Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2187 Flower Controversy (Ninety-five)

"How about it?"

At about 10 o'clock in the evening, Bonaparte opened the door and walked in, then closed the door again.

"Which one are you asking?" She raised the book in her hand, "Is this still a meeting?"

"Which one do you want to talk about?" He came to her and sat down next to her.

"Remember the International Conference of Wizards I told you about in 1692?" she said with a smirk. "The same thing didn't happen, no sables running around under tables, no protesting centaurs. "

"Sounds great, how's your book going?"

Georgiana looked at him suspiciously, why is he in such a good mood?

"You can't stop until you finish reading it, right? Anything interesting?"

She briefly talked about the plot he missed, and then said, "After I finish reading this book, I will go out to bask in the sun more, and if this continues, I will become a nerd."

She said euphemistically, but what she actually wanted to say was that she would become the old bat, the hooked-nosed wizard who had been experimenting with potions and researching black magic in the cellar all year round, and his skin was pale because he hadn't seen the sun all year round. Reminder to go to the stand to watch the Quidditch game.

"You are already. Didn't you say that you will attend the meeting after reading the book? You should let them wait instead of threatening you to attend, and you will attend."

"I just don't want to offend the boatman on the boat." She sighed. "Do you want to continue reading with me or..."

He stood up without waiting for her to finish, as if abandoning her.

"You think this book is boring?" She said to his back.

"I'll let you read it to me when I want to," he said with a smile, "even if you've already seen it."

She didn't understand what it meant.

Then he hummed a tune-deficient song and went to read a book he was interested in.

The early 19th century did not enter the electrical age, and candles were still used for lighting. She felt as if she was back in the Hogwarts common room, but without the slapstick and partying people.

So she turned her gaze back to the book.

The predecessor always left some trivial and troublesome things, just like when the admiral left Guangzhou, he left many unresolved issues, and the former Governor of Nanhe also left some unresolved cases, one of which was an internal case of the members of the yamen. dispute.

In the second year of Jiaqing, the scale of the Bailian Sect uprising became larger and larger. Among them, a group of rogues went down the river from Fengjie to the "Chu Realm".

Chang Yingcang is outside the city wall of Huai'an. Although there are grain servicemen on duty, once this national granary falls into the hands of the White Lotus Sect, the consequences will be disastrous. It pursued and suppressed, and after the main force was broken up, the rest were broken up into pieces, disguised as ordinary people, and moved in the urban and rural areas of the "Chu Realm".

The job of the governor of Nanhe is to clean up the river and prevent the dam from breaking. It has nothing to do with suppressing bandits or arresting them. However, manpower is needed for both dredging and repairing dams, so some White Lotus believers mixed in with the canal workers.

The workers who do this work are very mobile, and most of the time they are "relief with work" victims. It is also difficult to verify their identities. Moreover, these White Lotus believers not only use the canal to cover up their identities, but also wait for opportunities to destroy them. The materials used to repair the dam were ignited, causing a lot of damage.

Unable to do so, the governor of the river had no choice but to cooperate with the governors of Jiangsu and AH to screen the river workers.

The governor of AH at that time was still Min Eyuan, the same governor of AH who wrote a memorial to spare Li Shiyao from dying. Officials also have an assessment mechanism. If they fail to solve the case, they will definitely be punished. There are rewards for arresting people. A county magistrate plus Yanglian silver, the total is only a little over 1,000 taels of silver. One can imagine the personal income of pawns and even more yamen servants.

The amount of court fees charged by the Yamen is one of the important factors that affect whether people decide to sue the dispute. For example, if a case totals 10 taels of silver, no one will pay the court fee of 10 taels of silver, even if one person pays five taels of silver. Yes, the officers handling the case will also get a case fee of 2 to 4 taels. But the servants will encourage the people to file lawsuits, and the case fee is one of the important incomes of the county government servants. Lu Jianzeng was the county magistrate in Hongya, Sichuan, where the law and order were chaotic, and lawsuits continued. Fortunately, the county magistrate also has a lot of cases to deal with.

In fact, some cases do not need to go to trial, but the people do not understand the law, and the laws of the Qing Dynasty mixed civil and criminal cases, especially the activities of underground gangs and secret associations, such as the arrest of a member of the White Lotus Sect, and his neighbors They also need to "sit together". According to the slang, this is called "opening thief flowers". If the neighbors don't give money to the guards, then they will frame the neighbors for concealing the money and be arrested as accomplices until they pay the guards the money they extorted. Only after he was released would he be released, and the neighbors called this "laundering the names of thieves".

There is also the shed fee, which is the cost of disposing of the corpse in a murder case. If the corpse is left at home and it stinks, the neighbors will also be affected. The neighbors and the homeowner must pay this money.

The Nanhe Governor's Mansion could not receive this money before, and they looked down on it. The good thing is that a fire from the White Lotus Sect burned the warehouse, so that there is no proof of how much the deficit was before. The bad thing is that the previous memorial on Hetai asked Emperor Jiaqing to allow the increase of the price of materials in Hehe, but was rejected, and then returned to the local government The collection of land taxes was refuted by the emperor as "sick people", and then he was dismissed.

Increased military spending means less money spent on civil affairs, money saved on dredging canals, and food shipped by sea instead. If Emperor Shunzhi worried about "pirates" being mixed into the grain ships in the south of the Yangtze River when he was in power, and carried out "anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty" in Tianjin and Tanggu, then it is estimated that no one would think so in the Jiaqing period. Why would anyone think that? People who hear this will think that the person who said it is sick, which makes the banner man's country stable.

On the one hand, there is no money, and on the other hand, there are old grievances. The people left behind by the predecessor Hetai had fierce conflicts, and even reached the point of fighting, so one of them sued the other to Hetai, and the previous one did not deal with it. , I left it to the admiral, no, it's the governor's place to solve it.

Prohibition was implemented in the United States in the early 20th century, because the grassroots police organization was corrupted, so the federal agents were given a lot of power. President Truman once said, "We don't need the Gestapo or the secret police." At that time, the federal agents It has already violated the original intention of dealing with criminals, but used the power in hand to collect celebrity scandals and use them as excuses to blackmail.

There is also the misdemeanor system in the United States. A small act that may not be considered a crime, such as illegal parking, will cause the car owner to receive a ticket. When he fails to pay the ticket, he will go to jail and "work" in a private prison.

The police have increased the rate of solving crimes, and they can also get some other benefits, but vicious crimes have not decreased. During the Prohibition period, many underworld tycoons appeared, as well as the "famous" "Chicago Typewriter" and "Fiddler". It was all Georgiana’s own thoughts. Of course, Nick in the 19th century didn’t know it, but he recorded the contradiction between the river yamen and the local yamen, as well as the shifting “military gates” within the river yamen.

Hedao Governor’s Yamen is also known as Hedao Junmen Department and Du Yushi Department. It is said that there is a person who always suffers from lawsuits. During the Chinese New Year, he said to his family, "No one can go to court this year." Well, there is less bad luck, no lawsuits", but there is no punctuation, just like the independent couplet in Chongwen Pavilion of Lianhua Peak, "The water is far away, the sky is open, the clouds are planted, and the jade is too shallow". As a result, his son looked at the couplet and said, "This year is very unlucky. , a lawsuit is unavoidable."

Even if he doesn't get a good beating, his son's New Year's rewards are gone.

This is because the admiral is too free in Guangzhou, so he was asked to go to the Hedao Governor's Mansion, right?

He Shen was dealt with, but the criminal justice system was settled, but what the new governor encountered was not something that criminal justice could solve.

No wonder Bonaparte didn't read this stupid book anymore, and Georgiana didn't want to read it either. She was not one of the audience who "listened" to the Paris High Court all day long.

But she was also very curious about how the two groups fought. Some fought, some were persuading the fight, and some were booing. She has always been a pacifist.


"What's the matter?" asked Bonaparte.

"Fighting." She looked at the illustrations in the book with great interest, "The officials in the yamen sent their own people to fight with their own people."

"Why are you interested in this kind of thing?"

"Aren't you interested?"

He looked at her seriously.

She stuck out her tongue, forgetting that he was also an "official servant". He definitely didn't like this kind of scene, and she knew that she wouldn't tell him.

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