece of advice, be the master of your destiny." He whispered, "Think about it."


"You really don't need a warning?"

She was speechless.

"I won't go to your place tonight, do you still want to go swimming tomorrow morning?"

She nods.

"Bring the guards, don't be like today." He ordered.

She stuck her tongue out at him, turned and left his suite.

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