Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2261 Poseidon's Winter Feast (3)

Winter in the North Sea is always covered with mist, and sometimes it is blown to the land by the westerly wind, which makes cities like Amsterdam called "fog capitals". The visibility is less than 10 meters, and even if there are street lights, it is still blurry.

The North Sea was originally a bay in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, where the Rhine River once flowed. With the cutting of glaciers during the Ice Age, the mountains were washed away, and finally the shallow basin between England and the mainland was left. Compared with the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea is relatively shallow, and the seabed sediments are mainly glacial gravel, sand and powder. The sand, which is affected by currents and waves, is re-transported for sake.

The tides in the North Sea are complicated. The tide difference in the open sea is only 1 meter, while some coasts in England are 7 meters high. The combination of big waves and storm tides will cause more serious damage to the coast, sometimes splashing more than ten meters of water. huge waves.

But compared to the Netherlands, England still has many excellent ports, such as Liverpool. Economically, the northerners of the Netherlands are far ahead of the southerners. Thanks to the sea defense embankment, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague have become internationally renowned large ports, and they have established their own sea caravans. trade in Germany. The southern Netherlands relies on mountains, lacks mineral resources, and has not established its own commercial fleet. 80% of its raw materials come from France, and its economy is relatively backward.

The Netherlands first belonged to Middle Frank. After the death of the king, his heirs began to fight for the inheritance. The country was divided and the princes fought. Until 1384, the Duchy of Burgundy occupied all the land. After the death of Charles the Bold, the duchy was divided between France and the Holy Roman Empire. , and then the Lowlands alternated between the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, and France.

As early as the 17th century, Dutchman Levin Hooke discovered bacteria, protozoa and red blood cells in blood through his improved microscope. The Dutch are very clean, and this habit was passed on to the Belgians during the period when the Dutch Republic ruled Belgium. The streets of Belgium are much cleaner than Paris. But at this time, bacteriology had not yet been formed, but public health in European cities had begun to develop.

In 1665, there was a great plague in London. Charles II of the Stuart dynasty took all the palace officials, ministers and rich people away, leaving only a few officials, pharmacists and doctors of the city hall to fight the plague together with the people. , to keep the city running. Most of the plague is believed to have been introduced from the Netherlands, because not long ago, the plague also occurred in Amsterdam, and 50,000 people died.

Because of the plague, British hygiene habits have changed. People clean themselves by taking a bath instead of using spices as in the past. Before that, every room in the hotel they stayed in Calais had a bathroom.

It happened to be during the Second Anglo-Dutch War during this period. In addition to the legend that the star α2 Canis Venatii, which represents the "Emperor's Heart", was particularly shining when Charles II was on his way home, Charles II also joined Louis XIV When attacking the Netherlands, it was William III who was responsible for resisting the incoming army. That is, after the Glorious Revolution in England, he was invited to wear the British crown with Mary II, and rejected wizard legislation to protect and recognize the safety of wizard William III.

His father, William II, died of smallpox in 1650, and his posthumous son, William III, was born eight days after his death. The wife of the prince, Mary Henrietta Stuart, became a widow at the age of 20. The Dutch parliament took advantage of this opportunity to stage a coup , Since then, it has entered a 22-year non-government period, and the little king has been monitored and controlled since he was a child.

By the end of 1671, the Netherlands received definite news that the British and French alliances were going to attack, so William III set out to inspect various fortresses in the severe cold. Except for the people cheering him, he saw more fortresses that were in disrepair.

He wrote a proposal to the Central Council, but this proposal was not heeded, because they still quarreled over the appointment of the command. In 1672, when the British and French armies came under pressure, the Federal Republic allowed William III to regain power, that is, "pro-government", and the first thing he wanted to do was "personal conquest".

In 1670, William III left the Netherlands for England in the name of debt collection, hoping that his uncle Charles II would support him as King of the Netherlands. But after the meeting, Charles II concealed the secret agreement with Louis XIV, and took his nephew to various romantic places and casinos to see the entertainment kingdom he established in London after he came back. Soon William III was full of contempt for this uncle, He also canceled his plan to rely on his uncle to support the revival of the family. Like all young people, he planned to regain power by his own strength.

In the 16th century, Spain repeatedly attacked and defeated France and the Ottoman Empire, expanded a large area of ​​colonies, and established the first empire in history on which the sun never sets. However, the excessive expansion of armaments led to Spain declaring national bankruptcy three times in a row. At that time, there was no credit system in Europe. In short, the Spanish treasury was empty, and the Netherlands was full of trade, so the Spaniards launched an attack on the Netherlands.

The king not only imposed heavy taxes on the Netherlands, but also forced the Dutch to buy national debt, and he didn't want to pay back the national debt after buying it. At this time, the Inquisition came in handy.

About 50,000 Protestants were executed, and a large-scale witch hunt broke out at the same time. Sometimes a person may not be a wizard, but the magistrate took a fancy to the jewelry and sculptures he made and asked craftsmen to sell them to him at a low price. People who disobeyed were burned in the name of sacrilege. Faced with this situation, the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands signed an agreement in Ghent in 1576 to launch the Netherlands Revolution. When facing the common enemy of the Spaniards, the differences between the North and the South were not serious.

However, the storm of revolution intensified, out of control, and the Protestants in the north turned their swords on all Catholics, even the Dutch in the south. To the southern Netherlanders, the Spaniards just ask for money by raising taxes, while the northerners want their land. On balance, the Southern Netherland simply formed the "Aras League" 10 years after signing the contract, and talked with Spain. And, became the Spanish Netherlands.

The northerners, who were deeply persecuted by religion and plundered economically, continued to fight Spain with no room for maneuver. The siege of Ostend was a heavy blow to the Netherlands. Although the loss was made up for by other victories, both the Netherlands and Spain needed There was a respite, and an agreement was finally signed in London in 1609 for a twelve-year truce.

After the Thirty Years War broke out, the Netherlands joined Gustav's camp and attacked the Spanish Netherlands as a whole. In the same year that the Thirty Years War ended, the Eighty Years War ended in 1648.

The foundation was laid by Frederick Henry, known as William the Silent, and the contract was signed by William II, father of William III, who died of smallpox in 1650.

The wealth created by the seaport is far higher than the sum of the inland territories. The British value the blue territory even more than the mainland, and the Dover Strait has been a busy commercial route since ancient times. At this time, the strength of the British navy increased greatly. The first Anglo-Dutch war broke out when the British took the lead in shelling Dutch merchant ships in the Dover Strait.

The Great Speaker at that time was John de Witt, and the ruler of the United Kingdom was Cromwell. Compared with the solution by force, the Great Speaker decided to use diplomatic means. The two sides signed the "Westminster Peace Treaty" in 1654. , the Netherlands recognized that Britain had equal trade rights with itself in the East Indies.

The second Anglo-Dutch war took place during the restoration period. When Charles II succeeded to the throne in 1660, William III and his mother also attended the ceremony. William III's mother was infected with smallpox here, and John de Witt was not at this time" Deal with" this fatherless orphan, and William III was also infected with tuberculosis.

He taught William III to play tennis and exercise, making William III stronger, so William III was able to "conquer himself" when he was 22 years old.

During the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Black Death broke out in both Amsterdam and London, but the war continued. People would look back before they died, until the Great Fire broke out in London.

Since then, the navy has built giant ships. Even if Bonaparte asked Lana to really throw boulders into the river, it is still a question of how long it can stay there. They get washed away. But inland rivers are indeed not conducive to warships that use broadside artillery naval warfare tactics, but it is very suitable for the destroyer "Vigilance" that sent the Duke of Bedford's family to a banquet last time. It also has a copper ram.

Charles II died without heirs in 1685, and his younger brother James II succeeded him. After only three years in power, the Glorious Revolution broke out, and William III of Orange was invited by Parliament to become king.

From 1620 to 1720, a financial revolution broke out in Britain and a credit system was established. What is the credit system? The government power bows its head under the laws of the economy and accepts the lender, that is, the business experience and rules accumulated by the businessman for centuries to make an assessment. That is to say, the government regards itself as a businessman, accepts the bank's loan system process, and lets the bank review Assets and assess the ability to repay the loan, this is credit.

Louis XVI was able to borrow money because he was the king. If he declared the country bankrupt like the king of Spain, then France's credit would not know where it would go, and it would be very difficult to borrow money from the world. The Dutch in the 18th century were the richest moneylenders and the most experienced appraisers. After the Glorious Revolution, the Void King’s Cabinet could also make the regime bow its head and accept credit evaluations from businessmen. The alliance between the two parties is It was a matter of course.

Even when William III was 22 years old, the Netherlands was almost subjugated, and Charles II sent someone to persuade him to surrender. William III's answer was "I will die in the last ditch of the Republic".

William Pitt Jr. said that the life and foundation of this nation rests on the national debt.

During the War of Independence, Britain also owed huge debts. It issued 3 million public bonds, but subscribed for 5 million, all because Britain never defaulted on its debts.

It was the public debt that broke out the 80-year war in the Netherlands, and it was also the public debt that allowed the Netherlands to help Britain breathe a sigh of relief, and even made it rise to a certain extent. Austria lost the war. Of course, the war bonds he issued became waste paper, but Napoleon forced it through the contract. It repays the debt, which is in line with the rules of the international game, and at the same time makes the Belgians very happy.

In English, another name for paradise (paradise) is heaven, which is only one letter different from haven representing the port, and the pronunciation is extremely similar.

Vlissingen belongs to the Netherlands. The road from Vlissingen to Antwerp is located on the right bank of the Scheldt River. This side is less affected by the tides of the North Sea, and it is easy to build a good berth, but the inner depression is the best. This way the ship will be less affected.

In a zero-growth world, people essentially engage in a zero-sum game. Basically, they gamble and run. The Italian bankers in the war are all examples, and the world of positive growth must be based on "integrity" and "credibility".

It can be understood that Bonaparte no longer intends to play the public debt game in front of the Dutch. He is like Columbus going to the New World, telling the bankers his plan, and betting freely. This is equivalent to "buying a ticket". You can enter the zoo if you buy a ticket, and you can go to Belgium to do business by "buying a ticket".

Leclerc died, leaving orphans and widows. Polina didn't know how to operate the canal business. The Chalon Canal Company could not compete with Lyon in France, but they could travel along the Rhine to the inland rivers of Belgium and the Netherlands.

The United Kingdom guarded the West Indies, the estuary of the United States. Not only did they show off their might, but they also captured Irish and British sailors on American merchant ships to replenish their sources of troops.

Fewer people eat better, and more people work better. It is impossible for all men in England to serve as soldiers. Someone must be engaged in industrial production. Dunkirk will withdraw the army from the European continent at all costs during World War II. Otherwise, Britain can only rely on boy scouts Here we go.

It takes time for children to grow into adults, and that's what we all need.

However, Britain will not withdraw its troops from Malta. Napoleon’s expedition to Santo Domingo sent the Rhine Front Army. They were almost wiped out. The conscription plan was canceled in 1802. If the Dutch garrison was withdrawn, the Rhine Front Army could be supplemented or transferred to Santo Domingo, of course, the latter is personally unwilling to go, even the Swiss mercenaries mutinied when they heard that they were going to that place.

Compared with the tropical rainforest and the rebels, yellow fever is more terrifying. These small things that can only be seen under a microscope are extremely deadly.

Napoleon encountered the Black Death during his Egyptian expedition. Except for himself, everyone else was released after being quarantined in Marseilles for a period of time. Humans sometimes sum up their experience. Quarantine is the best way to deal with the Black Death.

He is also a person who has experienced that kind of despair, so will he still raise money here to send those young people stationed in the Netherlands to Santo Domingo?

She hoped that was not the case, to resist by self-detonation, even if such a place was won on the frontal battlefield, it would be lost due to endless guerrilla attacks after the war.

The ancient Greeks compared the country to a ship. In a democratic system, no matter the first mate, the second mate or the sailors, they all want to be the captain. They think that when the sea is stormy, they will work together to overcome the difficulties because they are afraid of being buried in the sea. But when the ship enters the port, But it will collapse because of the power struggle among the crew.

Odysseus is still a person. After a lightning strike, the crew all fell into the sea. He still remembers to find his companions, but he wrote at the beginning of "Odyssey", these blasphemers will bring disaster for themselves, The gods deprived them of the chance to return.

If neither Agamemnon nor the army came back, Troy was besieged for 10 years, during which no one doubted that Odysseus was dead, Agamemnon went back, and after comparison, those nobles found Odysseus probably dead.

Agamemnon didn't end well either, he was murdered by his wife and her lover.

In fact, Odysseus could have gone back earlier, if he hadn't listened to what Witch Circe said and steered the boat in the direction she pointed. She is the goddess of witches, who lived in seclusion on the island of Aea, because she poisoned her husband, the king of Sarmatia, and was also the aunt of Princess Medea. Circe graciously invited his crew to have a big meal on the island, but she put a potion in the food, making the crew turn into piglets after eating the food.

One of the crew members reported the situation to Odysseus immediately after escaping. The fellow messenger Hermes suggested that Odysseus use the herb Moly to resist Circe's magic.

You can't believe what the witch says.

said Georgiana.

At the last state banquet, the British felt that Bonaparte looked a lot like a slovenly captain, so:

"Drive carefully, Captain." She said to his back, and then continued to entertain the guests.

Otherwise, everyone on the ship will die, and some people will even compete to steer the ship in the name of correcting the course and avoiding hitting the rocks, even though the ship is about to capsize in the storm.

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