The title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire is recognized only by the coronation of the Pope, and this practice has become one of the legal procedures for the recognition of the ancient Roman emperor since the conversion of Constantine.

However, since Martin Luther posted the "Ninety-Five Principles" in 1517, some people have questioned this "convention".

One is the Dutch. They competed with Hanseatic League merchants for a long time in the fishing and transportation industry in the Baltic Sea for a long time. Grasp the grain trade along the Baltic Sea, ensure the stability of naval logistics, and on the other hand launch indiscriminate plunder on the merchant ships of the Habsburg dynasty at sea.

The other was the Swedes, whose Thirty Years' War was waged by Gustav II and wreaked havoc on the Holy Roman Empire. However, after Gustav's death, there is said to be a plan that the crown prince of Sweden will marry the heir of Brandenburg. If this happens, the Hohenzollern family will no longer be just the king of Prussia , but the king of the Swedish-German-Baltic Kingdom.

The name Pomerania comes from the Latin Longum mare, which means "coastal country", and the Polish meaning "coast". It was once a territory of the Holy Roman Empire, and later East Pomerania was conquered by the Teutonic Knights Conquered, became part of Prussia and later the Kingdom of Poland.

During the Thirty Years' War, the Swedes occupied Pomerania. After the Northern War, France, Sweden and Brandenburg negotiated and signed the Treaty of Westphalia. Sweden obtained West Pomerania. Prussia gets East Pomerania.

However, the dispute between Brandenburg and Sweden has not subsided, especially regarding West Pomerania, which Labastan Lestrange called the Dunkirk of the North. This does not mean that the British occupied that The city, which was once occupied by the Spaniards. Cromwell wanted that city as a base for private ships. The restored Charles II sold Dunkirk to Louis XIV for 400,000 pounds. The base of the strategic ship has once again become a thorn in England's side.

Because West Pomerania was in the hands of the Swedes, Szczecin, an important port on the Baltic Sea, became very embarrassed. Another port for the Prussians was located in Hamburg on the Elbe River, a free city belonging to the Hanseatic League. After losing the port of Danzig, Prussia became a landlocked agricultural country.

William V was only 3 years old when he inherited the throne of Prince of Orange. At this time, the Netherlands was regented by the eldest daughter of George II of England, Princess Anne, the mother of William V, but she did not reign long, so William V's grandmother Mary, Mary of Hesse who had been Regent of William IV became Regent again.

Mary died of another stroke in 1765, and his eldest sister, Princess Carolina, served as regent for another year.

Britain had the East India Company, and so did the Netherlands, because of competition from the British East India Company, the Dutch East India Company and its position in the Indonesian archipelago was in decline. After the outbreak of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, the relationship between Britain and the Netherlands was already in hostility. However, William V was still close to Britain, and he was still spending money when the finances were tight, so the regent formed an alliance with the Patriots to join forces against the rule of the House of Orange.

After William V was kicked out of the Netherlands, he actively planned to regain power. After his wife Wilhelmina's luxurious trip to The Hague to recall the regent to support the Orange regime failed, William V of Orange simply used Prussia Man helps himself reset.

Wilhelmina was the fourth daughter of Frederick the Great, and the French strongly supported the Dutch to "get rid of" the Prussian aggression. In exchange for "freedom", the Dutch had to hand over the works of art collected by William V to the French.

After William V fled, the newly established government took swift action to try to curb the continued transfer of a large number of artworks to France. In 1798, the Dutch government officially announced the confiscation of all William V's collections and appointed the Minister of Finance to manage them. The Minister of Finance chose an old castle on the outskirts of The Hague for collection, which happened to be located next to the prison where the de Witt brothers were imprisoned.

This art gallery is open to the public like the Louvre, but it charges entrance fees, unlike the Louvre, which is free. In the 21st century, the Louvre was considered unsafe to guard against theft at all levels. Now these priceless paintings are just hung on the wall without any protection measures but no one steals them.

The person in charge of managing the art gallery is an Amsterdam art dealer. He took office as quickly as possible, and included several small paintings from his Amsterdam art store into the collection.

This happened to Georgiana in Venice too. A painter who was not yet famous put his paintings in the Guggenheim Museum and displayed them together with the works of famous artists.

"Girl with a Pearl Earring" is a famous painting in the 21st century, but its author, Johannes Vermeer, is an unknown painter, at least not comparable to painters like Rubens. It was only after being excavated by the French that this painter, who had been buried for two centuries, reappeared in people's field of vision.

That is to say, the "Girl with a Pearl Earring" that Georgiana thought was a "national treasure" was just a very ordinary small painting that could be found for a little money in an art store in Amsterdam. And because its author is not well-known, it is very cheap even if it is authentic. I found this painting because Georgiana dressed up as the girl in the painting.

This "broadened" her horizons. Queen Ekaterina liked diamonds. Georgiana might not be interested in diamonds, but she could take this opportunity to buy works by Johannes Vermeer. Fortunately, she was in " Before she went crazy, she woke up. The Louvre has so many collections that there is no place to put them. Where else would she buy them?

And rather than spending money on famous paintings, it is better to cultivate talents...

But now Johannes Vermeer's paintings are very cheap, they don't cost much at all.

She was so cranky that she habitually rode back to Margaret's residence in Austria, and only remembered that she "moved" last night when she saw the empty door.

Just as she was about to turn her horse's head and go back, vendors in the vegetable market had already come out to greet her with various vegetables and agricultural products.

These people were very enthusiastic and surrounded her tightly. Georgiana didn't have a purse on her body, and she went out in her dressing gown. She had to ride on the horse, slowly cross the bridge, and walked towards the direction of the castle where she was stationed.

At the gate of the castle, you can see the guards, and they will drive away the peddlers surrounding Georgiana.

They acted a little rougher, a little more unceremoniously, but at least they didn't use the butts.

She wanted to leave just like that, but before turning to leave, she subconsciously glanced back, as if they were waiting for her to speak.

She belongs to the kind of person who is clumsy and tongue-tied. She didn't know what to say at this time. After thinking for a while, she said, "You send two people out."

The peddlers looked at each other, and finally recommended two people, a man and a woman, and Georgiana asked the guards to let them in.

She didn't know what she was doing, but she didn't think the scene just now was rational and safe.

The gangsters who had previously been executed by the wheel were part of a gang responsible for at least 100 burglaries, 50 thefts, 10 murders, and 7 attempted murders. To know that the robber was not hanged was to see him torn to pieces.

Not everyone likes to watch the death penalty, and some people support that in troubled times, we should serve as an example to others, so that those gangs and robbers who run amok can restrain themselves.

The judge who made the judgment, the Duke of Gerdes, was once a vassal of Austria, or at least he must be a nobleman to serve in the Austrian Netherlands. This status can be bought. Although the number of dukes in the Holy Roman Empire was not as widespread as that in France, there were only four duchies in the early days of the empire, and the families that could be dukes were close to the king at that time, but the duke title of "occupying land" is not the same concept as that in Germany.

The two were stopped at the door, and Georgiana asked her servants to take them to her room, and then she went to Bonaparte's room.

She wants to ask what to do in this situation, and stop by to see what he is doing, hoping that he won't give her a "surprise".

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