Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2305 A Date With Glory (Part 1)

The way back to St. Lumoudi Church was still on foot. This time the priests took out all the liturgical supplies and sandwiched the archbishop and the two of them. The smell of burning frankincense could be smelled along the way. The smell of the censer held by the pioneers.

There were many more people on both sides of the road than in the morning. At the same time, there were many people standing in the square in front of the cathedral. There was a military band phalanx, and a phalanx of nobles and officials who accompanied Napoleon to the Grand Councilor's Palace in the morning.

That was the last time that palace was used as a parliament. France recognized Brussels as the capital of Belgium. Belgium will become more progressive with the help of freedom, equality and fraternity.

She couldn't figure out why such a formal meeting took so long. Could it be that there was another writer who wrote a super long speech and read it for an hour?

As soon as they entered the scene, the military band began to play, but it was not the French national anthem, but "The Gathered Drums".

After the military music was over, the team moved on. After entering the church, she found that the pews in the church were full of people. As soon as they appeared at the door, they all stood up, and the aisle between the seats was paved. red carpet.

At this point she was terrified that there would be a flower girl or something, and that might be the case with the royal wedding. The archbishop took the holy water from the altar boy and walked forward slowly while chanting scriptures. Other clergymen stood on both sides of them and followed step by step.

Originally, she wanted to shirk that she didn't bring the saber, so that the canonization ceremony could be avoided, but...

She looked at the people watching her, most of them had swords, some of them were gorgeous, and there was no need to worry about finding a replacement.

When he was about to reach the altar, a middle-aged man came out from the side. He had a golden saber on his waist, but the most eye-catching thing was the necklace around his neck.

To be precise, it was the Knight of the Golden Fleece. Where did this man come from?

"That's the seventh Duke of Arenberg." Bonaparte took the time to explain to her.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

Then he continued to look ahead as if nothing had happened.

She quickly thought about who the Duke of Arenberg was in her mind, and after thinking for a long time, she remembered that it was the surname of Princess Sissi's father. At that time, she ate a piece of Princess Sissi and Franz Joseph's favorite chestnut cake.

Princess Sissi has a terrible mother-in-law. It is said that the reason is largely because Princess Sissi was not born noble enough. This is the real version of Cinderella, and Sissi is not Cinderella.

"Your highness" is often heard in movies. This kind of "highness" is divided into "royal" and "serene", etc. Princess Sissi belongs to "serene", which is a title of monarch lower than the principality. Usually Refers to His Royal Highness.

Georgiana finds Shapthal in the crowd, looking... deadpan.

It turned out that she had misunderstood. Bonaparte did not support her as a Belgian queen, but found a prince, and he seemed to be related to Austria.

Now no one explained to her exactly what happened. Anyway, after arriving at the altar, Duke Arenberg smiled at her, looking very friendly.

Then they turned around, and Bonaparte faced everyone sternly and proudly, and Georgiana felt herself taking a half step back.

"Citizens," he said in his booming voice, which hummed against the reverberation of the church, "together we have weathered the storm, we have overcome obstacles, and at last we have seen peace, and the light of hope in justice In this ancient land, the Netherlands, based on justice and fairness, will be stronger. But it is enough for us not only to establish a complete legal system and rule of law, but also to take care of those who want a better future. The children who lost their happy childhood due to the war, the mother who was in tears, and Paozawa who could not continue to live because of war injuries, I feel extremely honored to witness the establishment of this knight order for the purpose of doing good deeds and medical care. They will care for those who live in this area The new flowers blooming on the land that has nurtured countless great masters of art and science will create a greater era."

"Yes, majestic Napoleon," chanted the others, and she shuddered.

Just now they used the word "majeste" which is for the king.

But at this time, no one jumped out to teach the king a lesson, and then, under the signal of Bonaparte, the Duke of Arenberg drew out his saber and handed it to Georgiana with both hands.

Before she could react, someone had already moved out the knight stool and placed it in front of her, which seemed to be serious.

She looked at Bonaparte, who smiled at her like a bad boy who has succeeded in a trick.

"The first ruler helped me get the title back from my uncle." The Duke of Arenberg kindly explained, "You can understand it as the storyline of Hamlet, except that there is no process of marrying the king's widow and the prince's revenge."


"Let's get started." Bonaparte said impatiently, and then the deacon began to read the list in his hand.

The sword-giving ceremony was actually very simple. It was completed by raising the back of the sword and touching the recipient's shoulder twice, but she felt that she was dreaming... She was also dreaming.

The names on this list are not long, there are only 26 people, most of whom she does not know, only Aston Martin she knows who it is.

She remembered that when she went to his office, she hid a lot of stockings in the cabinet.

She always felt that what he wanted was not noble status, but a lot of "respect".

But she didn't know if he would get what he wanted after joining this knight order.

In short, when her sword touched his shoulder, he changed from a commoner to a "lord knight", who can be hired like Don Quixote.

He stared at her for a long time, then he kissed the back of her hand, and walked away backwards, allowing the next person to be sealed.

In fact, in the old days, many people bought aristocratic status by spending money, and Mr. Martin can do the same.

Moreover, the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights were established on the grounds of assistance from the beginning. What will this knight order, whose name she does not know, become in the future?

Soon the ceremony was over, but the bishop did not "bless". Bonaparte gave Archbishop Roquerol meaningfully a look, then took the sword in her hand, and handed it to Arenberg Duke, the Duke put it back into the scabbard.

"Long live!"

This voice sounded like an order, and everyone shouted. She looked at the reporters outside with a melancholy expression, worried about what would happen if Paris found out.

"I told you, it's fine if I say yes." He said confidently, "Smile."

"Don't think that this is the solution." She was trembling with anger. "Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"I just nominated a 'knight' of a charitable organization, what's the problem?" He deliberately pretended not to know.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" she begged.

He ignores her.

"The first ruling said that a ceremony must be held in the church today, either the sword ceremony or your wedding." The archbishop said at this time, "I think..."

"Why are you so messed up?" She said angrily before the archbishop finished speaking.

"How do you know I'm messing around?" He said a little angrily, his eyes sparkling.

She shut up.

Then she stood where she was, and was cheered with the other "knights", and the military music was played outside, like a joyous celebration.

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