Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2262 Poseidon's Winter Banquet (4)

While Odysseus was making love to the goddess on the island of Calypso, his son Telemachus was growing up.

Athena gave him an extraordinary appearance, and people saw him coming and knew that he would take his father's place in the future, but he was still a teenager, unable to drive away the "suitors" who were eating and drinking in his house. In order to delay time, Penelope had to think of a way. When weaving, ancient Greek women had to do it, even Helen, Calypso and Circe were no exception. Penelope thought that Odysseus weaving shrouds was a Because she weaved during the day and dismantled it at night, she kept it a secret for three years, but a maid revealed the secret and was caught when she was dismantling the shiny cloth.

Many female relatives attending the ball this time wore that kind of shiny cloth, which seemed to be Bertin's new design inspiration. She no longer used silk as much as in the past. Diamond dust isn't cheap either, and while no one collects that powder when cutting diamonds before, there's another way to weave the gold thread into the fabric so you don't have to worry about the shimmery glitter falling off.

Odyssey said: The cloth finally woven by Peronieper is like the handicraft of the goddess, and this shining cloth becomes a symbol of her strategy and wisdom.

The goddess Calypso on the other side is wearing a large white robe, which looks graceful and soft, with an extremely exquisite gold sash around her waist. When she heard that Odysseus was leaving her and went back to find him When he was looking for his wife, the goddess asked him, "I don't think my appearance and figure are inferior to your wife. You must know how a mortal woman can compete with an immortal goddess in appearance and appearance."

Even a goddess is unavoidable in the end, let alone a mortal.

"If I were you, I would break those people's noses and make them bleed." A woman suddenly walked up to Georgiana and said, "What are you going to do with her?"

Georgiana looked at this delicate guest, one of the best friends of the Prince of Wales, Charlotte Goulding, mistress of the Earl of Barrymore, and she spoke with a London accent. Heard that Earl found her in the ring because she was a bare-handed boxer.

"I wouldn't punch her in the face," Georgiana said, smiling. "Besides, they didn't do anything."

"You really believe that?" Goulding asked. "They've been 'playing' a lot of time."

Georgiana looked at Goulding expressionlessly.

"Her work is definitely selected, isn't it?" Goulding said provocatively, "Or you don't know how to play this game?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm just telling you what happened while you were sleeping in the gazebo. It's the first time I've ever had a party like this where neither host nor hostess was there."

Georgiana sneered.

"This party is so boring and what's up with this music, it makes people fall asleep."

"It's a medieval ditty."

"If people in the Middle Ages listened to this kind of music, it's not hard to imagine how boring their lives would be." Goulding took a sip of his wine, "Do you know Mrs. Hamilton?"

"I've heard of her."

"Before she became Mrs. Hamilton, she was the painter Romney's muse. In order to paint her, he even rejected clients. Charles couldn't bear it. He could accept Emma singing in front of the crowd, but he couldn't accept it. At one point, he arranged for Emma to be given to his uncle, Sir Hamilton."

"What? Not because he's in debt?" asked Georgiana.

Unexpectedly, Goulding laughed, "Is this the version you heard?"

Georgiana didn't want to continue discussing the subject, it was someone else's private matter.

"Romney was a married man, his wife was the landlord's daughter, but no one ever saw her," Goulding said. "She was like most wives who stayed at home, and the ones who showed up were mistresses. "

Georgiana looked at the female boxer expressionlessly. If she didn't use a wand, she might not be Goulding's opponent.

"Napoleon returned to the venue before you, and he was very angry when he found that you were not there. You will probably be in big trouble later." Goulding said lightly.

Georgiana recalled the way back just now, he kept his back to her, she couldn't see his expression, he didn't talk to her, she couldn't feel the anger at all.

"Maybe this is where you are smart. He said nothing happened, and you pretend nothing happened, so that he can pretend nothing happened." Goulding said with a smile, then turned and left.

Although she knew that this was provoking, she still couldn't help but feel angry. She looked at the Corsicans who were socializing with others, and thought that the two of them should not disappear together again, or else she would also want to find a remote place Ask clearly.

When the suitors discovered Peronieper's "trick", the first thing they thought was that she tricked them, she gave them false hope, so they would stay in Odysseus' palace and continue to "righteously" ’ and had to spend their wealth and savings until Peroniepe chose an Achaean to marry.

The purpose of the Greeks launching the Trojan War was for wealth. After ten years of siege, Troy had no money. When Odysseus left Calypso's island, he brought a lot of food. His original ship was destroyed by lightning and storms, so he could only rebuild a raft. It went smoothly at first, until the Earth Shaker Poseidon appears.

Poseidon has always been regarded as the god of the sea, but major earthquakes are sometimes accompanied by tsunamis. Athena's punishment was over, or just begun, when Odysseus left Calypso's island, but Poseidon did not, because Odysseus blinded the Cyclops.

Calypso gave Odysseus favorable winds and mild weather, while Poseidon gathered dark clouds and created huge waves with all kinds of strong winds. Odysseus was numb in front of this destructive force, and he Ask sadly, "I am so unlucky, what disaster will happen to me?"

Just as he was saying this, a huge wave came down and beat Odysseus' raft around, and he himself was thrown out of the raft far away. The mixed cyclone broke the sail and mast, and Odysseus was also thrown It took a long time to sink into the water, spinning like a drum under the weight of undercurrents and huge waves.

Poseidon asked Athena, "Why do you hate so much and love so casually?"

Then why did Poseidon embarrass a mortal with the might of a god? Isn't Poseidon's execution of Odysseus as simple as crushing an ant?

There will be a short period of calm before the storm. Someone reminds that the storm is coming. Even if Georgiana sees no signs at all, it is really coming. At this time, what she should do is to be prepared, don't wait With "improvement", after all, luck is not always there.

Then she remembered the Indonesian tsunami in 2004. At that time, relevant news was broadcast on TV in a loop, and there were many horrifying scenes in it, especially when the tsunami hit, the sky was still blue and clear without a trace of dark clouds.

Although she couldn't figure out how a man could be so strange, it was just a portrait painted by a painter, so why should he be so angry?

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