Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2193 Flower Controversy (one hundred and one)

JDZ is just a big village, that is, the kind of town where houses are gathered together. The town does not have the city walls like Huai'an. With the development of the porcelain industry, the town has more than one million people. If you look down from the hills around the town at night, you will think that there is a fire in the city, because thousands of hot kilns emit red light, rising The smoke seemed to form a huge dome over the city. The Changjiang River flows through the JDZ, forming a basin with a width of one ancient mile in the town, and the river water reflects the diffuse fire.

Miss Wanning's account reminded Nick of Manchester or Birmingham, only without the sound of steam engines, and JDZ was not smelting iron, but manufacturing it with a fragile and elegant material.

The word porcelain (porcelaine) is derived from a single shell (porcella), because the appearance of porcelain is very similar to this shell, Europeans have never understood the composition of porcelain, although the Jesuit missionaries, especially Yin Hongxu The process of making porcelain under unremitting research has been well known, and Yin Hongxu has lived in JDZ for a long time.

Auntie's cough brought Nick back to reality. He was introducing "The Elements of Geometry" to Wanning at the moment. It contained very basic geometric knowledge, but for a person who had never learned these things, Wanning learned very well. quick.

Maybe she will learn geography, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, etc. in the future, just like Emperor Kangxi, who not only knows these things, but also surveys and maps. In the future, Nick will teach her how to use goniometers, planetariums, quadrants and other instruments. The premise is that they can be bought, otherwise it will be the same as the compasses and triangles she uses now, and Nick needs to do it himself.

He avoided objects related to surveying and mapping, superstitious or not, it would bring him bad luck when good luck was what they needed right now.

Juren and Cao Xi are still busy. Nick has always been in contact with businessmen, and has never really been in contact with country gentry. Many of them are Jinshi. They returned to their hometown for various reasons, and they quarreled. The reason for this is not just because of interests, or the interests that Nick thought.

After the precedent of opening the Hongze Lake sluice to flush out the silt in Jiangpu, a river engineer proposed to divert the water from the Huaihe River to flush the sediment from the Yellow River. It has become a "hanging lake", and Gaoyan has become a veritable Gaoyan. As a result, Gaoyou in the downstream will directly face the crisis of being submerged by floods, and because of the serious corruption of river workers, the quality of this dam is even more worrying.

The local gentry, led by the advanced scholar Sun Zongyi, put forward a plan to stop raising the dam and dredging the Huaihe estuary. The sluice released the flood, and the flood directly poured into Gaoyou Lake. At that time, Zhizhou fell into a serious illness and was paralyzed in bed. His family did not inform him in time. Sun Zongyi sent his son to inform him. Ten more people were killed when the dam collapsed. But compared with the floods, more people died due to plague and famine, and tens of thousands of people were displaced due to hunger and cold.

Regarding the governance of the Huaihe River, whether to build dams or dredge has been controversial since the Ming Dynasty. Originally, there was a flood and the government wanted to rescue the disaster. Sun Zongyi and other gentry spontaneously organized to build huts and provide food for the victims, but these were not allowed by the government. When Le Fu, the governor of the river channel, participated in the performance with the title of "evil gentry", he accused his grandson of spreading rumors and dominating the village and other illegal activities, which was opposed by the gentry and people of Gaoyou.

However, there was a student, Zhang Gongchen, who was a staff member of Li Yougong who guarded Yanghe Camp. Li Yougong was instructed by Le Fu to raise the embankment of Caohe River in Gaoyou to a rolling dam. Submerged, originally he did not support this plan, but he was charged with "manipulating his wife and killing his mother". Zhang Gongchen was middle-aged and had no children, so he had to marry a concubine and have children outside. The mother and son were scolded and committed suicide in anger. Some people said that when the two scuffled, Zhang's wife threw Zhang's mother to death. After the incident, Zhang Gongchen asked Li Yougong for help. Li Yougong said that as long as he could sue Sun Zongyi, he could avoid death After Le Fu found out, the trial of Zhang's case was postponed, but for the sake of insurance, Zhang Gongchen and Li Yougong married their sons and daughters, and Zhang Gongchen married his daughter to Li Yougong's son.

Zhang Gongchen fabricated the "three major crimes" for Sun Zongyi, which caused an uproar in Gaoyou. Soon the governor who arrested Sun Zongyi came and imprisoned him in the Temple of Fire. Gaoyou Bazaar immediately went on strike to protest. The market was forced to open, the state students cried at the Confucian Temple, and the bell rang as a warning. Le Fu sent people to arrest them. As a result, some students who did not go to the Confucian Temple to cry themselves fell into the trap and were imprisoned together with their classmates. Limin Liu Zhifu went to Beijing for Sun Zongyi The Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Department of General Administration, and the Dengwen Drum Institute all went to the complaint, but none of them were accepted.

Liu Zhifu was heartbroken and waited on the emperor's only way back to the palace, intending to "hold up the sedan chair and cry for injustice". Only then did Dengwen Drum Court say that he would accept the case, but the progress of the trial was slow. In the end, Sun Zongyi died in Yangzhou Prison. The city mourned again, and then the conflict between the government and the people ended.

Building embankments to control the Huaihe River has quick results, but from now on the Huaihe River will become an aboveground river like the Yellow River, and if there is a small breach in a place, it will flood and cause disasters.

The effect of dredging the Huai River estuary is slow, and with the amount of sediment carried by the Yellow River, it is easy to be blocked again. Raising the Huai River dam that flows into the sea alone can ensure that Gaoyou and other waterways entering the river will be safe, and new coastal residents will suffer.

Originally, after Sun Zongyi's death, the imperial court deliberately kept the scene cold. Sun Zongyi made so many friends with high-ranking officials, but no one rescued him. In the ninth year of Kangxi, Sun Zongyi repaired Yue Fei's tomb. murdered for the crime.

How to manage the Huaihe River is likely to be another difficult problem for Emperor Jiaqing after he suppressed the White Lotus Sect. If the pirates in the southeast are added, it is hard to imagine how much pressure he will bear.

Emperor Shunzhi once hoped that Manchu and Han could work together to govern the country, just like the governor of Nanhe hoped that all people would work together to control the water.

But it is not so easy to get people to work together, although sometimes it seems easy, a command can be done.

Nick intends to teach Wanning some knowledge of the machinery written by Deng Yuhan. The Ministry of Industry also has machinery for canal maintenance, so that she can "share the worries" for her father. She is a very filial daughter.

It's a pity that she is not a man. The admiral couldn't hide his shame when he mentioned this matter, and he was not very relieved about Cao Xi.

There are many stories of "talented scholars and beautiful ladies" in Jiangnan, such as Li Shishi, Du Shiniang, etc. They are all brothel girls, and they are quite dissatisfied when they mention this admiral.

Nick remembered Cao Xi going out in a sedan chair at night, so he didn't say anything more.

Now how to do? As Juren said, don't act rashly, should you send Captain Yao's sailors to the capital, or leave the country directly?

But before that, he thought he could go to the mosque to find the little imam and ask for the book back. It's just that this time he has to prepare presents, what should he bring with him?

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