Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2191 Flower Controversy (Ninety-nine)

The dominoes were probably produced in the Xuanhe period of the Northern Song Dynasty, so they are also called "Xuanhe tiles" or "Xuanhe tooth tiles". The Chuan tiles popular in Sichuan are a variant of the dominoes. Although "Mahjong" is similar to dominoes, it also has "tubes", but the rules are completely different from dominoes, the number of cards is much larger, and it is inconvenient for four people to play.

There were also players who played Pai Gow in the palace, mainly eunuchs. After the lessons of the previous Ming Dynasty, the eunuchs in the Qing palace were basically illiterate, and they had almost no other entertainment except eating, sleeping, and serving as errands. Shi, don't even think about eating with the maid.

Gambling can not only pass the time, but also bring excitement and excitement, but it is not fun to gamble without money. At the beginning, you gamble for a small amount of money, and then the more you gamble, the more money you owe.

For gambling, there is a strict "code" in the palace - "Existing Regulations in the Imperial Palace" to regulate, and eunuchs are not returned to the country for legal control. The department that specializes in dealing with them is called the Respect Room, which belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Anyone who commits the crime for the first time will be under the flail for two months, and will be punished with forty boards. This is mainly because some palace people borrowed usury outside, and then the debt collectors ran to the gate of the Forbidden City before stopping, and some people secretly took things from the palace to sell outside. These are not things that are piled up in the warehouse and left to rot, but people are using them. For example, a concubine who is not favored, the emperor has not been to her for a long time, what is the use of having such a beautiful vase in her residence?

The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were so powerful that they could directly ask for bribes, but the eunuchs of the Qing Dynasty did not have the courage. There are many "miscellaneous silver shops" outside Di'anmen in the Forbidden City. Compared with the front gate of "Zhengyangmen", Di'anmen is commonly known as the "back gate". To enter and exit through Di'anmen, one must pass through those "miscellaneous silver shops", and there is a time limit for the palace people to go out, and they cannot go to many places, or stay in extra places, so the area around Di'anmen has become a place where the palace people sell the palace. The place where the jade display was sold.

The Zhasak County King's Mansion is just north of the alley on Taiping Street outside Di'anmen. When the Sangzaidorji smuggling case happened, he and the Xiaojun Wang were both in Kulun. After the incident, they were imprisoned in this mansion together with the Xiaojun Wang.

If you don't want to be imprisoned to death like Yongzheng's brothers, the only way is to find ways to get out of trouble. Although Sangjaidorji was not rich after his house was confiscated, it was still possible to repay usury loans for several eunuchs so that they would not take such a big risk of stealing things from the palace and selling them.

Playing cards together can also enhance "friendship", and some chief eunuchs will also participate, and "Ada" will "pass by" the county palace when leaving the palace. No matter how tight the time is, there is still time for a cup of tea.

Originally, Juren who took this path could not have anything to do with a famous official like Ji Xiaolan. He was a Jinshi in the 19th year of Qianlong. Flooding occurs frequently.

But he also participated in the revision of Siku Quanshu, and Yong Rong served as the president. If Juren hadn't read those memorials, he would not have known that this matter was related to a memorial written by the governor of Zhejiang in the thirty-first year of Qianlong's reign.

During the Kangxi period, thousands of people were involved in the Ming history case, and more than 70 people were killed. At the beginning, the reason was that Zhuang Tingfeng, a blind rich man in Wucheng, Zhejiang Province, wanted to follow the example of Zuo Qiuming, who was also blind in history, and write a history book by himself.

Not only those who repaired books, but even the engravers who carved letters were executed together, and private collections were also executed.

In the 31st year of Qianlong, private compilation of chronicles began to rise again in Zhejiang. This time, unlike the Ming history case, Zhuang Tingfeng bought Zhu Guozhen’s posthumous manuscript, and used the Ming Dynasty’s reign name. This time, those who privately compiled history books consulted it. Local History.

Siku Quanshu has a wide range of collections, as you can see from the warehouse of Wenyuan Pavilion. When collecting these books, many of them were banned and destroyed. Most of the unofficial histories are folklore, and the authenticity needs to be investigated. Some people even say that Qianlong His biological father is not Yongzheng, but Ji Xiaolan's teacher, Sergeant Chen. After all, Qianlong was born in Lama Temple, and there is no respect room in the Prince's Mansion, and there is no special eunuch to record.

Just read the unofficial history, if you don't believe in the official history and believe in the unofficial history, you just don't listen to the official story and listen to the joke. The books that Nick got from somewhere are not unofficial histories, they can only be regarded as miscellaneous histories, probably because the people who gave him the books lived in the deep mountains and old forests like Wuyi Mountain, and they were written in Turkish, so they hid themselves. Passed that inspection.

Qianlong also opposed the literary inquisition when he first came to the throne. Similarly, Emperor Jiaqing seems to be busy dealing with the issue of the White Lotus Sect, so he didn't take care of the literary inquisition. If he remembered...

Every year, the Shangyuan Festival is held in the palace. It is a grand banquet in the palace, and many foreign envoys will participate. However, if there is a lunar eclipse, it will be postponed. A lunar eclipse occurs.

The calendar compiled by Tang Ruowang is very accurate, but how did he die?

In the beginning, the Jin people did not have any script, but they used Khitan script for the convenience of communicating with neighboring countries. During the Jin Taizu period, Wanyan Xiyin was ordered to refer to the regular script of the Han nationality to make it into Jurchen script.

In the official history, Wanyan Xiyin was executed because "the traitor has already sprouted, and his heart is in Wujun". Wanyan Xiyin was also the creator of the "ritual system". Zhouli eradicated the Wuxian culture in the Yin and Shang Dynasties to a certain extent, and Wanyan Xiyin was a staunch supporter of shamanism and witchcraft, and he himself also presided over divination.

He is not a witch, Jurchen has a special wizard in charge. Shamans are overwhelmingly male, and witches are relatively rare, but not uncommon among nomadic peoples. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a kind of "Tianmo Dance" popular in the courts of Dadu. This is a dance passed down from Nepal. The dancers are all women. The red silk gold long and short skirts, the sleeves of the heavenly clothes, the diamond scriptures, and the wild goose dance. Goguryeo women danced the most dances at that time.

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty brought this kind of fashion, let many court dancers learn "Tianmo Dance", and let these dancers listen to what they said when they participated in the family banquets of officials and common people.

This custom still existed in the Ming Dynasty, and there are even legends that Zhu Di's mother, Concubine Yu, was a Goguryeo woman, and Empress Ma was just her adoptive mother.

If there is really nothing to pay tribute to, you can pay tribute to people. For example, there were female slaves in Silla in the Tang Dynasty, dancers in the Ming Dynasty, and eunuchs in Jiaozhi.

These are all acts of subjugation. Fortunately, North Korea did a favor. Their aristocrats gave priority to beauties to "cut off Hu". The tribute women are getting uglier and uglier. insulted.

In the seventh year of Shunzhi, North Korea paid tribute to a group of tribute girls. At that time, Shunzhi was only 12 years old. Dorgon was so impatient that he "personally" ran to Shanhaiguan, 200 miles away, to pick them up. Scolded the North Korean envoy, "The princess is ugly, the maid is ugly, your country has no sincerity!" Then let North Korea go back and choose again.

Later North Korea sent another batch, this time it is said that it was much more beautiful, but Dorgon died, Xiaozhuang returned these "tributes".

The purpose of reciting the Diamond Sutra is to cultivate insensitivity. If you become a vajra without insensitivity, even if you can’t achieve the true fruit, you can still remain “involuntary” just like Liu Xiahui who is still in her arms after watching those “female demons”.

When Sangzai Dorje was alive, he had dealt with Jebtsundamba Living Buddha, and it was the same with Dorje in Yunduan. Juren learned a lot of Buddhism because of this. But for Nick's trouble this time, "Buddha" is probably going to be pissed off.

It's too embarrassing for a young man to be punished by kneeling or hitting his palm with a ruler, not to mention that this is not a problem that can be solved by punishing him with kneeling and a ruler.

At this time, it would be great for Juren to be able to recite the magic spell like Tang Sanzang. The premise is to have the golden hoop worn on Monkey King's head. Unfortunately, that thing does not exist in reality, but only in a ghost story made up. nothing more.

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