Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2204 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twelve)

The admiral's predecessor, the Governor of Nanhe, was dismissed from his post because he submitted a memorial to raise the price of materials, and he was worried in Qiantang because of his mother's death, while his predecessor, Kang Jitian, was involved in water transportation and grain issues.

Water transportation and river engineering have "already" been separated, but not completely separated, just like the work of the governor to clean up the river seems to have been separated, but it seems not to be separated. Cao Xi is now investigating the problem of "grain" in Huai'an with Su Qi, the governor of Jiangsu. .

More than 20 years ago, the folks used good rice to pay for grain, but with the payment of fees such as official collection, Dingdui, Guohuai, and Yuntong, even after subsequent rectification, the people of Cao were still blackmailed, and local management violated the law. To collect and transport a stone of rice requires an extra payment of seven or eight buckets, and the grain households are overwhelmed, so they replace it with the following rice.

In order to complete the task of collecting grain assigned by their superiors earlier, the officials who collect grain collect all the rice and rice together. Extortion fees range from 230 taels to 270 taels per ship.

Some people add water to the rice, then use bamboo, put a torch into the pile of rice, the rice will rise a lot after the raw rice is cooked, and then cover it with a layer of rice and cover it with a warehouse board, so that it looks like the warehouse is full .

Some people put the old rice in lime water and steam it, so that the outer layer of skin falls off, and the old rice looks like new rice.

Tie Bao, the previous Governor of Water Transportation, was also known for being good at Yan Zhenqing's regular script. He was from Zhenghuang Banner, whose original surname was Jueluo, but later changed to Dong'e. It was difficult for Emperor Jiaqing to deal with him, so he often helped his subordinates take responsibility .

But at present, the imperial court needs military rations. The last time Yue Qi investigated the case, Cao Chen Jiang Zhaokui directly transported the grain to the north without meeting Yue Qi at all. Now that Tiebao has been dismissed, it is most suitable for investigating cases at the time of "alternation between old and new". Cao Xi was busy with this matter during the Dragon Boat Festival.

This young man was very worried about losing his fiancée, so he was not affected by the atmosphere of the Jiangnan officialdom, but he was very worried that the admiral had a misunderstanding, and hoped that Nick could explain it to him.

He also apologized for the previous rude behavior, but as Nick thought before, Cao Xi was not honest, and Nick did not really forgive him, and he was still wary of him, but Nick still conveyed Cao Xi to the admiral. Xi wants to say.

The "lawsuits" of the Governor's Mansion in Nanhe are overwhelming, and the admiral is struggling with the issue of refugees. With the success of the war, order was restored in some places. At this time, to deal with the aftermath, the central officials divided the land according to the Miao village and the village. Not only the bandits, but also the ordinary people who helped them And implicated, their land will be re-divided, so that the refugees will go back.

This is a good thing, but it is not a good thing. The flood season is coming, and there is no material or manpower.

The admiral didn't have a fever like he did in Guangzhou this time, but he became extremely angry, and he kept scolding Cao Xi for various wrongdoings.

Many streams of water flow into Hongze Lake. Once a heavy rain occurs, its water level will rise quickly. It is inevitable to open the floodgates, but how much rain will it be?

Nick has been to the dams built by France in India, but he doesn't know whether this will help the current flood control, because he found that the dams of the high weirs are built of stones, like barrel walls, not trapezoidal. From the perspective of mechanical analysis, the pressure at the bottom of the dam is very high, and it is easy to burst. However, it would be a huge project to change it all into a trapezoidal shape. The high weir is like the Great Wall, with twists and turns, and the materials used are similar to those used to build the Great Wall. They are all sealed with rice milk. This material is amazing. The last time Nick was in Zhenhai The earth buildings seen in the county are also made of rammed earth mixed with rice husk and rice pulp, which is very strong.

If the embankment continues to be raised, Gaoyou Lake will face floods pouring down like a waterfall. If the embankment is not raised, the silt at the bottom of the river will not be washed away, and the lake will overflow the embankment, threatening the safety of Huai'an and Yangzhou.

Other places are praying for rain, while Huai'an is hanging out with Sao Qingniang. The responsible officials, let alone paralyzed in bed, have to go to the scene to direct even if they have only one breath left.

Although Kang Jitian was removed from the top job because of the grain transportation case and was assigned to Yili, he was recalled the next year. Because he defended the Qujiazhuang embankment in the 59th year of Qianlong's reign, he was used again. He is currently in charge of the Yellow River in Shandong Province. The river workers of the two rivers and the canal are known as "another person who ruled the river after Yu".

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was also a Fengshui master named Kang Jitian, who later became one of the "National Masters" of the Qing Dynasty. However, he did not stay in the capital and become an Imperial Academy like Cao Benrong, the master of Yixue, but held an official position in the local area. Feng Shui in ancient China is closely related to urban planning. As a traveler, observer, and recorder, Nick didn't want to get involved too much. He was busy with everyone, and he couldn't continue to teach Wanning In the case of the young lady, I went out to find the teenage imam again.

***The religious calendar also uses a pure lunar calendar, which uses the moon's waxing and waning to calculate time, but their calendar is different from the lunar calendar, with only 355 days in a year. "Ramadan" is a Buddhist term. Buddhist Ramadan is the first month, May, and September of the lunar calendar. Islam borrowed their vocabulary. The worship ceremony held during the Islamic month of Ramadan is called "Juli".

May is not the holy month of Ramadan, but the imam asked Nick for a "juli" gift-Gaoyou salted duck eggs.

This time Nick thought about it before going to the mosque, and decided to take a bath first. After all, everyone, even animals, took a bath on the Six Days of June in early June. He also brought two pieces of soap with spices as a gift when he left.

The word "wax" is composed of "worm" and "xi". In ancient China, wax was not extracted from animal fat, but from the secretion of white wax worm, which was specially used to make white candles.

"Xi" represents dried meat and leftover meat, and agrees with "Zu" which means "man is a knife and I am fish".

Zu can be an utensil for offering sacrifices, or a chopping board under which meat is cut. In "Zhou Li", the wax family is responsible for getting rid of "骴", a kind of bones with unrotten flesh, and rotten corpses. Not only is it prone to worms, but it also produces a kind of animal fat called "corpse wax". Nick sincerely hopes that the "dried meat" represented by "Anaphylla" does not mean this.

The funeral customs in the East are very mysterious. The Egyptians would also make the corpse of the pharaoh into a mummified corpse, and the nobles of the ancient Central Plains would wear jade clothes. They believed that jade could guarantee their immortality.

In fact, well-preserved ancient corpses are occasionally found. Mummy corpses are relatively easy to understand, while those "wet corpses" are difficult to understand. They are usually dignitaries during their lifetime, only in this way can they mobilize enough labor to build them graves in the "Feng Shui Treasure Land".

Regarding the astrology in ancient China, they do have a lot of backwardness, but they should have found some kind of magical law. Nick has no objection to Wanning continuing to study by herself like Wang Zhenyi, but he still hopes that she can continue to study European science.

It was time for their brief intimacy to come to an end. There were barriers of etiquette, constraints of custom, and barriers of civilization.

It's annoying to let the ladies hide behind the dark bamboo curtains. They haven't done anything wrong, so why can't they read books in the sunshine?

This bad mood also affected Nick's attitude towards those who were curious about his appearance. If he found someone staring at him, he would show the folding fan with the admiral's inscription, just like the fan said, fan it, Bring a cool breeze in summer.

Georgiana laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Bonaparte asked curiously.

She found out the silver folding fan given to her by the British businessman, and with one hand behind her back, she walked around and raised her chin, "What do you think I look like?"

He looked at her amusedly.

"Every 'talented man' should have a folding fan, do you think I look like me?"

"I want to watch Fan Yu, what else do you want besides the one at the dance that day?"

She put away the fan, pouted unwillingly.

"There's nothing wrong with being a girl, you don't have to look at that maggot-covered corpse."

She wanted to scream, but then she remembered that once in summer in Italy, he saw a lot of dead bodies in a small church, and several people called his name from the "mountain of corpses", counting on him to rescue him. them.

"Why are you silent?" asked Bonaparte.

"One day you will know that you were wrong." She said angrily, and sat back in her seat. She knew that there were female forensic doctors among the Muggle police.

He didn't seem to believe it at all, showing an unpleasant smile.

She was so angry that she picked up the book and read the rest of it aloud.

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