Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2333 Exiles' Newspapers

Before she got close to Bonaparte's suite, just in the corridor, she heard Bonaparte's roar.

She glanced at Mr. Segui, the adjutant who was on duty today. He looked at Georgiana with lingering fear, and then they both looked at the closed door.


Georgiana followed the sound and saw it was Constance, skulking behind a vase around the corner.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked him.

Constance waved to her.

Although she didn't know what he was up to, she went over, and Constance gave her a newspaper.

She took the newspaper, and the headline on the front page read in bold and black letters: Where will we go if the "monster" dies?

The newspaper described the assassination of Bonaparte in detail, but the difference was that Pischglu became the "dragon slayer" and the "monster" became Bonaparte.

She gasped involuntarily, and read on, an analysis of "the future," such as who was most likely to succeed Bonaparte, and a commentary on the speech he gave that day at City Hall : "Although he (Bonaparte) talked about peace and great order, and said that he would bring a new look to Europe and start a happy century, if he really wanted to achieve these goals, he had better die as soon as possible in the war he started. Here, people have had enough of this pale, weak, thin foreigner and the weariness his work has caused people. He will not restore the glory of science and culture, but is ravaging Europe... ".

"Where did this come from?" Georgiana asked Constance, putting down the newspaper and holding it up.

"It was all over the place overnight," Constance said exhaustedly. "The police are taking it."

Georgiana didn't know what to say.

She looked at Constance after a while, as if he had something to say.

"What do you have to say?" Georgiana asked.

"Ma'am, I'm Belgian." Constance said nervously, "Please don't let what happened in Egypt repeat itself here."

Georgiana was tempted to say that this was Europe, not Egypt, but she was less sure when she heard the roar at the door.

"Thank you for your reminder, Constance." Georgiana said politely.

"You don't need to thank me, I was going to find you." Constance said, "Only you can calm the master down."

Georgiana wanted to laugh, "You guys thought of me when you died"?

She had done so much trouble that she didn't know for a moment whether Bonaparte would ever forgive her, so she and Constance waited in that corner until the door opened and Rapp and Fontanes came out. , they were accompanied by some unknown people, but one could tell from their attire that they were judges—who else wears wigs now besides judges?

Rapp saw Georgiana, but he said nothing, and walked away dejectedly, devastated.

Constance gave her a slight nudge, as if to let her through the open door.

"Close that broken door, do you want to freeze me to death!"

He growled, and Monsieur Segui, who was standing at the door, wanted to close it, but he kept looking at Georgiana.

She walked slowly to the door of the suite. Bonaparte was wearing a bathrobe, reading the crumpled newspaper in his hand.

Usually, when he came across a book or other publication he didn't like, he threw it straight into the fire.

Georgiana closed the door with a "bang", snatched the newspaper from his hand, and threw it into the fireplace. He looked surprised, and then looked at her fiercely.

"Why do you force yourself to read this kind of false and arrogant article, you are not weak and thin at all."

"What's the use of talking about it now." Instead of trying to salvage the newspaper, he found a place to watch it continue to burn.

"I originally planned to divide some of the artworks in the Louvre and turn Marguerite's palace into a museum." Georgiana sat down on the chair beside him. "It seems impossible now."

Most of these exiles will follow them back to France and continue to be monitored at their residence in Saint-Germain-en-Laye in Paris.

As long as they are on their own territory, they cannot be so "free" abroad.

"Why do you always want to evacuate the Louvre?" He asked scoldingly.

"There are so many things that there is no place to put them. It needs to be expanded to fit them. What if I move them elsewhere?"

He seemed to think she was unreasonable, so he didn't bother to answer her.

In order to avoid being given the "title" of "Prodigal Woman", she planned to tell him something serious.

"About farming loans..."

"What?" he asked warily.

"Forget it." She said lightly, "We'll find another way."

He looked at her calmly.

"Since you don't want people in debt..."

"What about Arthas?" he asked back.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

As if he felt very tired, he lay down on the carpet directly from the chair, and then lay down on it.

Georgiana felt that he was very comfortable in this state, and she also followed suit and lay down next to him.

"Your method is not useless, it is much more useful than those who have rigid thinking and stick to the rules." He said wearily, "And you are not so arrogant to insist that your method is the best."

"You can tell it's a bad idea," Georgiana said.

"Do you know that by doing so, you are becoming your own enemy?"

"It is necessary to distinguish between the right thing and the deadly thing. I don't want to hurt you."

He got up, propped his elbows on the ground, and looked at her with his head tilted.


"You really think that?" he asked back.

"Farmers are your foundation. Some people will use debt to take their land away, which will become a new form of 'enclosure movement'. Do you remember the agronomist Arthur Young who had dinner with us last time? Rural France was almost hanged."

He laughed out loud.

"what's so funny?"

"Are you afraid of being hanged yourself?"

In fact she was terrified of being torn to pieces by an angry crowd.

"Because mobs are always drawn to the appearance and the result of things, and most people are absorbed in appearances, and many times what moves them is what appears to be what it is, even though it is not. Remember what I told you about the Sorting Ceremony What? That dirty old hat will sing a song "You may think I'm not beautiful, but don't judge people by their appearance", a philosopher said, to see the essence through the phenomenon, the phenomenon is those who can see It can be seen, heard, smelled and touched, but the essence can only be 'seen' by people through abstract thinking and creative thinking."

"Which philosopher?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana did not answer.

"It never occurred to me to date the President of the United States, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom."

"Including the Earl of Aberdeen?" he teased.

Georgiana thought of the handsome face of little William Pitt.

"I date ugly people all the time."

"You say I'm ugly?"

Her eyes widened.

"No, you look good."

Just short.

"Do you think I'm short?" he said as if he was reading his mind.

"No~" she exaggeratedly denied it.

"Lie!" He turned over and pressed on her to "punish".

She dodged his tickling hand and let out a giggle.

After a while, probably feeling tired, he stopped.

"Does that vow still count?" He gasped and asked, "When you are no longer young and beautiful, when I have nothing, will you still love me?"

She looked into his blue eyes, but a pair of black eyes appeared in her mind.

"Do you know what's the biggest difference between you and the Sun King?" She stroked his cheek "You don't wear high heels."

He didn't speak, and he wasn't angry.

"When I saw those tall Frenchmen bowing their heads and talking to you, I didn't think they were talking to you condescendingly. Instead, they seemed to have done something wrong and were listening to you."

"You don't need to compliment me at this time, what I want is your oath."

"I have made an oath with him, we either die together or live together, if I break this oath, is it still meaningful for me to swear again?"

"You people are so stubborn!" He stood up, his eyes turned golden.

"I won't take the initiative to break the oath, my character is like this, but if he breaks the oath, I will make an oath with you, but I want to tell you that he has made an unbreakable oath."

"So what?" he asked defiantly.

"I know a couple because they made a blood oath because of love when they were young. They vowed never to hurt each other. Even the slightest thought will bring severe punishment. Unlike this blood oath, the unbreakable oath can be faked. Yes." She paused, then said, "Severus killed the only person who could prove his innocence, protecting his godson."

Bonaparte looked back at her.

"He's a coward, though he'd be very upset if he said that, and in order to prove he's not a coward, he'd take that damned oath, and I think most women want a man to take an unbreakable oath like that, but I don't want to It made his already complicated life even more complicated, so I just made a verbal agreement with him, without blood oaths or other magic."

It's a pity he didn't say "Are you a fool?" She felt rather stupid.

"You know the story of Undine, she will punish her cheating husband, even though it was a verbal agreement, but look at us now, so I don't want to hurt you, Leon, it's no use being impatient, even I have to persuade you, Before next year's Portuguese month comes, you still have time to think about whether you really want to swear to me, when you have nothing, and the feeling of being in the same room with an old and ugly woman is probably worse than hell."

"Is this a curse?"

"Undine only punishes unfaithful husbands." Georgiana smiled and said, "Are you loyal to your wife?"

He looks at her.

"Windini does not have a soul, but it can be obtained by combining with human men and having children. The more we intermarry with humans, the closer our blood is to humans, and finally we will become no different from human women, except that they are a little more beautiful. However, if we intermarry The fewer the number, the purer our magic." She also stood up "There is a wizard who forbids us to study in human magic schools. He calls us Veela, but even if we are no different from human women , she is still demonic, her fiancé was caught by a werewolf."

"who is she?"

"A French mixed-race Veela, she changed my life." She said softly, "I never thought that mixed-race magical creatures could live so...righteously."

"What kind of rhetoric are you talking about?"

She'd meant to say "beautiful scenery," but the Burrow was nothing compared to a palace.

"I shouldn't live under the gaze of so many people." She said softly, "Someone taught me how to hide."

"One of those who swore the blood oath?" asked Bonaparte.

"And the one who was eager to get rid of the oath," replied Georgiana. "Although he was considered a benevolent 'White Wizard,' he was cruel to his lover."

Bonaparte said nothing.

"That's an old fool," said Georgiana.

"Where were you this morning?" he asked.

"Go swim in the lake you took me to yesterday."

"No wonder your hair is wet, come here."

He picked up the towel, and Georgiana walked over and it fell softly on her hair, and there was a soft kiss besides.

"Water Fairy, please forgive me." He said a little dazedly, "What happened by the canal that day was out of my control."

She looked at the human being, despite what the newspapers called him a "monster."

"Someone is waiting for me."

"Then let them wait."

There was a crisp explosion of wood in the fireplace, and the newspaper had been burnt to nothing.

Only the word "monster" was left, but it was finally turned into fly ash by a sighing wind and disappeared.

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