Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2205 Flower Controversy (113)

In most people's minds, the desert is vast and endless, only the hills made of yellow sand undulate like waves.

However, when the wind blows, the sand and dust rolled up by the wind will become a maze, which is different from the kind of maze with solid walls that can block people, and it can be passed through.

At this time, people looked up, but they couldn't see the stars in the sky to guide them.

It would be nice to have a compass.

But the compass is not a commonly used item, who would take it with them?

When traveling, people tend to "prepare for a rainy day". "Prepare" means to repair the roof, and it means not to think about repairing dams until the flood comes, and to think about storing food until the famine begins. But if you bring an umbrella because you are worried about rain, it will cause a lot of unnecessary burdens. Will anyone prepare an umbrella when they are going to the desert? But the British always carry umbrellas, which is determined by their rainy climate all year round. It is reasonable for them to carry umbrellas with them.

In "Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing" there is a plant called "Migu", which looks very similar to a mulberry tree, but has black lines, and it looks radiant.

This is what makes the imam feel strange. The Yin people have a magical power, that is, to create a maze and trap mandrills. If they are also trapped in the maze because of getting lost, they will be sent to the maze of Crete. Greek boys and girls are hunted by monsters in the maze, so they should have the ability to escape from the maze.

When describing the plant whose tongue can bloom in the book, it is written that "the skin sprays gorgeous venomous thorns like the sun rays to the opposite bank". , from swagger. Juehua streamer, released to the sky. Wear it without confusion, there is a potential spiritual mark.

It seems to be saying that this kind of plant can be used as a compass pointer, but the compass pointer uses a magnet. How can plants have this ability?

And regarding the interpretation of "Pei Zhi", Nick and the imam also have differences.

"Pei" can mean "to wear", such as hanging jade ornaments and swords on the belt. There is a big difference between China and Japan in the way of saber swords. Nick has seen samurai sabers in Japan. Their hilts are forward, while the hilts of military officers in the Qing Dynasty are backward; Japanese samurai will use rope Tie very complicated knots on the scabbard. In the Qing Dynasty, there were two special places for hanging ropes on the scabbard, and it was easy to pass through with a rope.

The imam felt that "Migu" could be carried with him, but Nick asked how to wear a tree? How useful is it if you just take a small branch?

Moreover, "胊" is composed of "month" and "sentence", and "sentence" is composed of "mouth" and "丩" in seal characters, which means bending and twisting, while the composition tree is straight, so Nick does not Agree that "Magic Valley" is "that" tree.

There are many characters that have different meanings from when they were first invented. For example, Mo in Su Dongpo's "The Story of Shizhong Mountain" is an ancient character for "twilight", because "Mo" is used as a negative word "bu" and The meaning of "Mushouyou" was created later, which refers to the evening when the sun sets. When creating this character, it used Cangjie's way of making characters in ancient times, imitating all things in nature.

The "Zhao" created by Wu Zetian is not fabricated out of thin air, and there is indeed an astronomical phenomenon in which the sun and the moon are in the sky at the same time, which is not a spectacle, and generally occurs more in the early morning and evening of autumn.

There were corresponding characters in ancient times, and later generations created new characters to express this meaning, which are called ancient and modern characters.

The word "Yi" first referred to the Dongyi people, and later referred to foreign countries. This foreign country may not be as far away as Europe. During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, places other than the Central Plains civilization could be called "foreign countries", including the current Jiangxi area. It was not until the Zhou Dynasty Enter the Chinese territory.

It used to be called Ganyue and Wu State, but that was the record of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. It is not clear what it was called Nick in prehistoric times, but the Shan Hai Jing records exactly the prehistoric world. In the book, a kind of The giants of Gan, and the geography recorded in the sea where the giants of Gan are located are relatively messy. After describing North Korea in the East China Sea, they jumped to the valley city in the West Sea.

The hexagram Meng represents ignorance, which is a naive state, just like a child who doesn't know much about the world.

In Tao Te Ching, "turning a blind eye" refers to "Yi", which describes the state of ambiguity, like a road blocked by wind and sand. When the future is unclear, many people will choose to take shortcuts. This is what Juren explained for Nick , the thoughts expressed by Lao Tzu, an ancient philosopher, in the Tao Te Ching.

It is impossible to understand the scriptures written by the ancients with the understanding of modern people. The "Huangdi Neijing" is a scripture about the same period as the Shanhaijing. It was written by the Yellow Emperor in the "ancient" period. There is such a record in "On Taoism": The Taoist, the sage will practice it, and the fool will admire it. From yin and yang, there is life, against it, death, following it, order, against it, chaos, and reverse order, reverse, this is called internal grid.

Many people think that the "pei" here is a pendant worn, but some people regard it as a violating "back". There is a flame tattoo on the back of the corpse of a Yin Yin slave, and there are many more criss-crossing lines in the tattoo. Is this "not fascinated by admiration"?

Yinyin is a mysterious race. Before encountering this book, Nick never thought that people could turn into plants.

The usual "vegetative person" refers to the kind of motionless human body that lives like a plant. The Yin people call it "human stone", which refers to the state between sleep and wakefulness. One can spend one's life uncertain of the existence of a rusty nail, a hole in the side of a leather boot, a fat yawning cat, a figure shambling alone in the morning mist, or anything else sex.

This is the most fascinating and subversive of the Yin Yin people. They live in a world of concepts. Only wizards in their race can write, and their words are references and abstract representations of things.

In the world composed of truth, falsehood and riddles, when it comes to true and false, we have already entered the vortex of logic and gradually lost in it. "False" is a veil, and "true" is a thickened mask. Obsessing with "true" may make fatal obstacles. When everyone thought that Newton's theory was the truth, someone proposed the infinite minimum quantity in his theory How did people respond to the flaws?

We are still in a world of indescribable and uncapturable mysteries. As the Yin Yin people say, in the world of the blind there are only mysteries, poetry and darkness. They are not afraid of the dark, but feel that it contains all the plots. This is completely different from the feeling of people who like light, and even contradicts each other to a certain extent.

Confucius once said to Ji Lu: If you can't serve people, how can you serve ghosts? If you don't know life, how can you know death?

The word "鬾阴" is a Chinese term, and it is transliterated as "gene", and no language can describe it correctly, but the person who translated the word still used the word with "ghost", "鬾" is a child-like the ghost.

In some legends, the mandrill is a one-legged dwarf, and its haplotype is very different from that of the Gan giant.

People have always thought that mandrill is a kind of animal, but Nick thinks that they are from Xiaoyang country, and they also have their own country and civilization, just like their neighbor Beilin country. Even though Beiqian and Yanyin had disappeared, there were still only a few indistinct words left behind, so what about Xiaoyang Kingdom?

There was a *** scholar who was looking for them in Wuyi Mountain. Where did he go? Is there any way for the teenage imam to find out what his name is?

If possible, Nick would like to go to Yunnan once to check the babies conceived from magic flowers that Wu Sangui brought back from Shanhaiguan. Unfortunately, he does not have freedom of movement in this country, although because of the admiral's asylum, he and most foreign countries People are already very free compared to Nick.

Even in a bustling city like Qingjiangpu, it is still rare to see people with his appearance, but the locals are curious, and they don't ask him to roll up his sleeves like the people in Wuyi Mountain and Tulou.

It seems that the mosque can not often go.

After leaving the mosque, Nick thought helplessly, so where is he going in the future?

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