Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 230 Goodbye

Lupine loves music, especially music that is upbeat and danceable. In his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he had the students fight boggarts, and he played a very upbeat piece of music.

He is obviously the most negative person, but he is always encouraging Sirius. In the building at 15 Guihua Street, the three of them often danced together, and at that time she hadn't had a single thought of what Severus was doing.

During Voldemort's second reign, Lee Jordan set up Potter's Lookout, an illegal broadcast that often changed locations to prevent Death Eaters from tracking them down. Pomona didn't know if Lupine had lent them Guihua Street, because the safe house was empty at the time, he and Tonks married and moved elsewhere, Sirius was dead, and she herself Live at Hogwarts.

Everyone had already left, only things remained where they were, and it was difficult for Pomona to be alone against the feeling of being alone, but Hermione Granger handled it well, and she found Lu Flat record player, listening to music while washing dishes, the house that has been vacant for several years has warm popularity because of her, and it feels like a place where someone lives.


She cried out in surprise and delight when she saw the dumpy Pomona Sprout coming out of the fireplace, and ran like a cannonball and gave her a big hug.

"What happened to your hair?" Pomona looked at Hermione's hair in surprise, they were no longer frizzy at the moment, they looked very smooth.

"I found the hair smoother in Sirius' room, from the Potter family." Hermione said triumphantly. "I'm glad wizards' potions don't have an expiration date."

"Shelf life?"

"Never mind that, what are you doing here today?" Hermione asked.

"You're going to work tomorrow, and I'll take you to meet someone, and we have to go back to Hogwarts." Pomona walked to the chair with heavy steps and sat down. "I'll find Minerva A new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Who is it?" Hermione asked.

"Harry Potter," Pomona said loudly, "I heard that he goes back to Defense Against the Dark Arts every now and then, and this time he'll stay at Hogwarts a little longer, at least to get past the next semester's examination."


"In addition to the Ministry of Magic, we also have to deal with the inspection of the International Federation of Wizards. It has been six years since the Battle of Hogwarts. How is the reconstruction work going?"

"Neville said everything was fine," she said uncertainly.

"Barty Crouch and Lucius Malfoy, the two biggest trustees, didn't make any donations. Where did you get the money to rebuild, Hermione? The position of Defense Against the Dark Arts is cursed. We were so short of people at the time." The idiot Lockhart and the werewolf have both been hired, and now there are international doubts about the teachers and teaching strength of Hogwarts, you have to help me convince Harry to be the substitute teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the current semester."

"But what about his Auror job?" Hermione asked.

"You don't have to worry about him. I will find a way to get him transferred. The situation outside is very dangerous now, and the school is relatively safe. Besides, Neville has a werewolf hiding."

"What?" Hermione interrupted Pomona.

"Lavender Brown, she was bitten, remember? Neville took her in, in the school's greenhouse."

Hermione folded her hands, thought for a moment and said, "So Harry wants to help Neville control her?"

"That's right, put on your clothes now, and we'll go to the village of Catchpole."

"What are we doing there?"

"Visiting your future colleague, Amos Digory," she said, with her hips akimbo. "Remember what your job is?"

"Yes, the house-elves reset the office," said Hermione listlessly.

"He's an old bachelor, and I'm sure he'd really need a house-elf in the family right now, and you can get in touch with him, and you'll have someone in the Ministry who can support you."

"I don't start working until tomorrow." Hermione said lazily.

"Someone started work yesterday, and the owl sent you the letter, but you wouldn't think it was also the one who wrote the notification letter from the Ministry."

So Hermione reluctantly put on her clothes and Apparated with her.

The earliest founder of Hogsmeade was Hengis of Woodcroft. There is a bust of him in the corridor on the fifth floor of Hogwarts. After he was expelled by a group of Muggle prosecutors to avoid their disturbance, he was in A Muggle repelling spell was set up around his house, and wizards who wanted to get rid of Muggles like him gradually gathered in that village, so there was a Hogsmeade village with only wizards.

The Diggory family used to be very prosperous, and even had a Minister of Magic, but it has declined in modern times. The old house of the Diggory family is just a few miles outside the village. It looks old and old, and many places have collapsed. , The magic fountain is still full of weeds, it is hard to imagine what it looked like when it was prosperous.

Pomona felt that no amount of money Dumbledore had to pay Amos would make up for his loss.

She'd been here before, for Hufflepuff's was at the Quidditch Cup, and that merry Amos invited the neighborhood neighbors to celebrate at his house, with streamers all over the trees on the estate and dances in the magic fountain With blue splashes, she also brought a lot of Hogwarts delicacies, and everyone was so happy.

Now this lonely and desolate courtyard makes people look uncomfortable. Fortunately, he still has a cousin, otherwise the Digory family will be over in his generation, and all the unused money in his treasury will go to the goblin.

It was part of the agreement, as was the human offering a dragon to the goblin as a Gringotts watcher. It's a pity that humans don't always keep their promises. The goblins are very annoyed. They don't trust humans at all. Due to security issues, human wizards have transferred their property from Gringotts. The goblins are even more angry because "their money" taken away by humans.

Asking for a giant dragon from McFasty's house is nothing more than repeating the experience of the last dragon. Of course, the humane Kingsley is unwilling.

Fortunately, there is Lu Wei who loves to sleep. It only needs to sleep in the hole. If a thief comes, if he doesn’t know the mechanism, he will wake him up, and then the "fluffy dog" will Drive the intruder out, and after it is driven away, you can continue to sleep, and live a life of eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating all day long. Gringotts, which is a prison to dragons with a love of flight and a vast territory, is a safe haven for Lu Wei, and he will be a happy dog, as long as the goblins take good care of him.

"Are you all right, Professor?" Hermione supported Pomona, who was handicapped.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Pomona said blankly, her body should rest at home now, but she still has things to do "Do I walk like Severus now? It's the same after biting."

"That was in the first grade." Hermione said with a smile as if recalling a good memory. "A troll ran into the school that day, and Harry thought Professor Snape was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

"Yeah, since the first grade, there have always been three of you in every accident." Moina continued the conversation, "Ron was hospitalized once, he said he was bitten by a dog, Madam Pomfrey said His wounds have turned green, what kind of dog's teeth are so poisonous?"

"Oh, it wasn't bitten by a dog." Hermione hesitated and said, "Hagrid stole a Norwegian Ridgeback, and he was bitten by it."

"Really, a Norwegian Ridgeback?" Hufflepuff's dean exclaimed hypocritically. "Fortunately, my herbs came in handy. I heard that the teeth of that dragon are very poisonous."

"That's a baby dragon, less than two weeks old." Hermione added hastily, "It's growing extremely fast."

"Fortunately, it's a baby dragon. If it were an adult dragon, Ron would probably be dead. By the way, is that dragon still at Hogwarts? Was it stolen by Hagrid and raised in the Forbidden Forest?"

"No, it was picked up by Charlie's friend." Hermione said carelessly, "Hagrid named it Norbert, and Charlie and the others called her Norberta because it was a girl."

"What!" Pomona yelled out in shock, causing the Hu Meizi in the yard to fly up in fright.

"I know that the Norwegian Ridgeback female dragon is more vicious than the male dragon. Hagrid thought it was a boy, so he named it Norbert. I debated with Ron in your herbal medicine class that day..."

"I heard, Granger, you guys are debating whether to skip class and go to Hagrid's cabin." Pomona said dryly with a cold face, "How dare you do that in Head Slytherin's class?" Do you have to speak without any scruples?"

Hermione couldn't help shivering.

"Visiting Amos, you and I went to Hogsmeade, and Draco Malfoy figured out a solution to the mess you left at Gringotts."

"Malfoy figured it out?" Hermione yelled in disbelief.

"He is different from his peacock father, you will know if you get in touch with him more."

While the two were talking, they walked to the door of the main house. Following the once luxurious but now dilapidated marble steps, Pomona knocked on the door of Diggory's house. It looked very dilapidated, and the white paint on the outside was already mottled. The white paint was fresh when Pomona knocked on it.

After a while, the door was slowly opened, and the old Amos Digory looked at the two people standing at the door through his glasses.

"Hello, Amos, please forgive me for coming uninvited."

"Professor Sprout? And you, Hermione Granger?" Amos said in a hoarse voice, "What can you do?"

"Happy New Year." Pomona smiled and said, "It's cold outside, can we go in and have a sit?"

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