Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2188 Flower Controversy (Ninety-six)

There is no longer corvée under the one-whip law and the provision that the stalls enter the mu, but in fact they are still being conscripted. The bearers who carry the sedan chair and the porters at the post station are all corvee. The prosperity of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal began in the Sui Dynasty, and the expropriation of civilian husbands by Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty was also considered a kind of tyranny by later generations.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal can be divided into 7 sections, namely Jiangnan Canal, Li Canal, Middle Canal, Lu Canal, South Canal, North Canal and Tonghui River. Yellow rivers often carry a lot of silt and river sand. Pan Jixun, an expert on river control in the late Ming Dynasty, proposed the method of "sweeping water to attack sand" and carried out a large-scale control of the Yellow River, that is to say, the method of using the rapid flow of the river. The sand is washed away, but this requires very strong dikes. Although the water in Qingjiangpu is clear, there is still silt on the bottom of the river. Although the silt can be used as fertilizer, but because of the difficulty of recruiting peasants, and the shallow water in the river mouth, once the silt will hinder the grain ship, it is impossible to clear it frequently Fortunately, Qingjiangpu is close to Hongze Lake, and the lake water can be diverted to the east to scour the river.

The former admiral of the Guangzhou Navy was actually incompetent for such a highly professional job as repairing the river. In fact, although the last governor of Nanhe was dismissed, he still stayed on. The main reason was that his mother passed away and went back to Ding You. If you want to complete a water conservancy project, you must work together from top to bottom. That is to say, the work of the new governor does not involve highly professional content. The subordinates are also very clear about this. They will write to Qiantang to ask questions about the river. Still Ding You Governor of Nanhe.

The governors of various places originally had the function of being the prime minister of the river, but later this function was assigned to the governor of the river. At the same time, the governor also had the responsibility of caring for the refugees. When the collection of corvees could not meet the workload requirements of the river, they would be temporarily hired to make up for it. difference. Fortunately, the last time the Bailian believers who sneaked into the folk house burned the warehouse where the embankment was built, not the granary. When the Gaoyou Liangxu serial printing case happened, the governor of Nanhe was stripped of his top and wore a flower feather, and was exiled to XJ. credit.

Some Hetai needs the assistance of the governor, and some governors need the assistance of Hetai. In the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong, Min Eyuan was excluded because he did not flatter and resign. His political achievements have always been the best in AH province. Refutation, of course, was also because Qianlong was still alive at the time, so he resigned and returned home after considering so many conditions.

Even if Emperor Jiaqing did not engage in literary inquisition like Qianlong, writing a memorial for the admiral was not as easy as writing a memorial for An An. Traditional Chinese medicine needs to read, hear and ask, and writing memorials also needs to feel the pulse of the emperor to know where his "sickness" is. E Ning made a mistake, and suddenly changed from the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou to the governor of Fujian.

To understand so much, of course, newcomers can't know it just by asking. This is why it is so important to win over the squires.

Officials changed like flowing water, but they, the squires, had been living in the local area and were very familiar with the local conditions. The admiral had always been kind to the squires. In short, he planned to hold a "deer crowing banquet".

The traditional Luming Banquet is held for candidates who passed the provincial examination. It is named after the Luming chapter of "The Book of Songs Xiaoya" will be sung during the banquet.

It’s past May, and it’s not the right time to hold a deer crowing banquet, but venison can be eaten at any time, and it’s not the deer that sings, but the horn horn, which can make the deer cry “Yo Yo”, Magnolia paddocks are played at the start of the hunt.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were still many natural forests in the south of the Yangtze River, but hunting requires prey. It is hard to say whether there are deer in this forest.

Anyway, it probably means going out for an outing by hunting. The key is that these country gentlemen are all sitting in sedan chairs. How many of them can ride horses?

Later, it was changed to go to Ciyun Temple to "sweep the pagoda".

There is a Fawang Pagoda in Ciyun Temple, which was built by Emperor Kangxi to commemorate Yulin, a Zen master of Dajue. There is a legend about this Zen master. The national teacher was also a monk in his previous life, but he wrote a good hand. Once a female patron saw his good writing and thought he was a handsome monk, so she thought of a way to donate a monk's robe to every monk in this temple, on the condition that the monk must come to pick it up in person. , and to compare the dharma name, because the monk's robes are all the same, in order to show the difference, she embroidered the monk's dharma name on each monk's robe.

As a result, on that day, the master of the previous life went, and the woman was shocked by his ugly appearance, which made the monk very ashamed. At this moment, he heard that when he came to worship the pharmacist Liuli Guangfo, he could get a Liuli-like appearance and body , So I worship Buddha every day. Later, the lady felt that it was a bit too much, so she gave some more silver taels, but she stopped coming in person.

This is a legend, just like the handsome Tang Sanzang in Journey to the West, which attracted all kinds of female fairies to marry him instead of eating meat. But Tang Sanzang saw that they were all unmoved, and the Buddha's heart remained unchanged until he met the king of the daughter country.

He messed up in front of her, and in order to get rid of her entanglement, he blurted out "if there is a fate in the afterlife". Buddhism believes in reincarnation and reincarnation, but after becoming a Buddha, there will be no reincarnation, unless you take the vow to come again and save all living beings in the form of sentient beings in the six realms, but this is not called reincarnation, because this driving force is no longer karma. If they have to cross, they will incarnate into something.

If any building is not repaired and cleaned, it will be covered with dust like the Golden Light Pagoda in Jisai Kingdom, and even become a monster's lair.

There used to be a Buddha treasure on the top of the Golden Light Pagoda, with a golden light on it, always shrouded by auspicious clouds, but one day the golden light was gone after a bloody rain, and it was stolen by the Hydra, the husband of Princess Wansheng. After working hard, he and Erlang Shen finally got rid of the Hydra and recovered the Buddha treasure.

Shenxiu of Zen Buddhism once said: the body is like a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. Wipe it diligently at all times, so as not to stir up dust.

Standing on the National Teacher Tower and Qingjiang Pu Tower, you can climb high and look far away, but you can see different scenery. You can see the bustling city from the tower, and you can see the boats on the Li Canal from the upstairs. A good place to chant poetry. Nick, who couldn't even speak Chinese well, didn't go to this occasion, and stayed in the Governor's Palace.

There is a rose garden in the Qingyan Garden. The roses blooming here are quite different from those in France. Nick collects those flowers to make "Rose Water" while admiring them. In the Song Dynasty, "Dashi", that is, the Abbasid Empire once used it as a tribute. Send it to the emperor.

The method of making rose water is very simple, at least Nick knows how to extract the essential oils in the flowers, and when he picked the flowers, he heard the sound of music.

He looked up at the sky to make sure it was daytime. The last time he heard this mournful music in Faxing Temple, he met a weird monk and told him a story about the Forbidden City.

This time he followed the music again, Wanning was still playing, but she was not playing Xiao, but Guqin.

She played so carefully that she didn't notice Nick behind the rosebushes, and Nick didn't bother her.

When Wanning thought that Nick could not speak Chinese, she once told him her thoughts, the bride was just the shadow and echo of the family, but Nick estimated that she would not say these words to him now.

Even if Nick is "Yi", he is still a man and cannot live in the same house with her.

Unless he and Hallock said, don't care about the morals of people in this country, but this kind of indifference to other people's feelings will certainly not last long.

If one day, Nick embarks on the journey again, will Wanning go with him through the Middle East full of deserts and bandits?

Water is needed in the desert, but the water will soon be evaporated by high temperature and dryness, especially in places like the Flaming Mountains, where water cannot be retained at all.

So he returned to the residence.

The fragrance in the Guandi Temple is very strong. It is the fragrance emitted by the pilgrims when they enter the incense, but it is not a good spice. It smells acrid.

This reminded him of the tea fryer in Wuyi Mountain, and the same smoky iron pot. Then he put the freshly picked roses on the table, left a note, and left the room.

He hoped that the little imam had already translated the book, otherwise he really wanted to just go to BJ to see if other people had translated the book. It was too difficult to wait like this.

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