Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2264 Poseidon's Winter Feast (6)

In 1760, a French artillery commander named Qunio was ordered to develop a tractor driven by a steam engine to tow the cannon. This was the prototype of the steam engine. But it was too coal-intensive and too bulky to sink into swamps, so the French army didn't continue to invest in Cuneau, and the invention ran aground.

The United Kingdom is different. The coal mining companies were the first to use mining roads. Coal mining companies can continue to invest in steam engine technology.

The gauge of the British railway is 7 feet, which is about the width of the buttocks of two horses. The early trains were produced by the carriage company, while the French railways used the metric system, and the Belgian railways also used the metric system. In addition, Belgium The French-speaking part of the country is mainly a mining area.

While promoting the Civil Code, it is also necessary to implement the metric system of weights and measures. This has already been implemented in the era of the Directory government, but the effect is not significant. Catholicism was persecuted, and conscription led to peasant riots. As far as the current stage is concerned, it is impossible to build the kind of railway in her impression on a large scale, neither in terms of technology nor capital.

The expansion of the port of Antwerp was also beneficial to the British, who could ship ore here for processing. In Georgiana's impression, Britain had factories first, and then there were railways, which linked various factories, instead of building mills and cities along canals as in ancient times.

The genius of a scientist depends on himself, and the genius of an engineer depends on society. Newton and Watt are completely different people. Newton could calculate the principles of classical mechanics in his study, but Watt had to assemble it in the Soho factory. Steam engine assemblers are The most in-demand occupation at present, the Prussians dug an engineer to imitate the steam engine, and Russia "packed" 300 engineers together. King George even had a diplomatic dispute with the Tsar for this matter.

The former mayor of Antwerp, who was escorted to Paris, was a member of the Senate during the Directorate. The serious point can be treason. Even if the guillotine is not used now, the gallows still exists.

He was first sent to the Felony Court in Brussels. Under the defense of the famous lawyer Berrier, the jury voted unanimously to avoid prosecution, and he was acquitted. How can the Brussels people control the French?

Even to a certain extent, they still held the mentality of watching the show. When he was released, he was cheered as a victor, and Napoleon was very annoyed by this. He asked the former mayor to be transferred to the Amiens Felony Court, and everything was done as he said, but the end result was the same. Immediately afterwards, the former mayor was transferred to the High Court of Paris, and he became nothing to do in the court. of the audience.

There are several cafes that could be implicated, and discussing politics, art, theater, literature over coffee is Parisian life. If Bonaparte sent troops to these places, the situation would become unmanageable. Besides, how would the buyer of the dagger know that the dagger had killed someone?

Frederick the Great was able to overturn the court's judgment and execute his judgment through the cabinet order because he had absolute monarchy, which was even different from the British Throne Court. Before the Glorious Revolution, when the king took the oath, he said "to maintain the laws and customs approved by the previous king", and when William III took the oath, it became "rule according to the regulations agreed by Parliament". , the people shall not be compelled to bear or pay tribute, loans, donations, taxes and other similar burdens, no one shall be arrested and detained or deprived of their property except in accordance with national laws and court judgments, government forces shall not occupy civilian houses, and no arbitrary arrest shall be made under military martial law citizen.

That is to say, if the Arnold Miller case judged by Frederick the Great was transferred to England, the final outcome would be the same as the judgments of the Prussian District Court and the Berlin Supreme Court. Arnold would lose his mill and pay the rent he owed.

This is the difference between procedural justice and substantive justice. Procedural justice emphasizes the legality of actions in the law enforcement and judicial process. Substantive justice believes that in order to pursue the generally recognized legal result of "punishing evil and promoting good", procedural justice can be partially sacrificed , while the traditional legal theory holds that a "just result" that does not have procedural justice is a "fruit of the poisonous tree" and will not be accepted by the court.

According to procedural justice, Arnold had to find the relevant basis according to the terms of the lease contract he signed, and then defend his breach of contract. The Arnolds should go to a lawyer instead of the king.

A good lawyer can not only help him stop the loss, but also let the "bullying" local committee member tear down the carp pond, and accomplish what can only be done by the monarchy. This requires a very familiarity with the German code. A river will pass through several principalities, and even a river like the Rhine will cross several countries. If the upstream is the same as Gersdorf, a dam will be built to intercept the water for irrigation or repair Carp pond, what about the downstream countries?

For the public, who accounted for the vast majority of the population, Frederick's judgment was fair and just. The law failed to protect the weak, but the king did. Frederick the Great had absolute authority in Prussia, and he could do whatever he wanted in the country. Well, even if he started the Seven Years' War and the Bavarian Succession War, and claimed to be the Great instead of the King?

The Bavarian War was also known as the "Potato War" because both sides were busy harvesting potatoes in Bohemia. In this war, neither Prussia nor Austria conducted major combat operations. Instead, they maintained a state of confrontation, and at the same time used complex mobilization to cut the opponent's transportation and supply lines, bases, and fortresses through troop maneuvers, so as to let the local area retreat.

In the end, Austria did this. The Prussian army was driven out of Austria step by step, and it also occupied several areas of Bavaria, winning the war.

1780 happened to be the end of the Bavarian War. Under the urging of the Empress Dowager Maria Theresa and the mediation of France and Russia, the two sides held a special meeting. This peace treaty ended the "Westphalia Peace Treaty" that had been implemented for a century. It is Another name for the Treaty of Westminsterphalia, which ended the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Netherlands and the Thirty Years' War with Germany.

In addition to the "Potato War", the Bavarian Throne War also has another name called "Cabinet War". This mode of war is a common feature of a series of wars from the signing of the "Westphalia Peace Treaty" to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789. Most of them were initiated by kings or nobles, rather than based on national interests. Therefore, there were many wars during this period. Relating to succession to the throne, it may also be called "The King's Game".

What does it matter who inherits the throne and who eats potatoes for every meal and has no wife? Of course, no one wants to participate in this kind of "none of my shit" war. The French Revolution not only turned into a republic system, the main thing is that everyone can be allocated a piece of land. The French Republic is gone, and the land in the hands of farmers is gone. For their own interests, and for the interests of the country, the war mode has occurred. Change is no longer a "personal grievance" between monarchs, but considered from the national level, based on revolution and defending the country.

Crowds are emotional, and there are many ignorant people who think that there is no such thing as justice at all, that justice is just empty words without real content.

Grindelwald said in his speech that wizards are preventing Muggles from destroying the world, so it is just for wizards to join the war.

When a normal woman sees a baby, she will arouse maternal love and feel pity for him. It is difficult to make a move, but for the "greater good", she will still be ruthless.

There is no sense of guilt in this kind of killing, and there will be no hesitation. Of course, the combat effectiveness of this kind of army is different from the Poles who have a conscience and are unwilling to fire on the slaves in Santo Domingo.

This hand of Frederick II was even more effective than the anesthetic of victory, even if he was not the king of gods.

In this era of disintegration of theocracy, it is useless to continue to defend orthodoxy with the divine right of kings. In the era of Bismarck, Prussia simply expelled Austria from Germany to establish the Second Empire, which was also the last country ruled by the Hohenzollern family.

Prussia has always been known for its iron blood, and it has entered the mountainous area from the east of Belgium. Of course, the amount of construction of railways in this area is different from that of light railways and mine roads.

Watching your neighbors build roads and make a fortune, should you do it yourself? But this is contrary to the famous saying left by Frederick the Great: building roads is to facilitate the enemy's invasion.

But the Sun King Louis XIV is also a king who loves to build roads, and the Romans also love to build roads. All roads lead to Rome.

"Damn monster!"

Georgiana put down the pen in her hand, she was writing some purchase order.

What he had just played was not a bard at all, but a pied piper, and she was just like those children who listened to his flute and followed away.

Women shouldn't hurt women, maybe Chiara didn't do anything, but she couldn't be "objective".

Hekapa was the mother of Paris and Hector, and she was the one who sacrificed to Athena.

After the city of Troy was destroyed, her grandson was thrown to death, and her daughter-in-law became a slave, but she herself was too old. When Andromache lamented her own fate, the old woman advised her this way:

I have never been on a boat myself, but I have seen paintings and heard stories about sailing.

When sailors encounter moderate storms, they often fight hard to escape danger. Some people steer the helm, others steer the sails, and some scoop the water out of the boat. The swell capped.

And so I am now, suffering so much, I say nothing, I say nothing, the divine calamity overwhelms me.

Ah, my dear child, let alone the fate of Hector, your tears cannot bring him back to life, but honor your present master, charm that man with your beauty, and in doing so, you will make your relatives I am happy with you, you can also raise my grandson, the savior of Troy, so that your descendants can rebuild Troy in the future, and the city-state can be revived.

He has always liked the works of Corneille and Racine, and believes that tragedy is the king's classroom.

Maybe not all French girls, at least Madame Maximian used her "beauty" to get Hagrid to reveal the contents of the first project. A beautiful woman has advantages in this aspect and doesn't use it. What's the difference between having a magic wand but not using it?

Since you have chosen to be the goddess of wisdom, why should you care if you are the "most beautiful goddess"?

But Hekapa doesn't have the ability to predict, she just performs her duties, just like she bandages the wounds of the wounded, and her other son, Hector's younger brother, Helenus, took refuge in advance after hearing the prophecy Achilles' younger brother, and deeply trusted by him, inherited everything from him after his death.

He later married Andromache, had a child with her, and made Epirus a "Little Troy".

Tacitus wrote that the Romans were the descendants of Troy for another reason. Rome destroyed Greece just like Greece destroyed Troy. Whether it was revival or revenge, Rome did not feel guilty about Greece.

Art is not like the judiciary, which can be judged fairly. If she thinks it is bad, others think it is good. If she vetoes it for "some reason", others will say that she is not fair enough, so the goddess of justice in front of the court is blindfolded.

To be honest, Georgiana personally thinks that Chiara's work is not the best. She prefers the sculpture of Calypso. Fortunately, the Scheldt River has two banks, so she can put both sculptures on the left and the right. On, but she just felt very angry.

In Norse mythology, the sea god Egil and his wife Lan often block the way to blackmail, so the two of them "complement each other" by staying there.

Before throwing something to vent her anger, Georgiana goes to Leyla.

No matter how charming, how innocent, how vivacious that English-Italian stunner was, who was sought after by the noble men of London, she would not allow Chiara to attend all the banquets she gave from now on.

Now she knows the joys of "exile".

Reason told her that women should not hurt women, but sensibility told her that it was too difficult.

I'm sorry, but she's no saint, and she's beginning to understand why some in the army say don't think they'll be loyal to him with their rank, pay, and honor.

Even she, a woman, found it difficult to stay by his side for a long time. Why was she so "genius" before that she wanted to accompany him to Elba Island for "vacation".

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