Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2284 Jackal's Loyalty (Part 1)

Georgiana remembers the frenzied reaction from the financial world when farming loans were first proposed. Not only French bankers, but also foreign banks came, including a Jewish financier from Frankfurt, who was introduced by Godin. Unfortunately, the negotiation failed in the end, including the farming loan.

Banks must have collateral to carry out loan business. Land is generally considered to be the most valuable collateral. In the past, France issued index bonds. Since there was not enough gold and silver in the treasury at that time as collateral, land replaced it as collateral.

"Court Jews" are not very interested in Belgian land, but they are very interested in French land, especially around Chantilly, where the French royal family used to hunt and race horses. After the Great Revolution, part of the land was sold, Rothschild The German family saw the opportunity and bought a large piece of land there.

Godin and Sophie's house in the Bois de Boulogne is recorded in their names, but according to the correspondence between Sophie and Matilda, the 200,000 francs dowry that Georgiana gave to Sophie is useless. The money came from Bonaparte. If it was placed in the old days, the dowry of "Madame Maintenon" to the maid was only 200,000 francs, which would be regarded as stingy.

The situation of the Matilda family is similar to that of the Bonaparte family when they first left Corsica. They have no title of nobleman, and the salary given by Georgiana is too small to support the family. Matilda So I asked Sophie to borrow a sum of money, which was drawn from the 200,000 francs. Godin's expenses in Madrid were not small, but he did not touch Sophie's "dowry", which was handled by Sophie herself. This time Georgiana took Matilda out and made a lot of purchases in Rouen and Le Havre. Matilda "cut off" part of the money and returned the money to Sophie.

The good sisters borrowed money to talk about interest, but Matilda still sent some "Parisian fashion" to Sophie by mail. When Bertin made clothes for Georgiana, there was always "spare" material.

There was a time when the relationship between Austria and France should have been good. Bonaparte invited her to eat Mozart chocolates produced in Austria, and she also asked Mr. Martin to buy Hungarian horses.

Now even a person like her who doesn't care about world affairs can feel the pressure. The geographical location of France is bordered by England to the west, Portugal and Spain to the south, and the Netherlands and Belgium to the north. Spain is an ally, and the two countries attacked Portugal together, and Lucien took the opportunity to return to Paris.

War is not good for women anyway, and Sophie and Matilda's correspondence talks about a lot of worries about the future. It is difficult for women to know what men are doing outside, but communication between women is indispensable. Young and beautiful newlyweds are very popular in social circles, whether it is Madrid, London, or Paris. Through the conversation between the wives, Sophie indirectly knows about the King of Spain's "persuasion" by Gabriel Ufral. "Gordan can't say he didn't know anything about the issue of blank licenses, at least he has something to do with it. As for General Juno, because of his battle injuries, he seemed to have some brain problems. The relationship between him and Godin's colleagues could not be said to be the same, but they had no contacts.

At least Georgiana didn't have to be called "difficult" or "annoying" behind her back, but she didn't want to be called "stingy" or "stingy" either. Then she thought of Josephine, who had fought for a generous annuity for those around her.

A businessman's wealth is built on the volatile foundation of speculation, but civil servants are different. If Georgiana is an engineer, she will hope that her boss is someone who understands technology, or has experience in a certain field, rather than a "bureaucrat" .

The other is hereditary. The father's position will be inherited by the son, rather than the capable person. Only those with outstanding talents after the Great Revolution will become civil servants.

But Poitvin had been a low-level official in the court for so long, and he had never had a chance to be promoted. Then he remembered the "shortcut" of taking Georgiana and suddenly became an official of the French Embassy in Madrid.

His attitude towards Georgiana can be called "violent", completely lacking the "tenderness" and "talent" written in Sophie's letter.

Then she remembered the last time she went to Notre Dame de Paris, when a bishop was sent to Poland, and her guardian Caprara told her that Napoleon had told her that the archbishop would instill Polish independence in his preaching. Combining with the last conversation between him and Metternich in the Antwerp greenhouse, which involved the Silesian issue, Prussia still owns the Port of Danzig, and East and West Prussia are also connected. Once Austria and Prussia clashed over the Silesia issue, Napoleon intervened and returned Danzig to Poland, and East and West Prussia were separated again. Metternich's first reaction was to tell Bonaparte that he did not intend to take back Silesia.

What's wrong with Austria being able to recover its lost ground, and it can also take this opportunity to weaken Prussia.

But Georgiana felt that Metternich was right. Poison coated with sugar was more deadly than bitter poison. At least people would spit it out immediately after tasting the bitterness instead of swallowing it like eating chocolate.

After reading the little girl's letter, Georgiana put it back, as she promised, she only read one.

Immediately afterwards, she unfolded Toussaint Louverture's letter. This letter was not waxed, and its handwriting was not as beautiful as Sophie's, and it was even a little scribbled, but it was still readable. The note written by Bonaparte was even more difficult to read. Probably because of his lack of patience.

She always felt that the timing was wrong, but she knew that she was just trying to avoid looking at this problem because it was too heavy:

I was born a slave, but nature gave me a free soul. I've made some mistakes, I burned Port-au-Prince, intending to greet those who want to make us slaves and deserve what we deserve, with a vision of hell.

My mistakes Suzanne has no reason to be judged, a 50 year old mother deserves the tolerance and kindness of a generous free country. I am very aware of the greatness and justice of the First Consul of France, and the balance in his hands will not be tilted to any side, but I am worried that some evil people will divide him and make him no longer trust me, just like they did to Commander Leclerc.

I ask for nothing but my wife's safety and his forgiveness.

Salute to you, salute to you!

Toussaint Louverture

Georgiana put down the letter.

General Brunet, who went to the forest with her to pick chestnuts last time, also went to Santo Domingo this time. During the Revolution, he opened a small newspaper.

From the standpoint of France, the land of the Republic is indivisible, but she does not approve of the restoration of slavery.

There's really not much she can do, and just protecting Susannah may hurt herself, because she doesn't know what William Pitt Jr. is going to do, and he doesn't hear the gospel like Wilberforce.

But she can't just say that she disagrees with the restoration of slavery, she has to take some practical actions.

Just like the North African Spy, a large number of Europeans fled their hometowns to escape the war, and they needed the help of many people on the way.

If you think about it carefully, this is not the first time she has done something similar. When the Death Eaters took control of the magical society and Severus became the headmaster, she would not put up slogans like Neville and the others, but would try her best to protect other normal people. Children who read will not be implicated.

Bonaparte liked Hortense and Eugene because they were always on his side, even when it was their mother.

Ungrateful children bite more than a serpent's teeth, and Josephine has done so much to raise them both. Still, Hortense hated Georgiana, even though Josephine had sacrificed her marriage for his own.

She wants to stand against him, and even though doing so will cause her to "fall out of favor", she is ready. No matter how many mistresses he will add in the future, how many young and beautiful girls he likes, she will not change her position.

Thanks to William III, he let her know how hard it is to be a king, at least they can prove that he is interested in women, and Albus didn't marry a witch to pretend he was straight, he just let her guess For the rest of his life, which "woman" did he like?

King Lear wrote: A man who is the poorest, the most humble, and the most humiliated by fate can always hope without fear.

Kindness belongs to the victor. The poorest, most humble, and most humiliated person looks like a loser anyway. Her kindness may be meaningless or even ridiculous.

There are many ways to be neutral. Some people use neutrality to reap the benefits, while others are neutral and do nothing, even when others need him to give up his neutrality to provide support.

In The Prince, it is written that a monarch who does not hesitate to show his support for one person against another is more beneficial than neutrality, because if two neighboring powers fight, the result is nothing more than if one side wins. , you must either be afraid of the victor, or you are not, and in either case it is good for you to take a stand and fight bravely, because if you don't take a stand, you will be the winner's spoils.

The Romans tried to persuade the Achaeans to take up arms and take their side. A man who is not friendly to you will seek your neutrality, while a man who is friendly to you will ask you to take up arms and take a stand, but if you follow If the winning party, you also have to be dominated by him.

Now Georgiana is exercising her right to protest. She knows that the restoration of slavery is for economic reasons, but this is a bad way, and another method must be found.

"You'll know what you've missed." She said contemptuously, if it was Severus, he would have allowed her to be "naughty".

Maybe that's why she likes flamenco, she is a woman, but nature gave her a free soul.

"What did I miss?"

She looked up and saw Bonaparte standing in the doorway.

"Why are you here?"

"There was always a fire in my head and it took the shape of you."

She blinked and found that the person who had spoken to her just now was gone.

She smiled and shook her head. She is fifty years old and still loves fantasy like a girl. What daydream is she doing?

So she put the letter into her suit-case, and took out the tea-thing and tea from it, and went downstairs.

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