Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2231 Flower Controversy (140)

Speaking of Georgiana's new guardian, the first person to mention is Maria Edgeworth, who published her first novel "Ormond" at the turn of the century in 1800, and soon became a star . Contrast that with her loud, red-faced, Irish-dancing father, Richard Lovell Edgeworth, who is mostly remembered as an educator , inventor and statesman, was the first to bring the telegraph to Ireland, but the telegraph language he invented was impractical, as he said, like a giant waving his long arms and using his clumsy Fingers speak.

Few people know his status as a member of the Moonlight Society, but Maria doesn't see Richard as a hero, a leader of industry, and she was embarrassed when she mentioned her father last time, not only because of his fourth marriage. The wife is one year younger than Maria.

Seriously, it takes a certain amount of cheek to be Georgiana's guardian in this situation, but after Richard signed those papers in Georgiana's place it seemed to be a sign that the French wouldn't be as rumored Invading Ireland, on the contrary, Ireland has an "enclave" in France.

Georgiana couldn't imagine how Bonaparte communicated with Edgeworth. After all, Edgeworth was an Irish MP, and she hoped he knew what it meant to do so.

It was also because of signing this document that Richard became a new passenger on the Pomona. Then they set off from Calais to Ostend, which will be the first Belgian city they stopped in, and then they will go to Bruges, and from Bruges to Ghent, Antwerp, the original plan is not to go to the Netherlands , because of Georgiana's temporary request, after paying homage to Rembrandt, I went to Mechelen and Brussels along Antwerp, and then went all the way south and returned to Paris.

Bonaparte had no intention of sailing from the mouth of the Stolde to Antwerp, although that would undoubtedly be comfortable, but the French merchant ships could still proceed under the escort of the French and Dutch navies.

She had no idea what was planned in his mind. On the way, Edgeworth and Georgiana chatted about the scenery of Dublin, to be precise, the new customs house in Dublin, which is one of the largest large buildings in Britain.

The French people tore down the "city gate" used to collect taxes, but Dublin was repaired extremely "elegantly and concisely". The relocation of the customs building was proposed by the tax collector Bisford, which aroused criticism from many people.

Some people think that Bisford is doing this for his own benefit, because his townhouse is in the east side, and once the customs are moved, the land price there will rise, and it will also affect the business in the west side.

But this bill was rejected by the Privy Council. The veto from London mainly came from a person named Wilbur Ellis in the North cabinet. What about a tax palace?"

Bistford had no choice but to lobby persistently in London before he persuaded the "gentlemen" to agree, because the old customs was too dilapidated. It’s just that the new relocation plan is to move the four court buildings to the hotel pier on the other side of the river. This location was originally planned to store the national archives. However, the key point is that it is very close to the market area and Ellis’ real estate. It is Ellis 1738 Inherited from his uncle.

The scale of the entire project is puzzling, as well as Bisford's insistence. In addition to this large project, Dublin also has a long-gestating Grand Canal plan to connect the Shannon River and the Liffey River through artificial waterways. This canal is located not far from the new customs building. It is equipped with health trails and entertainment and leisure places. In order to beautify the closures on both sides of the canal, tens of thousands of elm trees were planted, and a small Chinese-style building was built on the reservoir in the city. bridge.

This drew applause from the public, and likewise no one asked how much a tree cost, what was the survival rate of so many trees planted, how much was replanted, how much public spending was wasted.

Edgeworth was also active in public works, though he was mainly involved in agriculture, and he welcomed the canal. The Urk Canal in Paris and the Saint-Martin Canal started construction as soon as they started. He visited this trip, and he sincerely lamented the efficiency of France. It took a quarter of a century for the Dublin Parliament to approve the first phase of the construction of the canal.

This man reminded her of Arthur, a good father who is not very capable, it is difficult for you to feel disgusted with him. Later he also showed Georgiana the blueprints he designed, about various carriages, and then she began to understand why he would agree to be Georgiana's guardian.

When other countries, including Britain, were still suspicious of vaccinia, Napoleon had already begun to promote it in France.

At present, Britain is the most advanced manufacturer of steam engines. They have not produced steam engines for trains that can not explode.

When going into an unknown field, "trial and error" is always inevitable, which requires investment of cost. But if the number of "trial and error" is too many, the cost of investment will be high, which is not as good as those "lucky ones" who won the big prize after only one trial.

The maze designed by Georgiana is estimated to be a big project. Even if wizards are used to build it, it will save a lot of cost and cost a lot of money. He didn't ask about the budget. Of course, it may be because it doesn't even have a prototype now. .

This is a bad habit. If he is a fool, he will be easily deceived; when Guo Dachang blocked the Yellow River breach, he used all the materials and manpower. For talents, there is nothing more enjoyable than giving full play to their talents.

The civilized world has these basic projects, and these are also the things destroyed by war. In war movies, you can often see ruins and destroyed roads. These are all to be rebuilt after the war.

Rome also had sewers and water supply facilities, but these were not available in the Middle Ages, and everything, including London, was once very dirty, so it became a hotbed of plague epidemics.

Without these infrastructures, we will return to the "dark" Middle Ages, and there is another content that is easy to overlook, that is, the power that drives these facilities. After a power failure, not only the subway will stop, but even the ventilation facilities will stop working together. She encountered it once in London, when she saw a Ravenclaw student blowing air into the vents to prevent Muggles from suffocating in the subway. There are facilities but no power, and those facilities are just decorations.

Rinaldo de' Albizzi, the important figure in Florence, had this to say to Duke Filippo in Milan:

Is there any disease more harmful to a republic than slavery? Is there any other treatment that can effectively eradicate this disease? Wars are unjust, but wars fought when necessary are just; violence itself is merciful when only violence can offer hope of salvation. I know of no country that needs this more than ours, nor any greater sympathy than the deliverance of our country from slavery. Therefore our cause is just, our purpose benevolent, and if our just cause does not inspire Ning to attack them, your own righteous indignation should motivate you to do so.

Rousseau also wrote: Each country believes that it is in everyone's interest to weaken an arrogant enemy who wants to rule the world, not to mention that in addition to this common interest, each country can also obtain individual interests it wants.

To put it another way, everyone wants to be the righteous side, who will be the villain?

The "heroes" who went to Troy to fight for Helen should more or less bring some loot, such as gold coins, jewelry and artwork, and slaves at worst. It's just that Troy has a strong city wall, which is not so easy to conquer. The wooden horse was brought into the city.

Heroes with flaws in personality need a villain to support their glorious image and cover up their shortcomings. James Potter from the righteous Gryffindor, who has been pursuing Lily for a long time, did just that, but he chose the wrong one. In Slytherin, Lily knew Severus well, they were from the same town.

But as they grow up, they are no longer what they were when they were young.

Georgiana looked at the steep coastline of Calais, which was not unlike that of Dover.

The madman she said yesterday was Grindelwald who destroyed Paris, Bonaparte seems to have misunderstood.

Severus wouldn't do that, after all there was no Albus to force him now.

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