Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2272 Poseidon's Winter Banquet (14)

In ancient Greece, there was a pottery exile law, and citizens of Athens could write the names of those who were not popular on the pottery, whether they were beggars or high social prestige, popularity, and the most likely candidates for tyranny. Then it becomes burning the unpopular person to death. At first they were a minority, but soon it was discovered that all it took was a secret letter to accuse a man of high birth as a witch. People of high society always gather together to have fun. This kind of gathering is called a devil worship meeting, and all those who participate will be summoned and judged.

The core of the Witchcraft Act is to determine whether witchcraft is true. If the plaintiff cannot prove that the defendant's witchcraft is true, then it is "belief". For example, a fortune-teller makes a living by telling people's fortunes, but she or he is not accurate at all, then she or he is just a liar, but if she or he is accurate and predicts a war accurately, then it may be suspected Treason for divulging state secrets.

The kind of people who swear and swear on the street for a long time are very annoying, especially women. If you often go to the vegetable market, you will know it. When they swear and swear, it becomes a "curse", such as "Go to hell", "May you give birth to xx", and if these "curses" come true and those "cursed" by her do die or give birth to deformed children, she will face witchcraft charges.

British judges consulted with "experts" such as "witch hunters" when dealing with the Witchcraft Act. The Inquisitions sought out little girls who claimed to be able to identify witches hidden in the crowd by certain characteristics.

The Dutch never burn wizards, and if they did, it was during the time of foreign rule, and the Netherlands used to belong to the province of the Church of Cologne. Anyway, Adrian left everything clean, unlike during the Stuart Dynasty, James I even signed a treatise on "Demonology".

It is not so easy to pass a law in the UK, and it is also difficult to repeal it, such as Sir Denning's "Wife Equity", which judged 20th century cases based on the Married Women's Property Act of 1882. The power of the house is derived from the husband, but because of her husband's debts, when the bank comes to seal the house, she cannot be kicked out in order to protect the interests of the bank.

Although houses are built for people to live in, if it is the same as real estate in the United States, real estate developers keep repairing, but more and more people live on the streets. Those houses are still empty after repairing, and let them slowly rot over time. Bankers don’t have any worries about this when lending money to house buyers, but they don’t lend money so easily to a “dreamer” like Jacob who wants to open a bakery. After all, Jacob doesn’t have any collateral. A veteran who participated in the First World War, he didn't have any valuable spoils?

He has gone through the war, but he has maintained a pure soul, which is why Queenie likes him so much.

A house is a financial tool in the United States, not a home, and it has nothing to do with the "American Dream". In other words, the American Dream is used to package this financial tool, and it gives people a sweet prospect. Relatively speaking, British banks need lawyers to assist in handling loans, and the procedures are many and complicated. Although real estate is not as hot as the United States, it maintains low risk.

It will take at least a hundred years to abolish the 1735 "Witchcraft Act". If Arianna was not abolished when she was injured by three Muggle children, and the three Muggle boys were minors, they might be acquitted. Nor can international secrecy laws punish them.

Grindelwald's speech at the United States Ministry of Magic: Who is this law actually protecting?

"Did he really say that?" Britain's current Minister of Magic, Artemisia Lufkin, stood by the fireplace at Rubens' home, asking in disbelief.

"That's right." Georgiana put down the question she was thinking about just now, and picked up the unfinished cheesecake just now. "Can you give me the recipe for this cake?"

"That's not what the curly hair told us," said Louvre Truman sullenly.

"What did he say?" Georgiana asked as she ate the cake, comparing the "nickname" of "curly" to Adrian.

"He said that the Netherlands was occupied and ruled by France, and he could not disobey the orders of the French," Lufkin said.

"Hahaha." Carolan suddenly laughed, and everyone looked at her.

"Do you know what the current scene looks like?" Caroline said cryptically.

Seeing that she didn't plan to continue talking, no one paid attention to her.

"He lied to us." Lufkin said angrily.

"You didn't poison the food, did you?" Georgiana asked vigilantly.

The female minister of magic walked up and down the living room angrily.

"Teritaserum in his drink next time," Truman said.

"He's telling the truth, but there's a slight difference with the person he's talking to." Carolan said gloatingly, "How are you going to deal with him?"

Georgiana remembered whether it was a movie or a novel, the wife and the husband’s lover teamed up to poison him. It was safe and harmless for him to eat one food alone, but it would become highly poisonous when mixed together, such as shrimp and lemon. Together they form arsenic, but the food tastes delicious like that.

"Oh, I see what you're talking about..."

"The Dutch didn't choose Durmstrang either." Lufkin interrupted Georgiana.

"That school is famous for cultivating black wizards, they are so smart." Georgiana sighed, "At least we have solved two problems. Both France and Britain have recognized the existence of that national border, and the arrest and trial of the purgers. But I don't want an execution in Storrasburg."

"How can you be so cruel." Truman said.

Caroline snorted contemptuously.

"Wizards among the Purifiers can be handed over to Azkaban, what law will the Muggles who support them be judged according to?" Georgiana continued to ask Lufkin.

"I'll get back to you with an official document," Lufkin said.

"Don't reply to me, leave it to the French Ministry of Magic. If there is a formal process, go through the formal process." Georgiana rubbed the bridge of her nose, "You should focus on Quidditch, and try to use it to make Britain re-accepted by the international wizarding world. Other issues are referred to the Director of Law Enforcement.”

Lufkin opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. After saying a few more polite words, he took Truman and left Rubens' house.

Caroline went to see off the guests, and Georgiana was the only one left in the living room, staring at the fire in the fireplace in a daze.

Louis XIV, the Sun King of France, originally held a celebration banquet in advance, because he didn't think the Netherlands could last long under the siege of Britain and France. However, when he heard that William III dug the sea wall to stop his army Later, instead of withdrawing his troops, he sent Prince Condé to continue the attack. As a result, France became the biggest threat to the Netherlands, so William III formed an alliance with the United Kingdom and became the ruler of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

In the Battle of Waterloo, there was a very famous Battle of Four Arms Village. The Prince of Orange was in charge at the time, but the Prince of Orange had nothing to do with William III. William III and Mary II died without heirs. His throne Inherited by Queen Anne, she was pregnant 17 times, experienced 12 miscarriages, and gave birth to 5 children who all died. The Stuart dynasty of male succession ended in England.

Sometimes fate is such a coincidence that Chiara's fiancé Cosway not only gave the girl a portrait of the crown prince, but he also knew the last man in Stuart, Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart.

The young, fiancé couple, both born in Italy and acquainted with Thomas Jefferson, had had an affair in Europe before Jefferson was elected president, and he had Cosway paint miniature portraits for them.

"You don't want those dirty things to pollute the soul of that female minister?" someone behind her said.

"I like the cake she made, and I don't want the food in my mouth to be touched by unclean hands." Georgiana replied.

"Let me taste it."

She cut a small piece of cheesecake with a fork and was about to put it in his mouth when he kissed her.

"Delicious." He said with a smirk.

She was a little angry, did he think she would be as coquettish or shy as a girl?

Really underestimated the thickness of her skin.

She was so calm that she put the cake in her mouth.

He came over and sat next to her.

"It will rain tomorrow, and I want to take a carriage," he said.

She didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Are you in my carriage, or shall I be in yours?"

She suddenly realized.

"Rogue!" she yelled, and then left the living room.

Bonaparte laughed alone, as if proud of his victory, although it was because of such a silly thing as a thicker skin.

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