Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2194 Flower Controversy (102)

To enter the Forbidden City, you must have a waist card as a guarantee of trust, and there are strict rules for entering and leaving the Forbidden City. Especially during the Qianlong period, the access control was relatively strict, and the palace ministers had strict regulations on which door to go. If you enter the palace in the middle of the night, you must have a combination of yin and yang, and you can enter only after the inspection is correct.

But occasionally there are special circumstances. Because the palace yard needs various repairs and daily needs, Nuo Da’s palace needs a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain normal operation. In addition, in order to compile the history of the country, the "National History Museum" will also hire many writers and paper crafters to serve in the museum.

This kind of temporary "waist card" is usually made of paper, the waist card of officials is carved from precious wood, and the belt card of princes and ministers is made of more precious materials, and they can carry a certain amount of entourage.

In fact, if you are serious enough to get in, it is not so difficult to do it. There was a monk who lived in Minzhong Temple for one night, and then set up various temples in Beijing to live, sometimes for three to five days, sometimes for ten days, and often entered the temple. Inner City Huazhai, after eight months like this, he is already very familiar with the streets and alleys of the inner and outer cities of BJ. On the day of the winter solstice, he entered the city again, walked to Donghua Gate and looked into the Forbidden City, but was chased away by the guards.

When it was getting dark, he went to Xihuamen again and stood on the street. Passers-by asked him what he wanted to do. The monk said he wanted to find a temple, so the man took him to Zhaoxian Temple not far away, but the monks in the temple did not Unwilling to let the monk stay overnight, he went back to the street.

At that time, it was already the second watch drum, and the monk followed the carriage to the door of a big house near Jingshan and sat in the open for most of the night. At the fifth watch drum, he saw two people walking with lanterns in their hands. Carrying a food box, the monk followed them into a fence, but after a while they disappeared. He was exhausted and had to find another place to meditate.

Not long after, the soldiers patrolling the city found him and asked him how he got in. At this time, the monk had already arrived at Shenwumen.

The soldiers searched him, and there were no prohibited items except his personal clothes, scriptures, precepts, fate book, etc. The soldiers also took him to identify the soldiers guarding the city, and whether there were any lantern-carrying people he had seen inside. Then the monk was sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation. He was from Jing County, AH Ningguo Prefecture. He was 54 years old. His wife and children died of illness in the 53rd year of Qianlong. Fa became a monk, and he got a degree in Yangzhou in the first year of Jiaqing. As soon as he got the degree, he went around for a living and arrived in BJ in the first month of this year.

The people in the south of the Yangtze River never forget the story of the emperor’s southern tour. In order to thank the emperor for his great kindness, and there is a fantasy that accompanying the emperor on the southern tour, asking to see the emperor can reward a temple host, so the above scene appeared.

After the incident of the monk sneaking into the Forbidden City happened, the relevant personnel were summoned, and no one found the monk during the night of the interrogation. As for carrying the food box to Jingshan, no one on Jingshan has been imprisoned there, unless someone wants to pay homage to Emperor Chongzhen who hanged himself here.

The infantrymen of the imperial city sent people to search the mountain, but they did not find any traces of sacrifices. In the end, this strange incident was perfunctory, and the monk who broke into the palace was ordered to return to vulgarity. . The commander of the infantry also failed to keep the city gate because of his tireless control, so he voluntarily asked to be handed over to the official tribe.

When reading memorials in the Hongben library, Juren often encounters people from the Hanben hall. They are the places in the cabinet that are responsible for writing Hanben memorials. The imperial edicts of the Qing Dynasty were written in Manchu, Chinese, and Mongolian. There are also three languages. A few years ago, there was a soap servant of the Hanben Hall who was in a hurry and was holding a memorial document in his hand, so he didn't even notice that his waist badge was lost. Although I couldn't find it after searching for several days, I finally had to report it to the officials of Hanben Hall. After confirming that the waist badge was lost, I was severely punished.

According to folklore, all kinds of thieves broke into the Forbidden City to steal treasures, and it seems that they all have the ability to fly over the walls.

In fact, it is much easier for those eunuchs who don’t know a single word to steal treasures than the thieves. As the saying goes, “the business of beheading is done by someone, but the business of losing money is not done.” It was also done. In the twenty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign, some people did this. Not only the eunuchs were bored enough to gamble, but the palace guards were also bored. Some people carried the burden and sold wine to them, so the guards often got drunk when they were on duty.

No matter how "small business", actually went to the Forbidden City to do it.

It may be precisely because of this that they dared. After all, a big business is not as penniless as they are, and they will suffer heavy losses if they are fined.

The memorial written by Li Wei to return the land pawned by usury to himself was not approved by Zhu, but it does not mean that Emperor Yongzheng did not see it, because Li Wei was the "doorman" of Yongzheng, and he was the governor of Zhili at that time, in charge of Zhili. Arrest and robbery, refugee resettlement and security issues.

Li Wei has a good reputation among the people, because he enforces the law impartially and is not afraid of the powerful. In other words, he is arrogant. He is nearly two meters tall and has extraordinary strength. He did it himself. He had a man named Li Zihong, who was not only "strength against a thousand men", but also extremely fierce. He fought a tiger just like "Fuhu Arhat", but he killed the tiger and put the tiger's intestines in it. Wrapped around my hands a few times.

Li Wei can play "Buku" with him, but Li Wei is the "Governor of Zhili", don't ask him to be as "gentle and polite" as other governors, catch thieves, catch thieves, that note is definitely not written by the master. That's right, returning the title deed to the dead man himself will reduce the refugees and save the governor a lot of trouble. Don't try some dangers. Xiang Yu wrote a poem, "Strengthening the mountain and overwhelming the world." Lifting the tripod is not something ordinary people can do. King Wu of Qin died when he lifted the tripod.

Yongzheng stipulated that "fire consumption should be returned to the public", and he wrote "I am such a man, such a disposition, and such an emperor!" in his commentary to Tian Wenjing. doorman.

There is a saying in the Forbidden City, "The imperial cats in the palace are as fierce as tigers". In fact, there are many stray cats in the palaces. In the arms, "Bao'er" and "Rou'er" kiss each other.

Is that a tiger? What do they have in common besides being orange?

Generally speaking, the gentry in Huai'an still hope that the Huaihe River can be managed well, and everyone can continue to live and work in peace and contentment, so they come up with ideas and think of ways. When the new governor came, he asked them to go up to the tower and look at them, and they went too. Not everyone is like Zhang Gongchen. The house is restless. Sun Zongyi was an example. What's more, when Hongze Lake opened the gates to release the flood, he didn't greet the downstream at all, and didn't even leave time for people to organize evacuation.

Later, Gaoyou also vacated the flood discharge area. In order to keep the water transport unimpeded, officials of the emperors of all dynasties made sacrifices for the overall situation.

It's noisy, so noisy that it's dark, and my head is dizzy.

Juren thought he was the staff member of "Zuo Mu", while Nick felt that he was a "guest", and he was there when he was eating, and he didn't eat dry food. Wasn't he teaching Wanning Western learning?

You two were arguing slowly, he followed the decorations in the mansion and went outside to find Qingjing.

Papa, my big boy

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