Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2306 A Covenant With Glory (Part 2)

The Arenberg family came from Arenberg, a small principality in the Holy Roman Empire, but there was no family called Arenberg before 1547, when they belonged to the Deligne family. When Countess Marguerite of the Delamack family married Baron Ligne with a dowry, both of them abandoned their original surnames, and their descendants took the surname of Arenberg from then on.

The marriage of Margaret's son Charles and Anne de Croix brought a large amount of land in the Netherlands to the family, and became the great lord in the Spanish aristocracy. The big family married together and became the leading wealthy family in the Netherlands. At the same time, the lords of Arenberg were staunch supporters of the Habsburg emperors and their agents in the Netherlands, so the Arenberg family became the first duke of the Habsburg Netherlands, and He was also awarded the Order of the Golden Fleece, and in 1549 became a high official in the provinces of North Frisia, Groningen, Drenthe and OberiJssel.

Not long after, the 80-year Dutch War of Independence broke out. Since his mother was from Spain, the 1st Baron Arenberg maintained his loyalty to King Philip II of Spain and distanced himself from his friend William I of Orange. He was unable to prevent the spread of Protestantism in the north, but kept them loyal to the royal family without bloodshed. When he returned to the south, he joined the army of the Duke of Alva, but opposed the arrest of Heilomont and Horn.

He was killed shortly after joining the army of the Duke of Alva while resisting the invasion of Groningen by the brothers Louis of Nassau and William I of Orange, and is buried in St. Catherine's Church in Zevenbergen.

In 1605, the second Duke of Arenberg bought the land of Henry IV of France in Enghien and made it their main seat in the Netherlands. The first Duke of Arenberg was moved to the family cemetery , then inspired by Robert Cecil, the Arenberg couple built a garden castle on this land. At the same time, in order to prove their sponsorship to the Capuchin, the Knights established the Arenberg in the monastery of Enghien. Family cemetery.

The Capuchin Order is a branch of the Franciscan Order. It was established with the approval of Clement VII. It is an important force in the Counter-Reformation Movement of the Holy See. In 1619, it became a new independent church from the Franciscan Order. The most important feature of this order is the construction of catacombs and the preservation of mummy. They used a method similar to that of the Egyptians. After removing the internal organs, they placed the body in a dry place, let it dry naturally, and then cleaned it. Dressed for display along the walls or in alcoves, the body is maintained every three years by waxing to prevent decomposition.

At the beginning, this kind of tomb was reserved exclusively for the monks of the monastery, and later it was also opened to the public, provided that they contributed to the construction of the Capuchin Society, that is, the donors of the Capuchin Society, while Arembe Because the Dukes donated so much, they can not only be buried in this kind of tomb, but also have a family tomb.

Later, with the arrival of the Duchy of Alscot, in order to maintain the original status, the Dukes of Arenberg bought an apartment in Brussels. After it was destroyed in the bombing in 1695, the Dukes had to settle down in rented residences. , until 1754 when he acquired the Heilomont Palace, when the Duke of Arenberg had continued to the fourth generation.

The fourth Duke of Arenberg is a good friend of Voltaire and Rousseau, and an advocate of science. He has six children. His eldest daughter, Marie Victoria Pauline Arenberg, is the wife of the Marquis of Baden-Baden . The 4th Duke of Arenberg was once governor of Hainault in the Netherlands, served in Savoy on the Rhine during the War of the Spanish Crown, became field marshal in 1737, and was appointed supreme commander of the Austrian army in the Netherlands. Established the British-Dutch military alliance during the War of the Austrian Crown, led the Austrian army at the Battle of Dettingen, returned to Hainault after the war to continue as governor, and died in 1754 at Arenberg Castle, the castle Located in Leuven.

In order to reward the loyalty of the Arenberg family, the Habsburg emperor upgraded Arenberg's territory in the Netherlands from "princely county" to "duchy" in 1645, and the Arenberg family ruled in the Holy Roman Empire. It also has many territories. These territories belong to the Arenberg family, but they do not belong to each other. In some places they have voting rights, in some places they only have the lowest judicial power, and the high-level judicial power is controlled by the superior lord elector, who did not participate in the Imperial Parliament. Qualifications.

According to the primogeniture system, everything belonging to the father is inherited by the eldest son. The father of the seventh Duke of Arenberg is the fifth Duke of Arenberg, and his uncle August could not inherit anything in the family. But this kind of big family has many branches. At that time, Count Lamark served in the German infantry regiment and served France, and he had no son yet, so he asked Auguste to join the army in France. Legion to August.

At this time, France and Austria have achieved a "diplomatic revolution", and Marie Antoinette has married Louis XVI. It is further said that if Count Lamarck dies, the young Auguste will receive Lamarck Earl's title, so Auguste went to France.

As a "sovereign prince," August could serve in any country he wanted. This is different from mercenaries, which belong to the property of the mercenary commander, and it is also different from those German farmers who can't help themselves. At that time, Germany was very poor, too poor to afford a decent dowry, so Queen Maria Theresa gave an army as a dowry to Louis XV with Count Lamark's infantry regiment.

Prince Auguste was introduced to the Empress, went on to join the regiments in the south of France, and returned to court after a year there.

Although according to the order of succession, the fifth Duke of Arenberg can successfully inherit everything without hard work, but the tradition of the Arenberg family is to join the army. The fifth Duke of Arenberg followed his father when he went to war for the first time The 4th Duke of Arenberg fought together in the War of the Austrian Crown, first as a lieutenant colonel, then as a colonel in the 2nd Walloon Infantry, then as a colonel in Baden-Baden, at the Battle of Maastricht in 1748 In , he has become a major general because of his outstanding performance in defending France.

During the Seven Years War, he was active in the Bohemian battlefield, participated in the Battle of Prague, and confronted Frederick the Great. In 1758, he became the commander of the Austrian Right Army and was awarded the Cross by Queen Maria Theresa.

In addition to the glory of victory in the war, injuries and deaths are inevitable. In the Battle of Torgau in 1760, the fifth Duke of Arenberg was seriously injured. It was necessary to retire. He lived until he was appointed to the Army in 1777. Marshal, he died not long after.

The fifth Duke of Arenberg had 8 children, and Louis was the oldest child. He was born in 1750 and was 28 years old when his father died. According to the legal order, Louis should have become the sixth generation of Arenberg. Duke of Georgia.

But by virtue of his relationship with the court, his uncle Auguste inherited everything from the Duke of Arenberg, and also inherited the Spanish military rank. His most valiant display was a duel with a Swedish officer, who had been appointed by the Ministry of War for a regiment sent to India belonged to Count Lamark, and who later resigned the appointment, and Augustus lead the army. And August was seriously injured in India, and the legion was destroyed. After returning to France, the Swedish officer laughed at August's performance at the ball. The two had a duel, and August stabbed the sword into Sweden. In the officer's eyes.

However, the Swedish officer vomited a mouthful of blood when he was dying, and this blood hurt him. Don't underestimate the explosive power of a person at the end of his life. Coupled with the injuries he suffered in India, it took him some time to recover. Married in 1776, Auguste lived a happy life, alternating between country estates and balls at Versailles.

Originally, the duke's widow and his family lived in Arenberg Castle, so there was nothing wrong with it, but the experience of the serious injury may have reminded August of something. Anyway, Austria confiscated Arenberg Castle. As a result, the duchess and her children have no residence, and Auguste has a lot of wealth. This time the duchess asked Napoleon to return the former ancestral home to them while Napoleon was on a tour in Belgium.

August is Mippola's friend and also the messenger between Mippola and the queen. Mipolla is a famous rhetorician. Through Mipoola August, he entered the National Assembly and became the representative force of the court.

When the royal family grew desperate, Auguste left France and entered the Austrian army as a major general, never serving, but serving as a diplomat on various occasions.

With the success of the Napoleonic Wars, seeing that Austria was dying, he wanted to join the French service, but was rejected by Napoleon.

Napoleon not only returned the castle to the fifth Duchess of Arenberg, but also returned the title of Duke to Louis, even though August, the sixth Duke of Arenberg, was still living in Vienna at this moment.

The Treaty of Campo Formio stipulated that the land owned by the Archduke Charles in the Netherlands would still belong to him. Napoleon spent one million francs to buy the land near the Castle of Lechen and Brussels, and the other lands of the Grand Duke belonged to the Duke of Saxony. There are two titles of elector and duke. This is because in 1547 the Duke of Lüneburg, the elector, lost the battle against Charles V, and Charles transferred his title to the Duke of Saxony.

After Louis became the seventh Duke of Arenberg, he transferred part of the land in the Holy Roman Empire, such as the part of his uncle August, to the Duke of Saxony, and the Duke of Saxony transferred the land of Archduke Charles in Belgium to Arlen Duke Berg, the "procedures" are over.

At present, the land of Leuven is owned by France in the Campo Formio Treaty. If you use a more understandable way, it is the Knights of Malta. They had no territory in the 20th century, only a building in the Vatican, but It remained a sovereign state, as stipulated in the Peace of Amiens, although the Order lost all of its territories, including the last island of Malta.

This form of sovereignty is recognized by Britain, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia and other countries, except Spain, which may not have participated in the signing of the peace treaty.

Is the Knights of Malta a special case? It was not written in the peace treaty, just like the French constitution stipulated that the first ruling party was not allowed to lead the army, but it did not say that he could not follow the army, and then Beretti became the nominal commander.

Orphans and widows are always bullied, and the seventh-generation Duke of Arlberg himself is also a victim. The orphans are not as rich as him, but they still have residual value to be plundered.

The Knights of Malta are actually very rich. They own hospitals and schools in many places. The main source of income is donations. This is a legacy of the Crusades. The rich only need to donate money to be regarded as participating in the holy war. Because of this, donating to the Knights It can be regarded as conferring titles such as knights, which can be kings, presidents, actors, and donations are considered knights.

Even if it is not Arenberg Castle in Leuven, it can also be the Emont Palace, or this new knight order can also rent a house as their "government department" like the Knights of Malta, and Georgiana manages Napoleon's property in Belgium , She can lease it to the Industrial Credit Bank or to the Knights. 500,000 francs are not money at all to these rich people, and they still pay for the military expenses of Georgiana's Mamluk cavalry.

But she didn't know all this until after the ceremony, and they were very happy, as if it was fun to play her around.

There are many things that, despite their good intentions at the outset, can change later.

She does not want the Knights to become a human trafficking organization in the future, because the objects they help are "valuable" women and children.

Maybe those who support slavery don't realize that if you continue to allow slavery to exist, you will also be like Andromache after the defeat of Troy, changing from a female nobleman to a female slave, and bearing children for your enemies.

You also have to smile at him and please him so you can claim his legacy.

She has this idea because she has read the Persian letters, although the slave in red is not the princess of the subjugated country.

And Ferrile, Georgiana remembered how cautious she had been when she first came, and Ferrile had been sent over and over.

She is doing well now, but the other slaves are not necessarily. People work hardest when they are working for themselves. Although Georgiana was manipulated like a marionette, she still had the power to design slogans and flags for the Knights. "Guarding the faith and helping the suffering" sounds holy and has a healing effect, but she doesn't think it is necessary.

To say directly that the slave trade was prohibited would certainly annoy Bonaparte, who was already very unhappy...

"Georgiana!" cried her "guardian knight," the Duke of Arenberg. "Come on, let's go up to the tower."

"Here we come!" She said with a smile all over her face, and followed her lightly.

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