Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2190 Flower Controversy (Ninety-eight)

There are many people born with precocious wisdom in the world. Some people call them geniuses and envy their "talent", while others endow them with mysticism.

"Please sit down." The little imam who was sitting on the ground said to Nick.

Nick followed the example of the Bedouin and sat stiffly on the ground.

"You can translate..."

"Did you bring a gift?" The little imam interrupted Nick with a smile.

"No." Nick said blankly.

"Then I won't tell you everything I translated." The imam smiled mysteriously.

Nick looked impatient.

"If you're not going to tell me, please return my book."

"Let's start with the myth of the birth of the Yin people. Legend has it that there was a tree that suddenly grew teeth and learned to walk. It perched on the edge of a river that was sandwiched between the two banks and stretched like a bow string. , and then fanatically fell in love with his own shadow, just like the boy with the same name as Narcissus in Greek mythology." said the imam.

Nick's eyes widened in surprise.

"I, like you, at first thought the shadow was half black under our feet." The imam pointed to the elongated shadow in the setting sun and said, "They call the 'shadow' we call black honey, and the mirror The reflection of the appearance in the dream is called the consciousness when it is dim and about to wake up, and it can have a certain relationship with the dream."

"What?" Nick asked confused.

"Mandrills are not good at sports, or they will become bloated and sluggish when they reach a certain stage. They will eat a baby of the Yin tribe called 'Shadow Bait', and then regain their agility and emaciation. That is to say, mandrills They eat black shadows," the imam explained.

Nick looked down at his own shadow, because the floor was wiped clean, and there was his own reflection in the half-black shadow, and he looked at the imam again.

"The mandrill ate the 'shadow bait' and spit it out again. The black curse on the shadow bait also disappeared. This seemed to be beneficial to both parties, but the mandrill attracted by the bait became the prey hunted by the Yin people. It ran away. into densely populated towns."

"Why?" Nick asked.

"You want to ask why they become natural enemies?" the imam said with a smile, "what is your first reaction when you eat food in your mouth? It is to swallow it, not to spit it out, so the mission of the patriarch of Yinyin is to lead the people to catch Mandrill catching, in the myth, the Yin man gave birth to a child with his shadow in the water, and was tempted by a glowing monster, hoping to see the true face of the shadow, and he was punished for this, the shadow in the water Like a gradually extinguished flame, it disappeared in front of him, so there is "darkness" in this world. We can understand that this is some kind of curse of the Yin Yin people, that is, "shadow backlash". Only mandrills can help them Lift it, even though doing so would risk being swallowed by a mandrill."

"Unbelievable." Nick said in disbelief.

"Half-black is sweet, and all-black is venomous. We think there is only one shadow, but in fact there are thousands of them. It's just that when you pay attention to it, they overlap into one. The more half-black shadows, The closer it is to total blackness, in order to lure mandrills to appear, hunters will paint themselves black with charcoal, and their own skin color is yellow. They intermarry with other ethnic groups and start families. According to the information currently available, they are at least Intermarriage with Han, Hani, Saxons, Persians and Slavs, some of these peoples are very afraid of their own shadow, they will not be understood, and this is also the characteristic of the Yin people, they are always isolated However, this brings them an unexpected benefit. They can settle down when they are alone, and listen to their thoughts quietly. If many Yin Yin people gather together, they will bite each other and fight, so they are keen on parties. But only to express that they are not understood. There are a thousand kinds of loneliness that cannot be resolved for a thousand people because of people. The race of Yinyin is on the verge of extinction, but their mixed-race children will still be discovered by mandrills. Jin was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century. The thick smoke from the burning of the corpses attracted the Yin people, and they appeared out of thin air among the Jurchen survivors in the Xiaoju mountain forest. , the demise of Yanyin and the revival of the Jurchens will happen at the same time, so they took in the exiled Yinyin people, shared food and land with them, and supported them with the harvest of fishing and hunting, until one day, the neighbors of the Jurchens heard that they There was a 'devil burp' sound from the gathering place."

"They let the mandrills eat the Yin people?" Nick asked.

"I don't think that's what you should worry about right now." The imam looked at Nick and said, "Who else has these materials besides me?"

Nick came back to himself.

"You know that the current rulers of the Qing Dynasty are the Jurchens. Although they call themselves the Houjin, they now call themselves the Manchus."

So Nick hurried back to Guandi Temple.

Juren had already returned by this time. He had read the note and knew where Nick had gone. He was not in a panic. He was wearing a decent summer suit he bought in Guangzhou for 2.5 silver dollars, and he looked at himself at ease.

Nick immediately told Juren the news he had heard from the imam, and Juren, who was in a good mood, jumped up.

"You..." Juren pointed at Nick with a trembling finger, so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Whether those friends of yours are reliable!" Nick asked calmly, "As long as they don't tell, no one will know."

"There is no impenetrable wall in this world!" Juren walked around the room like a trapped animal, and asked after a while, "Do you know which page those contents are written on?"

Nick froze again.

"I see who has those materials." Juren said with a beard and a stare.

Nick hurriedly found a copy of the book again. Fortunately, he made an extra copy and found the number of pages in it.

Juren looked at the page and took out an account book.

"It's Ji Xiaolan's grandson, Ji Shuxin." Juren let out a long sigh.

"Are we going to BJ?" Nick asked.

"Who and you are us!" Juren slapped the table and cursed, "Why do you always receive those weird things!"

Nick remembered the note of unknown origin he received in Guangzhou. Juren once suspected that he was the "lone star of the evil spirit", and Nick also began to wonder if he was "urged by a ghost".

Then Juren wrote a letter, and Nick wanted to say goodbye to the admiral, so he went to BJ in person, found the "grandson" named Ji Shuxin, and got the information back.

As for whether the imam will leak the secret, he can only believe that the imam will keep it secret.

He didn't care that it was night now, and it was not in accordance with the etiquette to go to the back garden. When he walked to the door, he saw Cao Xi leaving the governor's mansion in a sedan chair.

He didn't care, because Cao Xi was probably out to entertain, and then he saw the governor lying on the couch in the study.

Wanning was sitting on the stool next to him reading for him, but she stopped reading when she saw Nick coming.

Nick was thinking about how to speak, the governor had already sat up, and asked Nick how Europeans pastime.

Nick went back to what he was about to say, telling him to play dominoes.

The dominoes are "Pai Gow". Captain Yao and his sailors used this kind of gambling equipment on the ship. An Italian missionary put them upright, and then pushed them lightly, and the dominoes would fall one by one.

Nick will arrange some small tricks, which will make the dominoes fall more dramatic. At the same time, he also thought that he can let Captain Yao's sailors go to BJ instead of him, the premise is that this person must be reliable, strict-spoken, preferably not Literacy.

He played this game with the governor with complicated feelings, and the governor was also very preoccupied, only Wanning was very happy.

Maybe with this game, her unmarried life will be less boring.

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