Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2232 Flower Controversy (141)

Another name for Rostend in Dutch is Ostende. Unlike Dover, which I passed by before, there is a flat river here, not to mention mountains, there is not even a mound, and the chalk cliffs have disappeared. Instead, it is golden. beach. According to legend, around the 4th century, Viking pirates began to invade this area, and the flat golden beach of Ostende is very suitable for their pirate ships to land.

This is a city without walls, and you can see the palace built by the Austrians from the boat. According to legend, the city walls were built in Bruges in 1128, before it was a harbor city. In 1134, there was a sudden heavy rain, which washed out a river and formed a canal from Ostend to Bruges, and Bruges became the "Venice of the North".

The Venetians built the palace with the most beautiful side facing the canal, and the same is true for the palace in Ostende. On the side facing the sea, next to the beach, there are guards of honor in gorgeous uniforms standing every few meters. The ship did not stop, but continued on until it reached the mouth of the canal. A cavalry guard of honor has been prepared on the wharf on the west bank of the canal. They lined up in formation and served as a cordon to separate the citizens for a road. Here you can see the "central axis" of Ostende, which On both sides are St. Peter's Church and the City Hall, which are shaped like Notre Dame de Paris, and behind it is a large square. Along this "central axis" until the end is the Royal Palace they just saw on the boat.

After they disembarked along the balustraded and ribbon-decorated stairs, the military band played, and then Udino, the cavalry commander of Bruges, saluted Bonaparte, and then Bonaparte mounted, Georgiana and Eche Voss got into a luxurious carriage, and immediately they were driven through the city under the escort of cavalry.

Citizens on both sides of the street are waving red, white and blue French flags. First, Belgium is not yet independent. Second, Austria has ceded Belgium to France through a peace treaty. From the movements of their flags waving and the expressions on their faces, we can see that they are I didn't see how excited I was.

Austria also has the East India Company, and its headquarters is in Ostende, but it has little sense of existence under the shadow of the British East India Company, and has been jointly suppressed by the British and French East India Companies since its establishment.

In fact, there is still a voice in French public opinion that the "Campoformio Peace Treaty" did not bring much benefit to France, because Britain did not lose its colonies, and even if France got Belgium, it would still be a "giant with mud feet".

Of course, this cannot be said to Napoleon "now", otherwise it would not be the end of dropping the teapot, and he would be able to roar with a loud voice for half an hour.

The crisp sound of horseshoes on a stone-paved street is sweet to the victor but death knell to the vanquished. The bell towers in the city are ringing, and the melodious bells should be heard far away, as if it can be heard in London across the strait.

The first palace after passing through the fenced courtyard is Nerva Palace, which is Athena in Greek mythology. There is a gilded sculpture of her at the door. She holds a spear in her right hand, and Victoria, the goddess of victory, stands in her left hand. With a pair of wings, it looks like an angel.

It is best to go to Ostend in summer, and the cold wind blowing from the North Sea is bitingly cold, so this palace is designed in the style of the Summer Palace, but it does not have the huge geometric garden like Versailles, or Schönbrunn Palace In such a dense forest, the left and right wings of the Nerva Palace are full of greenhouses. These two green corridors wrap the Neptune Courtyard, which is the main palace, but there is no Neptune sculpture in the courtyard. The mural on the wall shows Neptune fighting a sea monster with a trident.

Edgeworth looked at the decorations in the palace and marveled, while Georgiana had to slump to avoid making a fuss.

After she put away her luggage, Bonaparte went out again. This time, the cavalry took him to see the ancient battlefield. From 1602 to 1604, there was a "Siege of Ostend" war here. A fortress controlled by humans, it is said that 100,000 people were killed or wounded in this siege. The Spaniards destroyed everything after taking the city, but the foundations of the fort remained, on the east side of the canal.

She didn't go out with him, but stayed in the palace and invited Matilda. She hadn't had time since last night. Only then did she know that Matilda was not taking a boat, but a carriage. Come overland to avoid seasickness again, it's not here yet. However, she was not free for long, and the daughter-in-law of the Duke of Leoncourt came in to report that the ladies of Ostende had prepared a welcome party, which was held in the Opera House of Jupiter Palace behind.

Georgiana called Bertin in again and began to comb her hair and dress up. She almost finished it by the time the sun went down, and Bonaparte came back. They went to the Opera House before they had dinner. There were no empty seats in the theater, and there was thunderous applause as soon as Napoleon appeared.

The emperor and the empress do not sit in the same box. They sit in the two positions closest to the stage respectively. As for the position in the middle of the auditorium, it is too far away from the stage. Not only is it far away, you can’t hear what the actors are singing. Everyone is staring at the stage in front of them, who will look back at the middle position?

The queen's box was vacant for the moment, and Georgiana and Edgeworth were seated together in the emperor's box, which was roomy enough even if they were far from Bonaparte.

This time it was the English soprano Elizabeth Billington, but Georgiana wondered how many people were watching Billington, sitting stiffly, "enjoying" being watched by thousands of people, even when they lowered The sound, the "humming" sound almost overwhelmed the soprano.

Bonaparte left during the intermission, and Georgiana had to stay to "socialize". Fortunately Edgeworth wasn't just an old man dancing Irish dances around the table, he was very personable and blocked most of Georgiana's problems.

In the past, Jefferson may have been pro-French, because France had no king, but the United States needed to buy New Orleans as a seaport, and three-eighths of the goods in the United States had to go out from here.

If the United Kingdom "really" intends to use the West Indies as a supply base for South American development, British warships will often appear in the colonies such as Cuba and Barbados in the West Indies, and indirectly block the sea outlets of the United States.

So Jefferson had gone from friend to "enemy" of France, and former President John Adams, who once thought it would take a war to unite, became pro-France.

Such was the case with politicians, and Richard Edgeworth, a member of the Irish Parliament after all, was by far the most satisfactory guardian to Georgiana.

After the banquet, Georgiana returned to Neptune's Palace. Before returning to her room, she heard the news from Du Roc that Napoleon was ill. He left early to see a doctor. She couldn't tell at the theater before.

He had been eating seafood all the time at the beach, and he didn't have dinner tonight, so he had a stomach attack, and there was no major problem. After taking the medicine, he rested.

The more Dillock said so lightly, the more she wanted to go and see it, but was stopped by the guards.

"If you really wish him well, go to church and pray for him," said Duroch. "What else can you do? Save him by magic?"

Georgiana had nothing to say.

Lord North once asked the British Minister of Magic to treat George III's illness. Later, the news leaked and affected his political career, but these are not the point.

You can't cast jinxes on Muggles, so is using healing magic on Muggles a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy?

Napoleon had been a historical figure to her, lived in books and portraits, in ways she had never imagined.

Life is so fragile, that's why she keeps a turtle, at least it has a long lifespan, and she doesn't have to witness its death.

Lily and James Potter's epitaph reads that the last enemy to defeat is death.

How to defeat death?

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