Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2271 Poseidon's Winter Feast (13)

Shakespeare often wrote about the ocean, and he described the complicated world as ebb and flow like the ocean.

Europeans have some subtle differences in the artistic treatment of the ocean. The Dutch like to use the recognized accuracy of cartography to describe the complex structure of a large ship, just like painting a portrait of a ship. The scenery of the port and the storm beside the rocks enrich the expensive canvas. Thousands of details are accommodated in the vast space.

In the eyes of the Spaniards, the ocean has been placed under the motherly protection of the Virgin Mary. Maps, nautical charts, altar cloths, and church wall decorations are all decorated with sea patterns. The British liked to paint the majestic Royal Navy, ports, and hectic moments of victory in complex naval battles. On the contrary, there are no paintings about the ocean in France. Only Claude Lorrain painted 13 landscape paintings about the harbor under the commission of Louis XV.

When Georgiana was admiring the oil paintings at Rubens' home, she was always thinking about when to find an opportunity to tell him to exchange Claude's paintings for Turner's paintings. At this time, Caroline came to tell her that the Dutch Minister of Magic Adrian Mr. van Rijn has arrived, and Georgiana goes to the drawing room to meet him.

There used to be a lot of Puritans in the Netherlands because it was a relatively religiously free country. When the Protestants in the Spanish Netherlands were persecuted, some of them fled to the Netherlands, which made the Dutch people's clothes far less gorgeous than the Catholics. In winter, to resist the all-pervasive cold, people will put on a fur-trimmed robe on the outermost layer. It is customary for rich people to try to avoid wearing things that show their wealth and status. On the contrary, they will spend a lot on housing. Money and ingenuity, a Mannerism more flamboyant than the Baroque was very much in vogue in the North.

In addition, there are tulips. Although the tulip mania has passed for more than a hundred years, seeing a person covered in black holding a bouquet of red and white tulips in his hands made Georgiana think that the one standing in the middle of the living room with full hair The middle-aged man with curly shoulder hair and mustache came out of a certain portrait.

"Good night, Madame Sèvres." Adrian said politely in French with a smile, and sent the tulip in his hand to her. "Augustus forever, dedicated to you and the First Consul of France."

Georgiana was a little dazed, and Coraline coughed to bring her back to life.

"Thank you." She took the flowers and couldn't help but take a second look. After all, this is the "Forever Augustus" that caused the tulip craze. Although people went crazy for it, not many people really saw it. Surprisingly, isn't it? The vast majority of what circulates "on the market" are actually ordinary bulbs, and the real "Augustus Forever" has never been traded.

"Put it in the carriage." Georgiana handed the flowers to Caroline, and then looked at Adrian, "Why didn't you come two days earlier."

"Obviously, you've had a busy week. Thank you for taking the time tonight, otherwise I'd have to visit Paris." Adrian said.

"Please don't say that, dinner is ready, let's chat while eating." Georgiana said relaxedly, and Adrian took off the outer cloak. He was wearing a tight vest and looked a little thin. Holding an ornate dagger, it was impossible to see where he hid his wand.

Immediately after they came to the restaurant, she prepared a table of dishes, including British, French and Dutch cheese pastries. It was a bit too much for two people, so she called Caroline to sit and eat together.

In Leonardo da Vinci's mural "The Last Supper", an eel is painted. It is a delicacy, but it is a fasting dish, not to mention the table of the priest's cafeteria, even the table of the lay people. There shouldn't be any. In the court of Louis XIV, this rule disappeared. People began to pursue taste and deliciousness, and no one remembered such things as fasting.

Because of fasting, herring will sell particularly well during the fasting period. Eating seafood is not considered eating meat. Amsterdam was first a small fishing village, and its main income was fishing in the North Sea. harbor.

The Ministry of Magic of the Netherlands is located in Utrecht. It has a history of 2,000 years. It was originally a military fortress built by the Romans to protect the mouth of the Rhine. It began to prosper in the 17th century.

In the Nika riots, there was a nobleman who was pulled out of his home by the people, dragged to the racetrack, and crowned with a gold bracelet as a crown. This emperor later disappeared in history. Georgiana originally thought that William III was a similar person .

If he was such a king, he wouldn't be using his veto against a parliament that had just completed the Glorious Revolution.

This is also the difference between the queen and the king. The queen cannot refuse. Even if the parliament wants to remove her, she can only sign the document, but she has a privilege, that is, no one can slander or slander her.

The way to identify wizards in the Netherlands is to use scales. They believe that whether it is a witch or a wizard, they will fly because they are too light, so you'd better eat like a big fat man.

Of course, they would not talk about such depressing content during the meal. Adrian asked about the Calais meeting.

That meeting determined the dividing line between Britain and France. In fact, Rabastan suffered a loss by setting up stakes on land in such a hurry. Since the time of Queen Elizabeth, Britain has attached great importance to sea power. It is important to maintain control of the English Channel. National policy, precisely to control the English Channel and gain an advantage in the commercial conflicts of the Dutch, built a fleet.

The republic formed by Cromwell followed the style of Queen Elizabeth, but the situation it faced was different from that of the past. The Spaniards also needed to reach the Spanish Netherlands through the English Channel. After the siege of Stender, Britain gave up plundering on the high seas and entered a period of contraction, turning to a more professional formation of a strengthened navy, while Spain and the Netherlands fought each other on land.

It is precisely because of this that the Republic Navy formed by Cromwell was able to defeat the Dutch navy. The Dutch victory in the second Anglo-Dutch War was also because the Netherlands spent its energy on the navy and ignored the army. During the war, the French faced a fortress line that was in disrepair.

According to Adrian, he seems to intend to draw the "demarcation line" to the national border of the Republic of the Netherlands. Belgium has no sign of the founding of the country now, let alone the Ministry of Magic.

Georgiana would have preferred the sideline to be drawn on the Scheldt, but who was in charge of that area?

It's possible that this was Rabastan's idea again, but it's not just a matter of defining border lines. How many obscurities and obscurities are there in the Netherlands?

To establish the Belgian Ministry of Magic, one must first find Belgian wizards. Generally speaking, wizards like to live in groups. How difficult is it to find wizards who live in swamps and virgin forests.

She turned the conversation to the question of children's schooling, why don't wizards in Holland go to Hogwarts?

"In 1735, the English Parliament passed the Witchcraft Act, ma'am, after the Witchcraft Act was passed, the number of people accused of witchcraft increased." Adrian said.

"What?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"There used to be witch hunts in England, but that was during the civil war, and there were private courts. The king didn't recognize witches, so he couldn't charge witchcraft, and there would be no witchcraft laws and trials," Ah Derian explained: "Britain has case law, and without precedents, precedents cannot be followed, and it is because of the Witchcraft Act, original precedents, that accusations of witchcraft have increased, and worse, If the judge who created the original precedent made a wrong judgment, he would create more wrong precedents, that is to say, if he made a mistake at the beginning, he would only add mistakes to his mistakes. The bill prohibits claims that someone is witchcraft, defining witchcraft as a deceitful act of lying."

"What's the problem?" Caroline asked Adrian.

Adrian didn't answer, he looked at Georgiana.

"That means the witch hunt is still going on," Georgiana said. "Witch parents don't think Britain is a safe country."

"There is also a goblin rebellion. I heard that the goblins set their headquarters in the village of Hogsmeade. When it is a short distance from Hogwarts, the students will go to the village." Adrian said, "I know Hogsmeade Gewarz is the safest place in the world, but we are sending children to study abroad to increase their horizons, and we cannot let them stay in the castle forever."

"I know." Georgiana said clearly.

"I didn't go out when I was studying in Beauxbatons," Caroline said. "It's surrounded by primeval forests, otherwise there are some small villages."

"But you know it's a Muggle village," Georgiana said. "Hogsmeade is an all-wizard village."

"So what?" Caroline asked confused.

"When you let your guard down, the danger is more deadly." Georgiana said, "especially a group of children who have no adult protection and danger awareness, so the school requires parents to sign a consent form to go to Hogsmeade."

Harry thought it was nothing serious, and wanted Minerva to sign it for him. If something happened to him, who would be responsible?

In the past, there were students who signed their names by pretending to be their parents. Fortunately, they were found out before the accident, and this person was none other than Sirius Black.

His mother threatened him by refusing to sign, but he was completely disobedient. Later, he found out that it was really impossible to go to Hogsmeade through regular channels, so he searched for secret passages with James Potter in the school.

"We also need a consent form when we leave school," Caroline said.

"Let's eat, the dishes are getting cold." Georgiana said with a smile to the Dutch Minister of Magic.

Adrian kept praising how delicious the food was tonight, although he didn't know that she didn't cook it.

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