Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2265 Poseidon's Winter Feast (7)

After leaving the foyer, Georgiana Quickly walks through this beautiful conservatory.

Although the glass cut off most of the North Sea's cold wind, it was still a bit chilly, and it was still too cold for her to wear this midsummer attire.

She stopped suddenly, then turned her head slowly, and found a boy in a white uniform standing behind her, at first she thought it was a child of a guest, but when she looked carefully, she found that he looked very familiar, especially his facial outline, which was also very familiar. With the ancient Greek nose, it's almost...

"Here you are!" a woman suddenly said, "I finally found you."

Georgiana turned her head and saw that it was Chiara walking towards her hurriedly.

"What do you want?" Georgiana asked aggressively.

"I quit." Chiara said with a wide eye.


"I'm withdrawing from this competition," Chiara said in broken English, with an Italian accent, as legend has it.

Georgiana did not find the tone charming at all.

"You think you'll solve the problem by quitting?" Georgiana said airily.

"I didn't do those things," Chiara said breathlessly. "I swear to God, I didn't do anything."

Georgiana said nothing.

"Are you satisfied with this?" Chiara asked.

"What am I satisfied with?"

"Let those people stop slandering me." Chiara said, pointing in the direction of the venue.

"You think I can do it?" Georgiana asked back.

"How could you do this?" Chiara raised her chin proudly and said in disbelief.

"Once the rumor spreads, it can't be stopped. Why were you not careful when you left him alone just now?"

Chiara raised her hand and slapped her.

Georgiana was irritated. She was about to grab Chiara's clothes when Goulding appeared, and the female boxer pulled them away like a referee.

"Calm down, ladies." Goulding looked at the two and said, "This is a public place."

Georgiana was eager to give Chiara a straight punch, but she was too short to hit her on the nose.

"Go away," Chiara said too, and it seemed that she wanted to teach Georgiana a lesson too.

"You don't have to do it for other people's gossip," Goulding said. "I don't want to be laughed at."

"What does it matter to you?" asked Georgiana.

"Because we are all women, is it worth fighting for a man?"

"She broke the rules," Georgiana said, pointing at Chiara.

"Put your hands down, what rule did I break?" Chiara said proudly.

"Oh, do I need to say more?" said Georgiana, thrusting her waist.

"I entered the game on my own, what rules did I break?"

"Aha, just because..."

"Say it!" Seeing that Georgiana stopped talking halfway, Chiara asked forcefully.

Georgiana did not answer.

With tears of grievance, Chiara said in a nasal voice, "I quit, it's always fair now, I just want to restore my reputation now, you have to help me clarify."

"This kind of thing will only get darker and darker." Goulding said wearily.

"You heard me," Georgiana said to Chiara.

"Then you don't care about anything?" Chiara asked in surprise, "If you don't make it clear here, the whole of Europe will know soon, there are so many reporters outside."

Georgiana wants to use the Forgetting Curse to make everyone forget what happened just now.

"There are also American reporters." Goulding added fuel to the fire, "the other side will know soon."

Georgiana clutched her aching head, she felt more and more that the Oblivion Curse was the best solution.

"It's better to have big news to overshadow it," Goulding said. "Do you have any 'material'?"

"What 'information' can I have?" Georgiana trembled angrily.

"Has there been any new moves by the French army recently?" Goulding asked.

Georgiana calmed down.

"He never told me about military operations."

"Then what are you talking about?" Chiara asked with a sneer.

"None of your business," Georgiana retorted.

"I heard that you are going to Holland, right? Why did you turn around halfway?" Goulding asked.

"He's rushing home for Christmas," Georgiana said.

Goulding and Chiara stared at her like a fool.

"Going to Holland was a temporary idea, because I wanted to see Rembrandt's tomb, which was not included in this itinerary." Georgiana replied.

"Isn't it because of other deployments after the withdrawal of the Netherlands?" Goulding asked.

"The French suspected that I was a spy, and he wouldn't let me get in touch with those." Georgiana suddenly remembered that Bonaparte asked her to deal with postal issues just now.

"What do you remember?" Chiara asked anxiously.

"Do you think there is a possibility of a telegram between England and France?" Georgiana asked.

"Why... no, what is a telegram?" Chiara asked.

"Ask other people, I'm sure there will be people who know." Georgiana said with a smile, then turned and left.

After walking a few steps, the burning pain on her cheek reminded her that she had been beaten. She turned to look at Chiara, and Chiara looked at her, as if she would continue to fight if she dared to go there. Goulding then pulled Chia pulled away.

She held her breath unwillingly and turned around to walk back. At this moment, she looked up and found that the boy just now was gone.

It's possible that after "exercise" just now, she was so hot that she couldn't feel the coldness just now, and then she continued to walk in the direction of the lounge.

The name of the Republic of Batavia is derived from the Batavians. It is the name of the "barbarians" who lived on the right bank of the Rhine and near the North Sea around the 1st century AD, while on the left bank of the Rhine were the Romans. According to records, not all Rhine rivers are turbulent, and some rivers are shallow and can be crossed. Such places are regarded as "natural boundaries", dividing wandering people into "this side" and " there".

In the 4th century, the Huns invaded and occupied the Danube River Basin, the largest river in Europe. The "barbarians" who originally occupied that area moved westward. This caused the Romans who ruled this area in the 3rd century to become Germanic in the 6th century. people.

The whole world was turned upside down. The barbarians began to use the roads and aqueducts built by the Romans. Georgiana had been to Lyon and visited the aqueduct bridge left by the ancient Roman era. Bonaparte showed her the complete map. The road built by the Romans started from Vienna to Neuss, which is located on the west bank of the lower Rhine River in Germany, and then along the Rhine River, passing through Xanten and Kleve until "Batavia" .

Nobody liked being called a "barbarian," and it was so "Roman" that she could almost imagine that Napoleon would be as coldly received if he set foot in Holland as Joseph II had been in Belgium.

Louis "later" became King of the Netherlands, Louis probably received more education than Napoleon, he tried to integrate into Dutch society, even learned Dutch, Bonaparte can't change his accent when he speaks French now.

Language will form an invisible border to separate people, just like God wants to prevent humans from building the Tower of Babel, let humans speak different languages, so that humans cannot communicate with each other, the plan failed, and humans have since scattered .

The god of the desert nomads united the countries after the collapse of Rome and launched the Crusades.

The fire of refining sins is different from Avici Hell. It will cleanse misdemeanors. The ascetics of that era would flog their backs in exchange for peace of mind.

But there is a kind of suffering that men can't understand. "Barbarian" women are not like Roman women, who will abandon children who are not strong enough in the baby yard, and they will not cry so hard that they can't wait to die instead, because they believe The God of War will send Valkyrie to take them to Valhalla for a feast.

Medea would poison her husband's new love, her aunt poisoned her husband, Andromache served her new master on the surface, but secretly abandoned her child, and her beloved Hector Hector and their children were dead, and tears could not bring Hector back from the dead, nor her son, and the man who killed her son was Odysseus, his great master in the Greeks. The proposal was brought up at the meeting and passed unanimously.

For the Greeks could not raise the son of a very brave man, he had to be thrown from the head of Troy, the head of which Apollo built.

On hearing the news, Andromache cried out: Dearest son, my priceless treasure, your father's bravery ruined you, may the same resolution fall to his own (Odysseus) son's on the head.

This is Andromache's curse on Odysseus, and the fact that the boy is almost dead, if his father stays on Calypso's island any longer, the "suitors" are already on the move.

Being in the eye of the typhoon is a kind of tranquility. On the canal from Bruges to Ghent, there are actually very few of the 20 fortresses that were used as the border of the Dutch Republic in the past. They were already young when William III went to inspect them. It has been in disrepair for a long time, and the French brought new siege machines when they attacked, and they almost destroyed them.

The problem is that Georgiana really doesn't know much, and she didn't know about Antwerp's plan until she got here. No one knew what he was going to do, so he sent a beautiful spy. Not only is Chiara versatile, but she can also speak Italian. They have been alone for so long. Did she get the information?

The premise is that Bonaparte has to be fooled.

When she returned to the lounge, he was also back, looking at the "purchase list" she had left on the table.

Sensing her presence, he looked up at her.

"What are you buying all those pumps for?" he asked.

"For the fire brigade." Georgiana said with a smile, "The water pump used to extinguish the fire must have sufficient pressure and water volume. If you think the water sprayed out of the water pipe is like Xiao Lian's urine, how can it put out the fire."

"Why don't you buy something that a girl buys." He put down the piece of paper with a smile.

She walked up to him. "How's the interview going?"

The smile on his face disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you heard of the American Temperance Association? They think alcoholism is a harmful behavior, and you are condoning corruption with Ekaterina's beer policy."

Georgiana opened her mouth in surprise.

"They're trying to bring an American-style temperance movement into Europe, and they've written petitions to have a temperance chapter in France, and Russia."

"Unbelievable." She frowned. "You agreed?"

He laughed loudly, "As long as you don't get drunk, why should you ban it?"

She thought about how to refute him.

"Did you hear that?" he said suddenly.

"Hear what?"

"Music." He took her hand. "How about dancing with me?"

Before she could speak, he led her into a waltz, which he became more and more proficient at.

When the music over there stopped, they also stopped dancing. Just as he was about to bow his head to kiss her, she raised her hand and slapped her.

"Why?" he asked, touching his face.

"I got hit." She pointed to her face. "I almost got into a fight with Chiara just now."

He smiled triumphantly, as if he thought it a glorious thing for two beauties to fight for him.

"Who won?" he asked casually.

"Didn't you hear? It was an 'almost' fight." Georgiana smirked, "I was pulled away before I could fight back."

"So you were the only one who was beaten?" He said dissatisfiedly, "Who was that person who started the fight? Why didn't he pull you away after you fought back."

"That's right, that's why I hit you." She smiled and said, "Do you want to call back?"

He looked at her incomprehensibly.

"Sometimes I really suspect you're insane."

She had a sullen face, just about to get angry.

"Chiara originally had three younger siblings, but they were all killed by her insane nanny, so she was the only surviving child in the family, and the woman still believed that what she did was to send them to heaven," he sighed. He took a deep breath, "Don't be crazy like her."

"Oh!" Georgiana covered her mouth in surprise.

"I really have nothing to do with her, don't let those rumors spread."

"But I've said it."

"what did you say?"

"I said, build a telegraph line between England and France."

Now his expression became serious.

"Am I in trouble?" she said guiltily.

"Why do you say that?" he asked angrily.

"I want to cover this 'news' with a big news." She muttered, "How do I know she has so many stories."

He shook his head, "held" her hand and led her out of the lounge.

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