The old clock made a monotonous and regular sound, the whole house was full of dust, the old wallpaper was full of holes, and only Cedric's photo was as bright as new.

He's still laughing in those pictures, some of him playing quidditch, some of him playing with his friends, like Amos said, Cedric is a beautiful kid with a ruddy face and a gentle smile , And very social skills, giving people a calm and reliable feeling. He had been Pomona's favorite student, even more so than Severus.

He is like a male unicorn, Dumbledore said at the school-leaving banquet at the end of the semester, when others have to choose between the right path and the shortcut, please don't forget an upright, kind, and brave boy. Cedric embodies the qualities of Hufflepuff House, loyalty and kindness, and he makes Pomona proud.

"Do the right thing, because it's the right thing, my beautiful son was entangled in a giant spider, Harry Potter saved him, when he would have given up the championship, it was Harry Potter who invited him to join him Pick up the trophy."

What Old Diggory entertained them was gin, and the most indispensable thing in this house was all kinds of wine bottles, which were scattered in every corner of the house, exuding a dizzy smell.

"I remember, the devil said to kill the extra people, my son is redundant, he shouldn't have gone to that place, if Harry Potter hadn't invited him to raise the trophy together, he wouldn't have used it at all dead."

"I came to see how you are doing today, Amos, and it's still the New Year's holiday." Pomona was almost suffocated by this man's dull breath, so she turned her eyes to Hermione "Hermione She will be reporting to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, and she has a lot of questions she wants to ask you, and she also works in the Department of Magical Creatures."

"Uh, yes," Hermione said dryly. "I work in the house-elf resettlement office. Do you need house-elves here, Mr. Diggory?"

"Elf?" Amos froze for a moment, then shook his head, "No need, Miss Granger, I will go to a nursing home after I retire, and this place doesn't need to be cleaned."

"It's Mrs. Weasley, Amos, she's married to Ron Weasley." Pomona rubbed her aching temple, she felt that it would not help Hermione to find such a person as an ally.

"There are many girls who like him. My beautiful son, that Ravenclaw Chaser Cho Chang, is one of them. She chose my son first and then Harry Potter. My son is the champion." Amos burst into tears "He shouldn't have touched that trophy, he shouldn't have touched..."

"Do something, Hermione!" she cursed at the transfixed Gryffindor cub.

Hermione looked around the room in bewilderment for a long time, and finally pointed to the photos of those activities and said, "Where did Cedric take those photos?"

"One was at Zacharias Smith's party, and their family claimed to be a descendant of Mrs. Helga Hufflepuff." Pomona took over, poor Cedric, he has been touched by countless women He had a mellow face, but he still kept a polite smile, and from then on he would bring old Diggory with him to social events.

"You take good care of him, Dean, and you take him with you every time you go to a party." Amos wiped away tears and looked at Hermione through wet glasses. "So, she is your new favorite?"

"The situation in the Department of Magical Beasts Protection will change this year because of the werewolf problem." Pomona didn't mince words, work can divert grief "The Beast Office will be very busy, but my concern is the Goblin Liaison Office. We need your help. Mos Diggory."

"How do you want me to help you?" Amos asked.

"Don't be so depressed, I just persuaded you last time, why is it like this now?"

"I want to kill Wormtail." Old Diggory said suddenly excitedly. "He killed my son!"

"Then do it." Pomona urged, "Violence can't solve the problem, but sometimes you need it. You are a poor father who lost his son. Besides, I think your place may not be as lively as Azkaban."

Old Digory seemed to have regained the motivation to live, with blood and a smile on his face again, "How can I help you, Professor."

"I don't need your help, just watch her for me." Pomona touched Hermione's smooth hair, "Don't let her get into a dangerous situation, give her guidance and advice when appropriate, I know You've been in that department for many years."

"Zacharias is in the department, too," said old Digory. "Let me see, he seems to be in the Ghoul Rangers."

"He has learned a lot of fighting skills in Da, and he is really useful there." Pomona sneered and said, "How is his performance?"

"I didn't ask, but every time I saw him, he was very proud, just like his father."

"Is he really a direct descendant of Hufflepuff?" Hermione Granger looked disgusted.

"The Gaunts are the direct descendants of Slytherin, what do you think of their family?" Pomona curled her lips, "Even Muggles look down on them, it's meaningless to overemphasize blood, by the way, Amos, Have you ever considered adopting a child?"

"Adopt?" asked Amos Diggory.

"Yes, re-establishing a family, even if it is not related by blood, is better than being alone now."

"Are you going to make a difference in the Department of Magical Creatures? Or are you going to use this as your springboard, Mrs. Weasley?" Amos asked Hermione instead of bringing up the subject with Pomona.

"What's the difference?"

"I've never left the Department of Fantastic Beasts in my whole life. I've stayed in almost every department, but you see, at my age, I'm still an ordinary employee. If you want to climb up, you have to have a plan. The elf relocates the office Few can keep people. The last person who stayed here the longest was Hilda Hopkins. She used it as a place to wait for her retirement. I think you are very young, and you are not the kind of ordinary employee who is willing to be an ordinary employee Women, you should have a plan for your career."

"Don't look at me." Pomona looked at Hermione, "You plan your own future, others can't help you."

"Before I answer your question, please answer my question." After a moment of silence, Hermione looked at Amos Digory with determined eyes, "I am a friend of Harry Potter, even so you will help Me, sir?"

Amos Diggory's eyes widened.

"I really hate getting my personal feelings involved in work. If you can't do that, then just pretend we haven't been here today." Hermione suddenly looked at Pomona, "You said you were good at forgetting everything null."

"That's right, Director," said Pomona, smiling. "It's a pity you can only lead yourself, and a bunch of house-elves."

"You obey her orders?" Amos was taken aback.

"I trust her judgment. If it weren't for her, Harry Potter wouldn't have been able to complete such a thrilling journey alone." Pomona looked at the little lioness of God with satisfaction. She was really better than Gryffindor. More male lions are more useful.

"What do you think, Amos?" Hermione said in a calm yet forceful tone.

"Merlin's beard, she's like another Eugenina Jenkins," Amos marveled.

"I think Millicent Barnold is pretty good too," said Pomona lazily.

"She is very capable, but it's a pity that because of one sentence, there are mixed reviews. Do you want to be the female Minister of Magic, Granger?" Amos Diggory asked Hermione.

"Answer my question first, Amos." Hermione said uncompromisingly, "I won't give my back to someone I can't trust."

"If you didn't ask me, yes, maybe I would hate you, but now, no." Amos said with a smile "You make my heart beat faster, young lady, if I was thirty years younger I would pursue you of."

"My surname is Weasley, because I'm married to Ron Weasley." Hermione said a little arrogantly, "Have you heard of the Order of the Phoenix? Amos?"

"Of course I have," replied Amos Digory.

"I am one of the members. I know that the Mysterious Man is gone now, but there are still all kinds of dark wizards. They are disrupting the peace and order of the wizarding world and the Muggle world. I want to catch them so that everyone can Live a stable life, so I'm going into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, that's my first stage plan."

Amos opened his mouth in surprise, and Pomona asked, "What's your long-term plan, Granger?"

"I can't think so long-term. This is a very complicated game. I can only take one step at a time." Hermione said with a little weakness. "I really can't believe that one day I will cooperate with Malfoy."

"Work with Malfoy, why?" Amos asked curiously.

"We're playing a fun game, would you like to join, Amos?" Pomona said with a smile. "You've got nothing to do when you're home alone anyway."

"Playing games? Count me in." He immediately laughed silly. "Wait a minute, I'm going to put on a coat."

Pomona and Hermione shared a sigh when he left the living room happily.

"Do you think he is a person who can keep secrets?" Hermione said helplessly.

"I have to ask you this. I'm only responsible for carrying out orders." Pomona said with a relaxed face. "Thinking is too tiring for me. I'm just a Hufflepuff fool."

"If one day you were on the opposite side of Professor Snape, would you fight him?" Hermione asked.

"Of course I do. I've confronted him not once or twice." Pomona said with a mysterious smile, "What he likes most is a woman who can fight back."

"Fight back, Severus, fight back!"

In the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, a senior Hufflepuff yelled at a junior Slytherin freshman. Even though the freshman had learned armor protection, his body was still covered in wounds, and his black eyes were like Like two empty tunnels, staring blankly ahead.

"Patience is for revenge, don't just hide in a safe place like a coward."

Pomona touched her black swan pendant. The predators nicknamed her Knox. The goddess of the night represents the night and loneliness, without the joy and purity of white. It's a pity that the patron saint is silver, it can't fully reflect her, it's just her when she is happy, most of the time she is melancholy, but she has a perfect smirk on her face, why is Dracomar The two Slytherins, Foo and Severus Snape, can easily see through it? It's really strange.

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