Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2285 Jackal's Loyalty (Part 2)

While making tea, Georgiana calculated the time. The time when Bonaparte invited her to eat Austrian chocolate was before the signing of the Peace Treaty of Amiens and after the British bombarded Copenhagen. The British Alliance, but Austria does not seem to have joined.

If you do not take a stand, you will always be the spoils of the victor, for whoever wins does not need doubtful allies who do not come to their aid in adversity.

Georgiana really did not expect that a branch of Peruzzi Bank survived in Amsterdam, and it survived by exchanging business with the Hanseatic League. After all, the Baltic Sea is the "sanctuary" of the Hanseatic League. No one is allowed to trade and do business outside the alliance members, and there will not be any Italian merchants east of the Rhine.

However, Amsterdam is just on the Rhine River. Although the Hanseatic League can transport fruits, olive oil, and various wines from southern Europe, they still cannot obtain some things, such as the mirror of Venice.

Nordic has never heard of any luxury products, and most of them are from Italy and France. At this moment, she suddenly remembered to look in the mirror. If she was sloppy, how could she meet guests.

People always unknowingly live in the way they hate the most. In fact, she doesn't mind living in the "burrow" like Molly.

Archimedes said, give me a fulcrum, and I can move the earth. This is why the Belgian Railways’ issuance of securities made those people crazy. For example, he bought 1,000 pounds of securities and mortgaged them to the bank. Get an 80% to 90% loan and use the money you get to go ahead and buy stocks and then remortgage. These people can get 10 times the loan by increasing leverage. The earth may not be moved, but it will cause a financial tsunami, making the earth tremble except for the indigenous people in the virgin forest.

The French credit default in 1788 led to the bankruptcy of many banks that had lent money to Louis XVI to fight the war. France won the war, which was originally good news, but what "substantial" benefits did the "Paris Peace Treaty" have for France?

There is no benefit, and the account is still there. Is there any other way besides raising taxes and selling officials? In this way, it is still stretched, and finally simply suspended debt repayment. Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and Spain all experienced sovereign defaults. The status of the European financial center was replaced by London.

Edward III's breach of contract led to the wool workers' uprising in Florence. The city had been paralyzed by the Black Death. At that time, Florence had formed an oligarch. is public debt.

The wool workers did not lend money to the King of England to fight the war. How could this debt fall on his head? There was a question of public credit, but the woolworkers were not going to listen to the gentlemen, and they had launched an armed uprising to bring down the "fat man."

The logic of the zero-sum game is different from the logic of positive growth. The positive growth order requires credit, but the zero-sum game does not, or it is not the kind of "commercial credit" that bankers think.

It is the same as woolworkers who cannot understand what public debt is, in which case there is only irreconcilable violence.

In a zero-growth society, people’s ingenuity is used in violent disputes, but they will cater to the sense of identity of the rural people. The rural people think that people with positive growth thinking are absurd. How can they borrow money to consume ahead of time? Unless the family really has no money, farmers will go to usury to borrow money. It is absurd to mortgage the hard-earned land of their ancestors to buy those "fashionable" farm tools. French farming technology still stays in ancient Rome and the Middle Ages The level is far behind the Netherlands, and the Netherlands is a typical businessman's thinking, otherwise, how could they use the land for flower cultivation?

Strictly speaking, flowers are not even economic crops. They are horticultural crops. Sugar beets are economic crops. They can be used to make sugar, and they can be eaten anyway. Flowers are only for viewing. The promotion of beet planting is so laborious. No, it is promotion. It takes so much effort to grow potatoes, let alone grow flowers.

Italian bankers in the 14th century still treated the king as an ordinary client, and the Genoese in the 15th century had an extra rule that they could stop further credit in the event of a default on their debt. By the 17th century, as Spanish lands were taken by the Netherlands, Genoa's position as the financial center of Europe was replaced by Antwerp and Amsterdam, which developed a well-developed public credit system under the auspices of the Holy Roman Empire.

Because of Marie Antoinette's marriage to Louis XVI, the Dutch lent money to Louis XVI, who in turn brought France into the American war. At that time, both the United Kingdom and the United States wanted him to remain neutral. According to Machiavelli, a person who is not friendly to you will seek your neutrality. Not to mention the relationship between Britain and France. John Adams did not like the French at the beginning. Jefferson of France also had conflicts with France over the sale of Louisiana, and Hope Bank, one of the two banks supporting the acquisition, was ABN AMRO.

This is a bank that supports the slave trade, and at the same time has a monopoly on the sole agency of the Russian sugar trade. In the previous meeting of the Agricultural Association, we talked about that some farmers would rather have 8 very thin cows than 5 strong and milk-producing cows. According to the law promulgated by France in the 17th century, slaves are chattels. For a slave owner, the more chattels he has, the more money he can borrow. The favorable loan conditions allow him to open up and expand in that "virgin land". Farms, but this premise is westward, and Louisiana just blocks the way for the westward movement of the United States.

If the Louisiana acquisition is successful, it will not only earn commissions, but also a broader market-based on the legality and morality of slavery. Jefferson's election was largely related to the votes in Georgia. If the Georgia votes were invalidated, he might not be elected. However, he, like Franklin and Hamilton, clearly opposed slavery.

Louisiana is currently using Spanish law, speaking Spanish, and there are a large number of Spaniards. In the 16th century, Spain was in South America. Exorbitant taxes made people miserable. There was a masked ranger named Zorro who relied on his strong swordsmanship to hoe the strong He is weak, eliminates harm for the common people, and married a beautiful girl, and then Zorojiu, who upholds justice and pursues freedom, takes her with him, rides a horse, and goes to other places to fight for justice.

Country folk love that kind of story, even though it's not legal to settle a problem with a sword.

There is no Zorro in American westerns, but there are gunslinger cowboys, even if a duel like them in the street is also illegal...

"what are you doing!"

Georgiana looked at the figure in the mirror and said.

The Scavenger from America was standing behind her, watching her straighten her clothes.

She pulled her wand out and turned to look at him.

"Your guest is here." He said relaxedly, then turned and left as if he really just came to announce.

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